Name: A7B - Trading s.r.o.
Contact person: Jirφ Brezina
Phone: 00420 2 66783485
Fax: 00420 2 66783031
Street: Jankovcova 2
City: Praha 7, Holešovice
ZIP: 170 88
E-mail: asevenb@mbox.vol.cz
Specification: Firm A7B-Trading s.r.o. occupy os. with export, import, production and
distribution of foodstuffs. Mainly it si fresh food with specialization in dairy products.
Contact: Martin Chmiel
Phone: 00420 2 57210796
Fax: 00420 2 57210796,57216254
Street: Na sklonku 9
City: Praha 5
ZIP: 15000
Email: info@aromedica.cz
Specification: aromatherapy and aromacosmetic products - complete
assortment for home and profesional using, pharmacy design, food suplements out of herbs,
FRESH tablets with etheric oils
Name: Formtrade, a.s.
Contact person: ing.František Basovnφk
Phone: 05/45234137
Fax: 05/45234181
Street: Pompova 4
City: Brno
ZIP: 65681
Specification: Delivery of machinery and equipment, mechanical engineering and food
processing lines, laboratories, transfer of technologies and Know-how
Name: La Boheme UK Ltd.
Contact person: Mr Alexandr Spirov
Phone: +44 208 239 9993
Fax: +44 208 401 1958
Street: 31 Oliver Grove
City: London
Specification: Import & Export company dealing in the following areas: delicacies,
sparkling wines, cosmetic products, model engines, surveillance equipment and educational
tools. Our whole range can be obtained at lower prices through our online shopping
Name: Pentas s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing Jelφnek, Ing
Udržal, Ing Boruvka
Phone: +420 435 628011
Fax: +420 435 628020
Street: Janßkova 170
City: Horice v/P
ZIP: 508 01
E-mail: info@pentas.cz
Specification: design and development of machines for food industry
manufacture and delivery machines and equipment
engineering activity, carried out to order
engineering and delivery activity for piece deliveries, deliveries of technological lines
and whole technological units in a turn-key form
projection activity for food and chemical industry
production of goods from stainless steel, made to order
Name: RENTEX spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Karel Rohacek
Phone: +420 508 24043
Fax: +420 508 2583
Street: nam. T. G. Masaryka 18
City: Prostejov
ZIP: 796 40
Specification: export & import of agricultural products and spices like poppy seeds,
mustard seeds, peas, buckwheat, pelushken, millet seeds, sezame seeds, flax seeds, peper,
coriander seeds, fennel seeds etc.
Name: ROmiLL, spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Roman Vopßlka, ředitel
Phone: (05) 4121 3640
Fax: (05) 4121 3640
Street: Kotlßřskß 53
City: Brno
ZIP: 658 96
Specification: Feed processing machines: roller mills, pellet crushers with
throughput 0,5-20 t/hr, for farmers, cooperatives, feed mills. Save 50% electric
energy in comparison with hammer mills.
Industrial microwave heating equipment: continuous lines for processing of foods
(sterilization, precooking, drying, enzymatic inactivation, thawing),
feedstuffs, ceramics, wood, plastics, compozites, chemicals, pharmaceutics etc.
Composition and finish according to customer needs.
Name: RPS - Ivo Facek
Contact person: Ivo Facek
Phone: +420/507/38 23 43
Fax: +420/507/38 23 43
Lucnφ 181
City: Kloboucky
ZIP: 685 01
Specification: Czech trade company offer a high quality raw materials and products at very
low prices.
Name: SAMYCO s r o
Contact person: Simunek
Phone: 0602 303245
Fax: 02/6835278
Street: JZD 8
City: Praha 9,Satalice
ZIP: 19015
Specification: Frusche Pfefferlingen cca 1000kg jeder Tag und andere Pilze auch
Name: VINIUM a.s.
Contact person: Jan Kašpar
Fax: 067/7211123
Street: Hlavnφ 666
City: VelkΘ Pavlovice
ZIP: 69106
Specification: wine production