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This is gltron-0.53 by Andreas Umbach
Latest newsabout the different camera modesabout the missing glut32.dll 0.53 (for Linux/Unix, Windows and Mac!) is out Ideas for intro cinematics wanted 0.52 for Macintosh is here 0.52 (for Linux/Unix and Windows) is out CVS access to the source 0.51 for Windows is out 0.51 for Linux/Unix is out |
game action |
the GUI |
crash! |
multiplayer action |
The circling camera is the default, because I think it make for the most interesting gameplay. I agree, it's more difficult like that, but hey, I want some challenge! I hope, the computers in the next version will be smarter and they will have faster reflexes (of course you can set them to 'I can win' then :-)
I now included glut32.dll in the too.
If you like glTron, go and rate it at Currently it has three stars out of five. I'd love to get a solid 4/5. And maybe you feel generous.
As always: Download it!
A note: I'm currently not supporting software rendering, i.e. some graphically intensive options can't be turned off. I'll fix that in the next versions (if I don't forget). If you can't wait, send mail until I do it :-)
cvs -d loginThe password is (you guessed it) anonymous. Then do
cvs -d co gltronLater, you can just do a
cvs updateto retrieve the latest development version. Have fun! And send me your patches :-)
For win32 users there's WinCVS. I prefer the command line interface though.
After dinner, I'm going to build a win32 version.
current sourcecode - 0.53 - no sound (about 80 kbyte) or
current sourcecode - 0.53 - with sound (about 550 kbyte)
You need OpenGL or Mesa and Glut. Tested with Mesa 3.0, Mesa 3.1 and Glut 3.7. Older versions may or may not work.
If you want sound, you also need libmikmod . Make sure you have at least version 3.17.
Note: Mesa comes with glut so, for you linux users there is no need for a seperate download. - addendum: I was told that glut is not in MesaLib-3.0.tar.gz but in MesaDemos-3.0.tar.gz - so get the demos too (recommended), or get glut seperately
You can get the FreeBSD binary from your nearest mirror or from the FreeBSD game ports page.
The current windows version - 0.53 - with sound (about 650 kbyte)
Tested on win9x, though it might still have some issues - reported to run on NT too (please send mail if not). Check out the README.txt after you downloaded it!
The windows binaries are compiled by myself now, but I have not tested them too much (I hate to boot windows).
Note: If you have a 3D accelerator and windows, go to and get the newest drivers. If you want fast software rendering, try the SGI MMX renderer. Attention! You have to rename it to opengl32.dll and copy it into the gltron directory.
The Alpha port was compiled by Jonas Gustavsson. Since I don't own a Alpha station, it haven't tested this. It would be nice if someone could confirm that it's running fine.
The alpha port - 0.46 zip archive. Jonas got rid of the second executable since the performance gain was neglectable (and you have only half as much to download now).
The new macintosh version - 0.53, compiled by Darrell Walisser. I have not tested this (I have no Mac). Please report your success story.
Apple has a OpenGL for Macintosh page where you can get the latest OpenGL drivers.
I don't think 3dfx cards are supported by Apple right now, but you Voodoo owners can get the OpenGL drivers from 3dfx.
Macintosh owners don't need GLUT since the current version is statically linked.
The BeOS version - 0.44, compiled by Matt Wronkiewicz. Get Glut for BeOS too. As for the other ports, I have not tested this (I don't have BeOS).
The Amiga version - 0.45 (no sound), compiled by Oliver Schuler. as for the other ports, I have not tested this (I don't have an Amiga).
If, for some obscure reason, you're interested in the history of this game, I moved the older versions into the archive
The newest version of this document (in case you don't read that on the web).
I'm always interested in your opinion about the game: Here's a list if you don't know what to write:
What do you think of
It would be nice if someone could think about how to add network play. I'm a bit concerned about latency issues / client prediction stuff, collision detection on server & client.
Use the cursor keys (up/down) and Space/Enter to navigate the menus. Press Escape to get up one menu-level / back to the game.
'q' exits the game immediately (a panic button, just in case...)
Press space to start/restart/pause the game
Controls for Player 1:
turn left: 'a'
turn right: 's'
Controls for Player 2:
turn left: 'k'
turn right: 'l'
Controls for Player 3:
turn left: '5'
turn right: '6'
Controls for Player 4:
turn left: Cursor left
turn right: Cursor right
Change View:
'F1': Single player view
'F2': Two player view
'F3': Four player view
'F10': Change Camera movement
Safe settings: 'F5'
show 2D-Bitmap: 'd' toggles a 2D-bitmap
Have Fun!
needed: Mesa or OpenGL, Glut and, if you want sound, libmikmod (see the links section on where to get these packages)
recommended: a 3D card that is support by linux. Software only users should try the -wt1 switch or maybe even -wtb1
if you can run glQuake at reasonable speed, this should run fine :-)
If you are using Linux (and Mesa) and you want to compile without sound,
just type 'make'. If you want sound support, type
'make sound'. If you are using any other architecture
you will most probably have to change the Makefile. Some hints:
1) You probably won't need all the XLIBS stuff, try to remove those that
give you problems.
2) You probably will have to change '-lMesaGL -lMesaGLU' to '-lGL -lGLU'
If you manage to compile for another architecure besides Linux/Mesa,
please send me the Makefile so I can include it. I'm serious here,
please send me the Makefile (see how many Makefiles are included so far?)!
You need Mesa if you don't already have OpenGL installed.
Mesa comes with glut, so you'll only need glut if you don't have Mesa (or
if you have some Mesa RPM that does not contain glut or the glut include
addendum: I was told that
glut is not in MesaLib-3.0.tar.gz but in MesaDemos-3.0.tar.gz - so get
the demos too (recommended), or get glut seperately
Libmikmod is only required if you build with sound.
MESA_GLX_FX=f; export MESA_GLX_FXtcsh:
setenv MESA_GLX_FX fIf that does not help and you are sure that you have a 3dfx card, you probably don't have compiled your Mesa with glide-support. Go to the Mesa-Source, and recompile with 'make clean; make linux-glide'. Of course do this only on linux systems. Reinstall Mesa, recompile gltron.