Chemical ind.+products
Name: A.A.R. plast s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Keno DIMOV
Phone: 068/ 534 2557, 534 2941
Fax: dtto
Street: Kollßrova 808
City: Litovel
ZIP: 784 01
Specification: GRP products
Name: AITEC s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Milan Vodehnal
Phone: 0452/620 565, 621 380
Fax: 0452/620 565
Street: Husovo namesti 14
City: Ledec nad Sazavou
ZIP: 584 01
Specification: Contractor of driving systems, appliance for surface edits of
electroplatting and surface edits lacquering, purification of waste waters, technologies.
Name: GUMOTEX, a.s.
Contact person: Ing. Vladimφr Chmela, vedoucφ marketingu
Phone: 00420/627/314861
Fax: 00420/627/314809
Street: Mlßdežnickß 3
City: Breclav
ZIP: 690 75
Specification: Production of shaped pieces (seats, rests, head rests), sunvisors, parts
foamed into the foils for the car interiors. Production of furniture shaped pieces and
production of PE foil
Name: CHEMOS CZ, s.r.o.
Contact person: Pavel Spßcil
Phone: 02 701 793
Fax: 02 705 485
Street: Šterboholskß 28
City: Praha 10
ZIP: 102 00
Specification: Worldwide Trade with Chemicals, Biochemicals and Laboratory Equipment
Name: Mar-Tech spol. s r.o.
Contact person: Petr Smital
Phone: 0643/452040-44
Fax: 0643/451139
Street: brφ.Capku 821
City: Unicov
ZIP: 78391
Specification: Installation of heat and water distribution, measuring and regulation,
engineering and consulting, supply and assembly of steam plants, in- and outdoor
distribution piping - gas, water, heat transfer plants ... Full service and supplies.
Name: MISTRAL, a.s.
Contact person: PhDr. Ivana Prokopova
Phone: (420) 2 9000 1665, 9000 2095
Fax: (420) 2 666 10 691
Street: Podebradskß 65 a
City: Praha 9
ZIP: 190 00
Specification: Brand new progressive manufacturer of ecological water based wall paints
for interior and exterior. High international quality guaranteed. Czech distribution
network built since 1993, currently exporting to the Eastern countries like Slovakia,
Russia, Ukraine and Poland.
Name: Pentas s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing Jelφnek, Ing
Udržal, Ing Boruvka
Phone: +420 435 628011
Fax: +420 435 628020
Street: Janßkova 170
City: Horice v/P
ZIP: 508 01
Specification: design and development of machines for food industry
manufacture and delivery machines and equipment
engineering activity, carried out to order
engineering and delivery activity for piece deliveries, deliveries of technological lines
and whole technological units in a turn-key form
projection activity for food and chemical industry
production of goods from stainless steel, made to order
Contact person: ing. Michal Bahnφk
Phone: +420 69 631 2098
Fax: +420 69 631 1445
Street: Zßvodnφ 540
City: Karvinß - NovΘ Mesto
ZIP: 735 06
Specification: Offer: Fibre-renforced plastic system for industry. FRP chemically
resistant pipes, vessels, chimneys, facilities for environmental protection and water
Name: SYNCARE s.r.o
Contact person: Petr Svoboda
Phone: 05/48210041
Fax: 05/48210041
Street: Mrkosova 35
City: BRNO
ZIP: 612 00
Specification: Production and sale of cosmetics, parfumes, creams