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(Rules of data for telecommunication services)

1. Validity

1.1 These Rules of data telecommunication services, hereafter only the Rules applly for user services performed by MOPOS s. r. o., hereafter only "performer". The services are performed according to the permission of the Czech telecommunication board No. 7216/1996-611 of April 3rd 1996.

1.2 According to the Rules the services can be performed exclusively on a contract basis. Agreed departures from the Rule must be confirmed by both parties in written.

1.3 The service contract comes into effect on the day stated therein and is effective for the period agreed.

2. Offered services

2.1 Performer provides the user for the access to his computer network connected with the Internet network. The modem connection by commute or fixed line of the integral telecommunication network is established for that purpose. The implementation of this connection can be provided by the performer on the basis of special agreement.

2.2 Hardware and software access equipment on the user's side will by provided by user at his own expenses. Prospective hardware and software supply can be agreed by the user and performer on the basis of a special agreement.

2.3 The access is available all around the clock. The access extension or access time are subject to the contracted terms. The performer reserves the right for the operational break of the access for necessary time period in order to perform computer system revision. If possible, the performer shall announce the fact to the user in sufficient advance. Access failures, if any, shall be removed by performer according to his technical and operational capacities as fast as possible.

2.4 To receive the failure information the performer maintains the telephone and e-mail hotlines direct from 8.30 to 16.30 on workdays and via recorder, fax or e-mail on red letter days.

2.5 The performed services are exclusively intended for the contract partner and cannot be available for a third party.

2.6 If the non-interactive data transmission by the e-mail is contracted, the maximum delay time of the files transmitted in the user's system guaranteed by performer, does not exceed one hour. The performer gives no guarantee for any delay caused by a third person, especially via connecting lines.

3. Data security

3.1 Both the performer and the user are obliged to regard all data in connection with performed services as confidential which cannot be revealed to any third person.

3.2 If data and files transmission is contracted the performer warrants the unaltered transmission and is obliged to keep telecommunication secret according to the Telecommunication Law. If the performer learns, in the course of performing his services, any information concerning the user, then the information cannot be revealed to a third person and/or the information shall not be abused for the benefit of the performer.

3.3 The user can make his own provisions to protect and secure his data transmitted, e.g. through data encryption or data coding. However these operations must be performed in compatible way with the communication system of the performer, i.e. the data transmission process must be preserved.

3.4 The performer does not stand for any detriment of integrity and confidentiality of the transmitted data, if it occurs outside his system or for any breakdown outside his system. The performer also does not stand for any damages caused to the user by access limitation or interception, if it is caused by a failure outside his system.

4. User duties

4.1 The user cannot intervene in the performer computer system during service use by any other than the way agreed, especially he cannot shift to any other than to him available directories and use system commands which can possibly change system setup or system operation.

4.2 If the mediation of an access to an other computer system (network) is contracted, the user must follow the access and security terms for that system (network).

4.3 This connection cannot be utilised by user for information transmission, which content might be in conflict with legal regulations of common validity in the Czech Republic.

5. Service prices, invoicing and payments

5.1 The prices for contracted services are agredd ones, according to law No. 526/90. They are based on the valid performer price list. Possible price list variations can be subject to mutual agreement.

5.2 The prices for ordered services are invoiced monthly, always not later than on the fifth month day for last month, according to the given tariff. Invoice maturity makes ten days. In case of unsettled invoice after the day of the invoice maturity the performer reserves the right to terminate his services. For each day of payment delay the contracting penalty of 1% from the debt amount will be charged.

5.3 The User has right to monthly price reduction by one thirtieth, if because of the performer system failure the user cannot use the service in one day for longer a period than 6 hours. The monthly charge is to refund in full amount, if because of the performer system failure the user cannot use the service for longer a period than ten days in one month.

6. Final provisions

6.1 The place of fulfilment is the performer site.

6.2 Possible departures from this Rule which were agreed between performer and user, must be in written and signed by both the parties.

Pardubice, 1st October 1998

In case of technical problems call Service-line IPNet card 0603 / 483 311-2
Additional information or possible claims: info-line IPNet 040 / 653 00 49

Inovations and objections - e-mail:

copyright (c) 1998 MOPOS s.r.o., Smilova 386, Pardubice 530 02               http://