goto the
button for the animation settings.
Somewhere in the Middle you'll
see a button called: New Effect
Click one time on it..
on the left you'll see a button
that saids: Build
Click on it and change it to
To get a nice fire we need to
set a nice continues particle loop..
i used a loop of 250 frames
(about 10 seconds of animation).
Set total to 140 particles.
Set Start to -250
; I want my fire to burn full at the start.
Set End to 250
; This is the end frame for the particles.
Set Live to 80
; the particles must be dead & reborn at frame 80 every
particle comes back 1 a 2 times.
Set Random to 0.024 ;
so the particles are spread a bit but not to much.
Set Force Z to 0.160 ; to get
a nice upgoing particle flow.
Press atl-a
to see the the particle flow animation.
Well.. not much fire to see
in there yet,
but thats what we gonna do next.
Here are the settings how they should be set.
TOT: 140
| STA: -250 |
END: 250 | LIFE:
80 | RAND:
0.024 | Force: Z: 0.160