Select the component. Press and hold the CONTROL key, then use the cursor
keys to move the component in 1 dot increments.
Resizing a component precisely
Select the component. Press and hold the SHIFT key, then use the cursor
keys to resize the component in 1 dot increments.
Selecting a component's parent
When designing forms, you often put containers, such as panels, that will
"hold" other components. When a particular component is selected, it's very
easy to select that component's parent. Select the component whose parent
you wish to find, and press the Escape key. This will select that
component's parent. The procedure can be performed repeatedly: finally the
ultimate parent, the Form, is selected into the Object Inspector. This tip
is especially useful when a component has been 'Aligned to Client' and its
parent cannot be selected easily.
Fast switching to the Object Inspector
Just press the F11 key.
Block-mode in the editor
In order to copy/delete rectangles ('columns') of text in the editor,
press ALT, then use the left mousebutton to mark the rectangle. These text
rectangles afterwards can be inserted as a block!
Fast switching between FORM and code-editor
Just press the F12 key.
Record and playback a text-macro in the editor
Press Ctrl + Shift + R. Enter the desired text. Press
again Ctrl + Shift + R to stop the recording. Playback
is accomplished by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P. Note:
the macro can not be saved, so this is only for one session.
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