General tips

Disable an event handler
Sometimes you want to disable an event handler after the FIRST time. E.g., you want to disable all clicks on a component AFTER THE FIRST CLICK:
procedure ComponentOnClick;
  Button1.OnClick := nil;
In the case of a button Onclick you obtain the same effect by disabling the button itself, and at the same time you give a visual feedback. So this trick only makes sense for other events and components.

Color and timing of hints
In the OnCreate (or in the OnShow) event handler of the main form of the application, put this code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Application.HintColor := clAqua; // or another color
  Application.HintPause := 250; // 250 mSec before hint is shown
  Application.HintHidePause:=3000; // hint disappears after 3 secs

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