Event Example
This sample code shows an example of:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "SDL.h" /* This function may run in a separate event thread */ int FilterEvents(const SDL_Event *event) { static int boycott = 1; /* This quit event signals the closing of the window */ if ( (event->type == SDL_QUIT) && boycott ) { printf("Quit event filtered out -- try again.\n"); boycott = 0; return(0); } if ( event->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) { printf("Mouse moved to (%d,%d)\n", event->motion.x, event->motion.y); return(0); /* Drop it, we've handled it */ } return(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SDL_Event event; /* Initialize the SDL library (starts the event loop) */ if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } /* Clean up on exit, exit on window close and interrupt */ atexit(SDL_Quit); /* Ignore key events */ SDL_EventState(SDL_KEYDOWN, SDL_IGNORE); SDL_EventState(SDL_KEYUP, SDL_IGNORE); /* Filter quit and mouse motion events */ SDL_SetEventFilter(FilterEvents); /* The mouse isn't much use unless we have a display for reference */ if ( SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, 0) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set 640x480x8 video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } /* Loop waiting for ESC+Mouse_Button */ while ( SDL_WaitEvent(&event) >= 0 ) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: { if ( event.active.state & SDL_APPACTIVE ) { if ( event.active.gain ) { printf("App activated\n"); } else { printf("App iconified\n"); } } } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { Uint8 *keys; keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); if ( keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] == SDL_PRESSED ) { printf("Bye bye...\n"); exit(0); } printf("Mouse button pressed\n"); } break; case SDL_QUIT: { printf("Quit requested, quitting.\n"); exit(0); } break; } } /* This should never happen */ printf("SDL_WaitEvent error: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } |