Known issues

This is gltron-0.53 by Andreas Umbach
This program is now released under the GNU General Public License

Latest news

about the different camera modes
about the missing glut32.dll
0.53 (for Linux/Unix, Windows and Mac!) is out
Ideas for intro cinematics wanted
0.52 for Macintosh is here
0.52 (for Linux/Unix and Windows) is out
CVS access to the source
0.51 for Windows is out
0.51 for Linux/Unix is out

Old news

opengl logo

glTron Screenshot
game action
glTron Screenshot
the GUI
glTron Screenshot
glTron Screenshot
multiplayer action


11.1.2000 - about the different camera modes

Since so many asked: There are three different camera modes in glTron: the circling camera, a 'behind-view' (like in most racing games), and a first person view (VERY hard to play with). Press F10 to switch between them.

The circling camera is the default, because I think it make for the most interesting gameplay. I agree, it's more difficult like that, but hey, I want some challenge! I hope, the computers in the next version will be smarter and they will have faster reflexes (of course you can set them to 'I can win' then :-)


11.1.2000 - about the missing glut32.dll

Some windows users had problems running the current gltron version, since I forgot to include the glut32.dll in the zip-file. Many people have it, but some apparently don't. So if your computer complains about a missing glut32.dll, get it here. Copy it either into your gltron directory, or into \windows\system.

I now included glut32.dll in the too.


9.1.2000 - 0.53 is out

Ok, since I'm trying to port the mikmod mod-player on top of plib and maybe the Unreal Tournament engine, I'll work less with gltron and so I think I'll release what I have now. There are quite some (useful) changes since 0.52. The most important things: I received one (1) idea for intro cinematics until now. Use your imagination! Even if the idea sucks, send it in, maybe I can piece something together if I get enough propositions.

If you like glTron, go and rate it at Currently it has three stars out of five. I'd love to get a solid 4/5. And maybe you feel generous.

As always: Download it!


5.1.2000 - Ideas for intro cinematics wanted

I'm looking for some ideas for intro cinematics. It will be rendered with the engine, but if it needs additional effects / textures that's no problem. Send me your ideas!

4.1.2000 - 0.52 for Macintosh is here

Thanks to Darrell Walisser, we have a new Macintosh build (and it's with sound). You might want to check the readme file in the archive. It's available at the download section.


1.1.2000 - 0.52 is out.

My computer and glTron proved Y2k safe! The current version adds some eye candy: An exploding lightcycle model and a (hopefully) cool 'crash' texture. I also changed the floor texture a bit. Just felt like it... From the CHANGELOG:

A note: I'm currently not supporting software rendering, i.e. some graphically intensive options can't be turned off. I'll fix that in the next versions (if I don't forget). If you can't wait, send mail until I do it :-)

Download it!


30.12.1999 - CVS access to the source

I configured a CVS server for the interested: Try
cvs -d login
The password is (you guessed it) anonymous. Then do
cvs -d co gltron
Later, you can just do a
cvs update
to retrieve the latest development version. Have fun! And send me your patches :-)

For win32 users there's WinCVS. I prefer the command line interface though.


29.12.1999 - 0.51 for windows

Ok, the windows binary is ready. Before I try to get it announced on 3dfiles or voodooextreme, I'd be glad if a few of you could test it a bit and send mail so I know there are no problems. I tested it on windows 98, a voodoo 3 and latest drivers from

Download it!


29.12.1999 - 0.51 is out

Ok, I'm not going to release every day from now on, but I think this was worth it. Download it! I could use some feedback on the menu interface.

After dinner, I'm going to build a win32 version.


Please do not link to these files directly, since new releases happen fairly often. Link to instead. Is your favorite OS not listed here? Go, compile gltron and send me the binary!



Thanks for all those that gave me feedback! It's great to receive your mails and encourages me to continue development!

I'm always interested in your opinion about the game: Here's a list if you don't know what to write:

What do you think of

Maybe you have some ideas on what I should implement too. Send your mails to Andreas Umbach <> !



Future plans:

It would be nice if someone could think about how to add network play. I'm a bit concerned about latency issues / client prediction stuff, collision detection on server & client.



gltron was inspired by the film tron - actually, more by all the games that where inspired by the film tron :-) It's a game for one to four players, the objective is not to drive into a wall.



Type 'gltron -h' for command line switches.

Use the cursor keys (up/down) and Space/Enter to navigate the menus. Press Escape to get up one menu-level / back to the game.

'q' exits the game immediately (a panic button, just in case...)
Press space to start/restart/pause the game

Controls for Player 1:
turn left: 'a'
turn right: 's'
Controls for Player 2:
turn left: 'k'
turn right: 'l'
Controls for Player 3:
turn left: '5'
turn right: '6'
Controls for Player 4:
turn left: Cursor left
turn right: Cursor right

Change View:
'F1': Single player view
'F2': Two player view
'F3': Four player view
'F10': Change Camera movement

Safe settings: 'F5'

show 2D-Bitmap: 'd' toggles a 2D-bitmap

Have Fun!


Installation tips (brief)

You want to check out the INSTALL file that comes with gltron too. These instructions are rather confusing. Someone wants to help?

needed: Mesa or OpenGL, Glut and, if you want sound, libmikmod (see the links section on where to get these packages)

recommended: a 3D card that is support by linux. Software only users should try the -wt1 switch or maybe even -wtb1

if you can run glQuake at reasonable speed, this should run fine :-)

If you are using Linux (and Mesa) and you want to compile without sound, just type 'make'. If you want sound support, type 'make sound'. If you are using any other architecture you will most probably have to change the Makefile. Some hints:
1) You probably won't need all the XLIBS stuff, try to remove those that give you problems.
2) You probably will have to change '-lMesaGL -lMesaGLU' to '-lGL -lGLU'
If you manage to compile for another architecure besides Linux/Mesa, please send me the Makefile so I can include it. I'm serious here, please send me the Makefile (see how many Makefiles are included so far?)!



Required Software

You need the following libraries to run gltron.

Sites of interest

Quite a few sites link to my page now, so I want to link back to them. Also listed are a few other sites that could be of interest.

Other stuff


Known issues