Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL Yours truly, Attention: StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 StarWriter 3.0 StarWriter 3.0 swriter3.StarWriterDocument.3 SW3HDR Blindtext (EMG158AK(SV304A)]!H Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage StandardN Quaeramus aliquod non in si pertinentiumque ad id curiosa non anxie, tum aliarum rerum, quae vitam instruunt, diligens sine admiratione cuiusquam, usura fortunae muneribus, non servitura.Z SW3HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage StandardP Standard Standard SW4HDR Software Licence Contract (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Heading Numbering symbols Standard Illustration Sheet Textj Software LicenseS% This Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties and other intelp peciem bonum, sed solidum et aequale et a secretiore parte formosius; hoc eruamus. Nec longe positum est: invenietur, scire tantum opus est, quo manum porrigas; nunc velut in tenebris vicina transimus, offensantes ea ipsa quae desideramus. Sed ne te per circumitus traham, aliorum quidem opiniones praeteribo (nam enumerare illas longum est coarguere): nostram accipe. Nostram autem cum dico, non alligo me ad unum aliquem ex Stoicis proceribus: est et mihi censendi ius. Itaque aliquem sequar, aliquem iubebo sententiam dividere, fortasse et post omnes citatus nihil improbabo ex iis, quae priores decreverint, et dicam: "Hoc amplius censeo." Interim, quod inter omnes Stoicos convenit, rerum naturae assentior; ab illa non deerrare et ad illius legem exemplumque formari sapientia est. Beata est ergo vita conveniens naturae suae, quae non aliter contingere potest, quam si primum sana mens est et in perpetua possessione sanitatis suae, deinde fortis ac vehemens, tunc pulcherrime patiens, apta temporibus, corporis su Info 0 SfxDocumentInfo lectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, but not sold.S= GRANT OF LICENSE. This grants you the following rights:S= Applications software. You may install and use one copy of the software, or any prior version for the same operating system, on a single computer. The primary user of the computer on which the software is installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer.S= Storage/Network Use. You may also store or install a copy of the software on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the software on your other computers over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate computer on which the software is installed or run from the storage device. A license for the software may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers.SN License Pak. 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You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.S= Separation of Components. The software is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.S= Rental. You may not rent, lease, or lend the software. S= Software Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this version, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the software (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this version, and, if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this version. If the software is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the software.S= Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, Star Division may terminate this version if you fail to complS 1st Reminder 2nd Reminder Attention: StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 Standard Standard Text body Standard Text body Heading Standard Heading Text+1 StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Disclaimer (358T(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard IllustrationSW5HDR Numbered Formula (516Q(BUILD:3714)(SV516)]D adressen Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Textk Tabellen Inhalt Tabellen berschrift Formel Objekt4 Tabelle4 Standard Abbildung Tabelle Zeichnungj standard.dic Standard Standard y with the terms and conditions of this version. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the software and all of its component parts.S= Software LicenseS= This Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws and treaties. 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You may install and use one copy of the software, or any prior version for the same operating system, on a single computer. The primary user of the computer on which the software is installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer.S= def/System [HH]:MM:SS,00 TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM:SS T. MMM JJJJ Storage/Network Use. You may also store or install a copy of the software on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the software on your other computers over an internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate computer on which the software is installed or run from the storage device. A license for the software may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers.SN License Pak. 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You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software, except and op nly to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.S= Separation of Components. The software is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer.S= Rental. You may not rent, lease, or lend the software. S= Software Transfer. You may permanently transfer all of your rights under this version, provided you retain no copies, you transfer all of the software (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this version, and, if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this version. If the software is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the software.S= SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, Star Division may terminate this version if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this version. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the software and all of its component parts.S= def/System T. MMMM JJJJ MMMM def/System NN, T. MMM JJ def/System NN, T. MMMM JJJJ MMMM def/System NNNNT. MMMM JJJJ MMMM def/System T. MMM. JJJJ DIN 5008 (EN 28601) T. 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Info 3 ontal Line Standard Illustration Table Textj Tom Verbeek Tom Verbeek TSW4HDR PERSONAL (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj PERSONALS SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font Illustration Sheet Textj SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Reference: (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj Reference:S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard 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Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj DDE_LINK1 Thank you,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Take care, (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj Take care,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP E=mc^2F Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Helvetica Courier unknown eMail: SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard ion, we would like to retain your resume in our records, in order to contact you in the future should an appropriate position become available.Z SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Textk Standard Abbildung 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With your permissS Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Sincerely yours, (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj DDE_LINK1 Sincerely yours,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Respectfully, (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj DDE_LINK1 Respectfully,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font #.