S.A.F. xProcs.zip ========== This is free function library can be use with Delphi 1.0 and Delphi 2.0. If offer over 150 functions in the areas or string, datetime, file, system, registry, bits, integer, floatingpoint, ... The following files are contained in the zip: xProcs.pas,.txt,.hlp,.kwf For more info look into the .hlp. If you've problems write eMail to : 100023.275@compuserve.com {*******************************************************} { } { xTool - Component Collection } { } { Copyright (c) 1995 Stefan Böther } { stefc@fabula.com } {*******************************************************} { Please look also for our xTools-Nails function toolkit. You'll find more information at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/stefc/xprocs.htm Any comments and suggestions are welcome; please send to: stefc@fabula.com. 21.02.96 added TMonth & TDay type Stefc 22.02.96 added strFileLoad & strFileSave Stefc 09.03.96 correct sysTempPath Stefc 09.03.96 added regXXXXX functions for access the registry Stefc 24.03.96 added IsWinNT constant Stefc 24.03.96 added SysMetric object Stefc 26.03.96 added dateQuicken for controling date input with keys Stefc 27.03.96 added TDesktopCanvas here Stefc 28.03.96 added LoadDIBitmap Stefc 01.04.96 added Question function here Stefc 09.04.96 added sysSaverRunning added Stefc 12.04.96 added timeZoneOffset Stefc 12.04.96 added timeToInt Stefc 17.04.96 added strCmdLine Stefc 17.04.96 added rectBounds Stefc 17.04.96 added TPersistentRect class Stefc 19.04.96 added strDebug method Stefc 21.04.96 changed TMonth added noneMonth km 21.04.96 added licence callback Stefc 21.04.96 added strNiceDateDefault km 21.04.96 added simple strEncrpyt & strDecrypt Stefc 24.04.96 backport to 16 bit Stefc 24.04.96 added Information method Stefc 24.04.96 use win messageBox with Win95 in Question & Information Stefc 09.05.96 new function ExtractName Stefc 10.05.96 Added TPersistentRegistry Stefc 12.05.96 fileExec Stefc 14.05.96 New function Confirmation Stefc 16.05.96 New function strChange Stefc 29.05.96 New functions comXXXXX Stefc 09.06.96 New function strSearchReplace km 09.06.96 ported assembler strHash to plain pascal Stefc 15.06.96 new variables xLanguage & xLangOfs Stefc 28.06.96 new method sysBeep Stefc 28.06.96 new method intPercent Stefc 10.07.96 make compatible with 16 Bit Delphi 1.0 Stefc 14.07.96 fileLongName & fileShortName defined Stefc 15.07.96 Correct sysTempPath method Stefc 21.07.96 New functions strContains & strContainsU Stefc 28.07.96 comIsCServe also check for xxx@compuServe.com Stefc 31.07.96 added strCapitalize after idea from Fred N. Read Stefc 04.08.96 strByteSize() now can also display Bytes Stefc 05.08.96 added regWriteShellExt() Stefc 06.08.96 added sysColorDepth() Stefc 07.08.96 added strSoundex() Stefc 09.08.96 fixe some bugs in fileShellXXXX Stefc 26.08.96 Added registry functions from David W. Yutzy Stefc 29.08.96 fileShellXXX now also aviable under 16 Bit Stefc 05.09.96 Added regDelValue Stefc 13.09.96 Added fltNegativ and fltPositiv Stefc 29.09.96 Added strTokenToStrings & strTokenFromStrings Stefc 09.10.96 Added variant function Stefc 29.10.96 intPrime now can be used for negative numbers Stefc 29.10.96 fltEqualZero now returns true with FLTZERO Stefc 29.10.96 fltCalc now use Float for greater precision Stefc 29.10.96 correct strTokenCount Stefc 19.11.96 better Windows NT detecting Stefc 28.11.96 correct above text (thanks to Clay Kollenborn-Shannon) Stefc 12.01.96 added fileCopy function Stefc 13.01.96 correct strProfile now it works also for 16-Bit Stefc 13.01.96 get English Quicken keys from George Boomer Stefc 14.01.96 make key in dateQuicken var to reset if on date change Stefc 17.01.96 New functions strPos and strChangeU Stefc 19.01.96 new function fileTypeName after idea of P.Aschenbacher Stefc 19.01.96 new function fileRedirectExec Stefc } unit xProcs; {$D-} interface {.$DEFINE German} {.$DEFINE English} uses {$IFDEF Win32} Windows, Registry, {$ELSE} WinTypes, WinProcs, {$ENDIF} ShellAPI, Messages, Classes, Graphics; type Float = Extended; { our type for float arithmetic } {$IFDEF Win32} { our type for integer functions, Int_ is ever 32 bit } Int_ = Integer; {$ELSE} Int_ = Longint; {$ENDIF} const XCOMPANY = 'Fabula Software'; const { several important ASCII codes } NULL = #0; BACKSPACE = #8; TAB = #9; LF = #10; CR = #13; EOF_ = #26; { 30.07.96 sb } ESC = #27; BLANK = #32; SPACE = BLANK; { digits as chars } ZERO = '0'; ONE = '1'; TWO = '2'; THREE = '3'; FOUR = '4'; FIVE = '5'; SIX = '6'; SEVEN = '7'; EIGHT = '8'; NINE = '9'; { special codes } SLASH = '\'; { used in filenames } HEX_PREFIX = '$'; { prefix for hexnumbers } CRLF : PChar = CR+LF; { common computer sizes } KBYTE = Sizeof(Byte) shl 10; MBYTE = KBYTE shl 10; GBYTE = MBYTE shl 10; { Low floating point value } FLTZERO : Float = 0.00000001; DIGITS : set of Char = [ZERO..NINE]; { important registry keys / items } REG_CURRENT_VERSION = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'; REG_CURRENT_USER = 'RegisteredOwner'; REG_CURRENT_COMPANY = 'RegisteredOrganization'; PRIME_16 = 65521; PRIME_32 = 2147483647; MINSHORTINT = -128; { 1.8.96 sb } MAXSHORTINT = 127; MINBYTE = 0; MAXBYTE = 255; MINWORD = 0; MAXWORD = 65535; type TMonth = (NoneMonth,January,February,March,April,May,June,July, August,September,October,November,December); TDayOfWeek = (Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday); { Online eMail Service Provider } TMailProvider = (mpCServe, mpInternet, mpNone); TLicCallback = function ( var Code: Integer): Integer; TBit = 0..31; { Search and Replace options } TSROption = (srWord,srCase,srAll); TSROptions = set of TsrOption; { Data types } TDataType = (dtInteger,dtBoolean,dtString,dtDate,dtTime, dtFloat,dtCurrency); var IsWin95, IsWinNT : Boolean; IsFabula : TLicCallBack; xLanguage : Integer; xLangOfs : Integer; { bit manipulating } function bitSet(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Boolean; function bitOn(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Int_; function bitOff(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Int_; function bitToggle(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Int_; { String functions } function strHash(const S: String; LastBucket: Integer): Integer; function strCut(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strTrim(const S: String): String; function strTrimA(const S: String): String; function strTrimChA(const S: String; C: Char): String; function strTrimChL(const S: String; C: Char): String; function strTrimChR(const S: String; C: Char): String; function strLeft(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strLower(const S: String): String; function strMake(C: Char; Len: Integer): String; function strPadChL(const S: String; C: Char; Len: Integer): String; function strPadChR(const S: String; C: Char; Len: Integer): String; function strPadChC(const S: String; C: Char; Len: Integer): String; function strPadL(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strPadR(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strPadC(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strPadZeroL(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strPos(const aSubstr,S: String; aOfs: Integer): Integer; procedure strChange(var S:String; const Src, Dest: String); function strChangeU(const S,Source, Dest: String): String; function strRight(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; function strAddSlash(const S: String): String; function strDelSlash(const S: String): String; function strSpace(Len: Integer): String; function strToken(var S: String; Seperator: Char): String; function strTokenCount(S: String; Seperator: Char): Integer; function strTokenAt(const S:String; Seperator: Char; At: Integer): String; procedure strTokenToStrings(S: String; Seperator: Char; List: TStrings); function strTokenFromStrings(Seperator: Char; List: TStrings): String; function strUpper(const S: String): String; function strOemAnsi(const S:String): String; function strAnsiOem(const S:String): String; function strEqual(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; function strComp(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; function strCompU(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; function strContains(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; function strContainsU(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; function strNiceNum(const S: String): String; function strNiceDateDefault(const S, Default: String): String; function strNiceDate(const S: String): String; function strNiceTime(const S: String): String; function strNicePhone(const S: String): String; function strReplace(const S: String; C: Char; const Replace: String): String; function strCmdLine: String; function strEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; function strDecrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; function strLastCh(const S: String): Char; procedure strStripLast(var S: String); function strByteSize(Value: Longint): String; function strSoundex(S: String): String; procedure strSearchReplace(var S:String; const Source, Dest: String; Options: TSRoptions); function strProfile(const aFile, aSection, aEntry, aDefault: String): String; function strCapitalize(const S: String): String; { 31.07.96 sb } {$IFDEF Win32} procedure strDebug(const S: String); function strFileLoad(const aFile: String): String; procedure strFileSave(const aFile,aString: String); {$ENDIF} { Integer functions } function intCenter(a,b: Int_): Int_; function intMax(a,b: Int_): Int_; function intMin(a,b: Int_): Int_; function intPow(Base,Expo: Integer): Int_; function intPow10(Exponent: Integer): Int_; function intSign(a: Int_): Integer; function intZero(a: Int_; Len: Integer): String; function intPrime(Value: Integer): Boolean; function intPercent(a, b: Int_): Int_; { Floatingpoint functions } function fltAdd(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; function fltDiv(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; function fltEqual(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Boolean; function fltEqualZero(P: Float): Boolean; function