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People have been asking me over and over: how can I run an external program from within a Delphi program? And also: how can I make the Delphi program wait until the external program is terminated?
For just running an external application (or opening a registered file, opening a folder, printing a file, and so on), there are several functions available. In most cases, the Windows API-function ShellExecute is used. It gives some degree of control and at the same time it's not to complicated. Some examples:
Launching an external program and waiting until it is terminated is quite another story. With Delphi 1, this was easily achieved with the function WinExec and then calling GetModuleUsage in a loop until the application terminated.
GetModuleUsage is not available in the 32 bit versions of
Fortunately, we can tell if a process has completed by monitoring its
process handle. That process handle can be obtained by using one of two
Win32 API-functions to start the external program: CreateProcess or
The simplest method is: start the external application with ShellExecuteEx and then monitor the process handle with WaitForSingleObject.
I wrapped it all up in a ready-to-go mini tutorial project, which demonstrates the use of the functions discussed above. All necessary files are in EXEWAIT.ZIP, that you can find in our download section under "Mini Tutorial Projects".
The function FileAge() returns the date/time stamp of a file. The returned value is an integer number; it has to be converted to Delphi's TDateTime format (a floating point number) before you can use it. You can use the following code to test the funtions involved:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var File_Name: string; DateTimeStamp: integer; Date_Time: TDateTime; begin File_Name := 'c:\mydocuments\test.doc'; DateTimeStamp := FileAge(File_Name); // FileAge returns -1 if file not found if DateTimeStamp < 0 then ShowMessage('File not found') else begin // Convert to TDateTime format Date_Time := FileDateToDateTime(DateTimeStamp); Label1.Caption := DateToStr(Date_Time); Label2.Caption := TimeToStr(Date_Time); end; end;
The following procedure locates all occurrences of a given file and adds the complete path to a stringlist. Note that recursion is used: FindFiles calls itself at the end of the procedure.
Before calling FindFiles, the stringlist has to be created; afterwards, you must free the stringlist.
In StartDir you pass the starting directory, including the disk drive.
In FileMask you pass the name of the file to find, or a file mask.
FindFiles('c:\', 'letter01.doc')
FindFiles('d:\projects', '*.dpr')
In order to test the procedure, you add some components to the form: two Edits, a Button, a TLabel and a ListBox.
implementation .... var FilesList: TStringList; ... procedure FindFiles(StartDir, FileMask: string); var SR: TSearchRec; DirList: TStringList; IsFound: Boolean; i: integer; begin if StartDir[length(StartDir)] <> '\' then StartDir := StartDir + '\'; { Build a list of the files (not directories) in directory StartDir } IsFound := FindFirst(StartDir+FileMask, faAnyFile-faDirectory, SR) = 0; while IsFound do begin FilesList.Add(StartDir + SR.Name); IsFound := FindNext(SR) = 0; end; FindClose(SR); // Build a list of subdirectories DirList := TStringList.Create; IsFound := FindFirst(StartDir+'*.*', faAnyFile, SR) = 0; while IsFound do begin if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) and (SR.Name[1] <> '.') then DirList.Add(StartDir + SR.Name); IsFound := FindNext(SR) = 0; end; FindClose(SR); // Scan the list of subdirectories for i := 0 to DirList.Count-1 do FindFiles(DirList[i], FileMask); DirList.Free; end; procedure TForm1.ButtonFindClick(Sender: TObject); begin FilesList := TStringList.Create; FindFiles(EditStartDir.Text, EditFileMask.Text); ListBox1.Items.Assign(FilesList); LabelCount.Caption := 'Files found: ' + IntToStr(FilesList.Count); FilesList.Free; end;For a more robust code, you should at minimum check if the limit of the stringlist is not exceeded before you add to it (or use a try...except construction). Somebody might look for *.* starting in C:\
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If you want to limit the input of a TEdit to numerical strings only, you can discard the "invalid" characters in it's OnKeyPress event handler.
In order to test the following code examples, put a TEdit and a TLabel on a form. The TLabel's purpose is for monitoring what happens and to display error messages. Of course, in a real world application you could show error messages in a dialog box.
In the Edit's OnChange handler, you enter the code for displaying the text of the Edit in case a valid key is pressed:
procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := Edit1.Text; end;Let's assume you only want to allow positive integer numbers. The code for the OnKeyPress event handler is as follows:
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // #8 is Backspace if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9']) then begin Label1.Caption := 'Invalid key'; // Discard the key Key := #0; end; end;If you also want numbers with a decimal fraction, you must allow POINT or COMMA, but only once. For an international version that looks at the correct decimal separator, the code could be as follows:
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9', DecimalSeparator]) then begin Label1.Caption := 'Invalid key: ' + Key Key := #0; end else if (Key = DecimalSeparator) and (Pos(Key, Edit1.Text) > 0) then begin Label1.Caption := 'Invalid Key: twice ' + Key; Key := #0; end; end;And here for a full blown version of the event handler, accepting decimal separator and negative numbers (minus sign: only accepted once, has to be the first character):
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var ErrMess: string; begin ErrMess := ''; if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9', '-', DecimalSeparator]) then ErrMess := 'Invalid key: ' + Key else if ((Key = DecimalSeparator) or (Key = '-')) and (Pos(Key, Edit1.Text) > 0) then ErrMess := 'Invalid Key: twice ' + Key else if (Key = '-') and (Edit1.SelStart <> 0) then ErrMess := 'Only allowed at beginning of number: ' + Key; if ErrMess <> '' then begin Label1.Caption := ErrMess; Key := #0; end; end;How about giving that same behaviour to several TEdits on the same form? In the Object Inspector, you change the name of the event handler from Edit1KeyPress to Edit1_10KeyPress or something similar. Delphi automatically changes the name in the code editor, don't worry. Then, for each TEdit, you select it's OnKeyPress event and you select Edit1_10KeyPress from the listbox next to the event.
For complex projects, I advise you to put your "general" (globally used) functions and procedures in a separate unit. Such a "global" unit does not have a corresponding form. All other units that use the general routines, have to refer to your global unit through a USES-clause. An example of such a unit might look like this:
unit GlobalRoutines; interface uses SysUtils, Forms, Buttons, StdCtrls, Graphics, ..., ...; procedure SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word); procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word); ... var Var1, Var2, Var3: string; DoIt: Boolean; ... implementation procedure SetTime(Hour, Min, Sec, Sec100: Word); begin ... end; procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word); begin ... end; ... ... end.Note that you have to define all variables, procedures and functions that you want to call from other units, BEFORE the IMPLEMENTATION!
With the procedures SETTIME and SETDATE you can set the system time and date from within your Delphi application. Both procedures are written in Assembler. The Delphi-compiler contains an Assembler-compiler!
In the interface-section you define the procedures:
procedure SetTime(Hour, Min, Sec, Sec100: Word); procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word);In the 'implementation' you write...:
{ SetTime sets the time of the operating system. Valid parameters: Hour 0-23, Min 0-59, Sec 0-59 and Sec100 0-99 (hundreds of a second) If the time is not valid, the function has no effect } procedure SetTime(Hour, Min, Sec, Sec100: Word); assembler; asm MOV CH,BYTE PTR Hour MOV CL,BYTE PTR Min MOV DH,BYTE PTR Sec MOV DL,BYTE PTR Sec100 MOV AH,2DH INT 21H end; { SetDate sets the date of the operating system. Valid parameters: Year 1980-2099, Month 1-12 en Day 1-31 If the date is not valid, the function has no effect } procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word); assembler; asm MOV CX,Year MOV DH,BYTE PTR Month MOV DL,BYTE PTR Day MOV AH,2BH INT 21H end;
To change the font color of all the labels of a form to a certain color, call the following procedure. In the call itself, you have to replace NewColor with an existing color, e.g. SetLabelsFontColor(clRed) sets all the labels' font color to red.
procedure TForm1.SetLabelsFontColor(NewColor: TColor); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do if Components[i] is TLabel then TLabel(Components).Font.Color := NewColor; end;Of course, you can use this technique to change other properties of other components. To change the color of all edits, the code would be:
procedure TForm1.SetEditsColor(NewColor: TColor); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do if Components[i] is TEdit then TEdit(Components).Color := NewColor; end;
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