##0,-- DM;[ROT]-#.##0,-- DM TT.MM.JJJJ def/System TT.MM.JJ BUILD:1023)(SV364)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Textk Standard Abbildung Tabelle Textj standard.dic Thank you for your application for the position of sales assistant with our company. T We have received many applications for this position, so it will require some time for us to sort through them all. Thank you for your understanding and we will be in contact with you shortly.T I would be pleased to have the opportunity to introduce myself in a personal interview at your earliest convenience. S1 Dutch Sincerely,S Dutch SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard rmatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj DDE_LINK1 Respectfully yours,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Regards, (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj DDE_LINK1 Regards,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP def/System NNNNT. MMMM JJJJ MMMM System T. MMM JJ def/System [HH]:MM:SS,00 ayment (358J(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Table Textj standard.dic Our terms of payment are 30 days net; 2% discount granted for payment within 14 days.S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Cordially, (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet Textj DDE_LINK1 Cordially,S SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Text body Standard Illustration Table TextP Standard Standard Text body Standard Text body StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Copyright Notice (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Sheet Textj Copyright All rights reserved. No pa Standard Standard Text body Standard Text body Job Application: Interview Job Application: Rejectio StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Job Application: Cover Letter (358W(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Table Textj standard.dic In response to your advertisement in The Evening Post from 21 January 1997, I would like to apply for the position of sales assistant. The position described matches my own interests very closely My work experience has been primarily sales related, in a variety of administrative supporting roles. For the past five years, I have been active as a secretary in the marketing department of an internationally active company. Based on my education, experience and personal interest, I feel I am an excellent match for the requirements you desire.A Dutch Dutch Text body Standard Illustration Table TextP Standard Standard Text body Standard Text body SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Heading Numbering symbols Standard Illustration Sheet TextP Arial Preformatted Text Text body Horizontal Line Standard Illustration Table TextP Courier New my Text In reply to: Job Application: Cover Letter StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Cancellation, General (358I( TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM:SS T. MMM JJJJ def/System T. MMMM JJJJ MMMM def/System NN, T. MMM Jrt of this document may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the publisher or the authors.SO Times New Roman SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Sheet TextP def/System NN, T. 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MMMM JJJJ MMMM DIN 5008 (EN 28601) MM-TT DIN 5008 (EN 28601) JJ-MM-TT DIN 5008 (EN 28601) JJJJ-MM-TT DIN 5008 (EN 28601) Obj0012E3C6 Standard Text body SW5HDR StarWriter 5.0 Standard Standard Text body Standard Text body Standard Standard Preformatted Text Standard Preformatted Text Text body Standard Text body Horizontal Line Standard Horizontal Line t May Concern: Thank you, VIA AIRMAIL VIA FACSIMI StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Signature: Business eMail, 2-column (358J(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Preformatted Text Text body Horizontal Line Standard Illustration Table Textj Standard Standard #.##0,00 CCC TT.MM.JJJJ DDE_LINK1 -- Tb Outline0 Standard Standar StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Respectfully yours, (358I(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textfo Formel StarMath 5.0 SfxDocumentInfo Tom Verbeek Tom Verbeek uK Tel: Fax: eMail: SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Preformatted Text Text body Horizontal Line Standard Illustration Table TextP Courier New Standard ext body Standard Text body Horizontal Line Standard Horizontal Line er, and Department Manager, Ms. Miller, Name and Position of InterviewerT< A map with directions to our offices is enclosed.T SW4HDR SW4HDR Job Application: Interview (358J(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Table Textj standard.dic Thank you for your letter of application dated 4.28.1997 Date of ApplicationT Based on your impressive qualifications, we would like to invite you to an interview to m Standard Preformatted Text Standard Preformatted Text Text body Standard Text body Horizontal Line Standard Horizontal Line VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL Yours truly, StarWriter 4.0 soffice.StarWriterDocument.4 SW4HDR Signature: Personal eMail, 2-column (358J(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Preformatted Text Text body Horizontal Line Standard Illustration Table Textj Standard Standareet you in person and discuss further details of the advertised position. Please contact Ms. at to arrange an interview date and time. Your interview partners will be: Personnel Manager, Mr. Meyn JARC% Job Application: Receipt Confirmation JARRPR1 Job Application: Rejection, with possible review Ladies and Gentlemen: Numbered Formula PERSONAL Reference: Respectfully, Regards, REGISTERED MAIL Respd #.##0,00 CCC TT.MM.JJJJ -- Tc Tel: Fax: eMail: SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Preformatted Text Text body Horizontal Line Standard Illustration Table TextP Courier New Standard Standard Preformatted Text Standard Preformatted Text Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Table TextP Standard Standard Text Standard Standard Default Paragraph Font Standard Default Paragraph Font nd and work experience are very impressive but there were several candidates whose qualifications more closely suit our requirements.A Enclosed please find your original application documents. We wish you the best of luck for your future career plans.T Yours sincerely,T SW4HDR Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard SW4HDR Job Application: Rejection (358J(SV358)]D Frameformat Zeichenformat Textformatvorlage Standard Text body Standard Illustration Table Textj standard.dic Thank you for your interest in , and your application in response to the position of personal assistant. I am sorry to inform you that you have not been selected for an interview. 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