Translation agencies
Name: Anglické preklady a tlumocení
Contact person: Dagmar Macku, MBA
Phone: 0628/341836 0603/764242
Fax: 0628/341836
Street: Perunská 14
City: Hodonín
ZIP: 695 04
Specification: English - Czech - English translating and interpreting service.
Non - stop service via e-mail or fax. +420 682 341936 +420 603 764242
Name: Bond marketing s.r.o.
Contact person: Pavel Šolc
Phone: 0042 05 44220756
Fax: 0042 05 44220755
Street: Palackého nám.89
City: Slavkov u Brna
ZIP: 68401
Specification: Internet Presentation Fullservice - design, realisation, promotion of
www-pages. Fullservice in direct marketing - Czech market ( selction from Czech branche
database, direct mail, completting and distribution), Translation fullservice (languages
Name: English - Czech translating
Contact person: Dagmar Macku, MBA
Phone: +420 603 764242
Fax: +420 628 341836
Street: Perunska 14
City: Hodonin
ZIP: 695 04
Specification: English-Czech-English translating service. Non-stop via e-mail or fax.
Datum: 1/27/99
Contact: Martin Novak
Phone: +420 (602) 884 827
Fax: +420 (413) 334 570
Street: Na Valech 221/3
City: Rumburk
Postal code: 40801
Specification: I offer translation English/Czech and Czech/English.
Contact person: Dipl. Eng. Oldrich Spisek
Phone: +420 2 8580165
Fax: +420 2 8580165
Street: Chabarovicka 1328
City: Praha 8
ZIP: 182 00
Specification: Translations from / to English
- specialisation to technical English, i.e. transpations of users manuals, instructions
for use, handbooks for use of electric, electronic and other instruments, etc.
- posiibility of delivery on discs in MS WORD
- possibility of delivery by fax
- mutually agreed contracting prices
Datum: 12/16/98
Firma: Sven Stumbauer
Contact: Sven Stumbauer
Phone: ++43-1-7062786
Fax: ++43-1-7062786
Street: Zavadilka 2154
City: Ceske Budejovice
Postal code: 370 05
Country: Czech rep
Specification: translation & consulting services at affordable prices !