Advertising, promotion, marketing
Name: A studio group, spol. s r.o.
Contact person:
Phone: +420 629 616 111
Fax: +420 629 613 313
Street: Masarykovo nßm. 10
City: Kyjov
ZIP: 697 01
Specification: Advertisements on carrier bags, wrappings and clingfilms, pre-print
procedures, graphics, catalogues, leaflets, stick-on labels, various advertising materials
Name: BM Marketing s.r.o.
Contact person: Marek Šmφd
Phone: 05/7274 362
Fax: 05/7274 363
Street: PalackΘho 148a
City: Brno
ZIP: 602 00
Specification: Direct marketing company:Selection from our database, designing and
printing promotional materials, completting and distribution to selected addresses
Name: Bond marketing s.r.o.
Contact person: Pavel Šolc
Phone: 0042 05 44220756
Fax: 0042 05 44220755
Street: PalackΘho nßm.89
City: Slavkov u Brna
ZIP: 68401
Specification: Internet Presentation Fullservice - design, realisation, promotion of
www-pages. Fullservice in direct marketing - Czech market ( selction from Czech branche
database, direct mail, completting and distribution), Translation fullservice (languages
Name: Direkta
Contact person: Mr.Kokoska
Phone: +42 02 683 68 89
Fax: +420 2 683 40 20
Street: Zenklova 37
City: Praha 8
ZIP: 18000
Specification: Starting point for search of business, trade, company and travel
information in Czech republic
Name: HRNCIR design
Contact person: Ing. Zdenek Hrncφr
Phone: 0441 - 72690
Fax: 0441 - 72690
Street: Vlastimila Moravce 30
City: NovΘ Mesto nad Metujφ
ZIP: 549 01
Specification: Advertising materials - T-Shirts, Caps, Ties, Key Tags, Badges,
Stickers, Quartz Clocks, Bags, Umbrealls
Name: IES
Contact person: Ing.Petr Kunc
Phone: 0602/241499
Fax: 02/7936067
Street: U Uranie 4
City: Praha 7
ZIP: 170 00
Specification: servers
Name: Laiwa
Contact person: JUDr.JIR═ LANGER
Phone: 420 19 7241827
Fax: 420 19 7241827
Street: Lobezskß 20
City: Plzen
ZIP: 30150
Specification: editorship,letterfolder,print,print services,edit,edit activity,print
machines,porcelain,ceramics,art porcelain,advertising,agency
Name: Rollpa Morava s.r.o.
Contact person: PhDr.Vaclav Husak
Phone: +420 2 7175 05 39
Fax: +420 27175 05 40
Street: Nad Kosikem 8
City: Praha 10
ZIP: 102 00
Specification: Kit set furniture from paper and plastic.
Name: Skoda - Relief
Contact person: Vladimφr Skoda
Phone: 00420 48/ 517 92 63
Fax: 00420 48/ 517 93 36
Street: Ceskolipskß 126
City: Osecnß
ZIP: 463 52
Specification: We would like to offer made-to-oder manufacture of advertising and souvenir
articles as (emblems, key-cases, pendants, buttons, buckles, medals, statuettes etc.) in
accordance with your proposals or models.
From our assortment can we offer over 2000 kinds of tin and by hand painted motifs to
different occassions (Christmas, Easter, birthsday, wedding) and also chessmen and
We offer free-capacity of by hand painted Christmas-decorations, metall, wooden, glass and
plastic products according to your requirments. This all in high quality, in short
delivery terms and at interesting prices.
Name: TENET PRO, s.r.o.
Contact person: Ing. Josef BRUCK
Phone: +420-(0)5-45321536
Fax: +420-(0)5-48531461
Street: Olomouckß 40
City: Brno
ZIP: 618 00
Name: W&F Elektronik s.r.o.
Contact person: Olga Borovcovß
Phone: 035 620 6791
Fax: 035 620 6790
Street: Moskevskß 1 / 14
City: Most
ZIP: 434 01
Specification: Hand made cut glas.