fltGreaterZero(P: Float): Boolean; function fltLessZero(P: Float): Boolean; function fltNeg(P: Float; Negate: Boolean): Float; function fltMul(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; function fltRound(P: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; function fltSub(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; function fltUnEqualZero(P: Float): Boolean; function fltCalc(const Expr: String): Float; function fltPower(a,n: Float): Float; function fltPositiv(Value: Float): Float; function fltNegativ(Value: Float): Float; { Rectangle functions from Golden Software } function rectHeight(const R: TRect): Integer; function rectWidth(const R: TRect): Integer; procedure rectGrow(var R: TRect; Delta: Integer); procedure rectRelativeMove(var R: TRect; DX, DY: Integer); procedure rectMoveTo(var R: TRect; X, Y: Integer); function rectSet(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer): TRect; function rectInclude(const R1, R2: TRect): Boolean; function rectPoint(const R: TRect; P: TPoint): Boolean; function rectSetPoint(const TopLeft, BottomRight: TPoint): TRect; function rectIntersection(const R1, R2: TRect): TRect; function rectIsIntersection(const R1, R2: TRect): Boolean; function rectIsValid(const R: TRect): Boolean; function rectsAreValid(const Arr: array of TRect): Boolean; function rectNull: TRect; function rectIsNull(const R: TRect): Boolean; function rectIsSquare(const R: TRect): Boolean; function rectCentralPoint(const R: TRect): TPoint; function rectBounds(aLeft,aTop,aWidth,aHeight: Integer): TRect; {$IFDEF Win32} { Variant functions } function varIIF( aTest: Boolean; TrueValue, FalseValue : Variant): Variant; procedure varDebug(const V: Variant); function varToStr(const V: Variant): String; {$ENDIF} { date functions } function dateYear(D: TDateTime): Integer; function dateMonth(D: TDateTime): Integer; function dateDay(D: TDateTime): Integer; function dateBeginOfYear(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function dateEndOfYear(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function dateBeginOfMonth(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function dateEndOfMonth(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function dateWeekOfYear(D: TDateTime): Integer; function dateDayOfYear(D: TDateTime): Integer; function dateDayOfWeek(D: TDateTime): TDayOfWeek; function dateLeapYear(D: TDateTime): Boolean; function dateBeginOfQuarter(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function dateEndOfQuarter(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function dateBeginOfWeek(D: TDateTime;Weekday: Integer): TDateTime; function dateDaysInMonth(D: TDateTime): Integer; function dateQuicken(D: TDateTime; var Key: Char): TDateTime; {function dateDiff(D1,D2: TDateTime): Integer;} { time functions } function timeHour(T: TDateTime): Integer; function timeMin(T: TDateTime): Integer; function timeSec(T: TDateTime): Integer; function timeToInt(T: TDateTime): Integer; {$IFDEF Win32} function timeZoneOffset: Integer; {$ENDIF} { com Functions } function comIsCis(const S: String): Boolean; function comIsInt(const S: String): Boolean; function comCisToInt(const S: String): String; function comIntToCis(const S: String): String; function comFaxToCis(const S: String): String; function comNormFax(const Name,Fax: String): String; function comNormPhone(const Phone: String): String; function comNormInt(const Name,Int: String): String; function comNormCis(const Name,Cis: String): String; { file functions } procedure fileShredder(const Filename: String); function fileSize(const Filename: String): Longint; function fileWildcard(const Filename: String): Boolean; function fileShellOpen(const aFile: String): Boolean; function fileShellPrint(const aFile: String): Boolean; function fileCopy(const SourceFile, TargetFile: String): Boolean; {$IFDEF Win32} function fileTemp(const aExt: String): String; function fileExec(const aCmdLine: String; aHide, aWait: Boolean): Boolean; function fileRedirectExec(const aCmdLine: String; Strings: TStrings): Boolean; function fileLongName(const aFile: String): String; function fileShortName(const aFile: String): String; function fileTypeName(const aFile: String): String; {$ENDIF} function ExtractName(const Filename: String): String; { system functions } function sysTempPath:String; procedure sysDelay(aMs: Longint); procedure sysBeep; function sysColorDepth: Integer; { 06.08.96 sb } {$IFDEF Win32} procedure sysSaverRunning(Active: Boolean); {$ENDIF} { registry functions } {$IFDEF Win32} function regReadString(aKey: hKey; const Path: String): String; procedure regWriteString(aKey: hKey; const Path,Value: String); procedure regDelValue(aKey: hKey; const Path: String); function regInfoString(const Value: String): String; function regCurrentUser: String; function regCurrentCompany: String; procedure regWriteShellExt(const aExt,aCmd,aMenu,aExec: String); { The following five functions came from David W. Yutzy / Celeste Software Services Thanks for submitting us the methods !! } procedure regKeyList(aKey: HKEY; const Path:String; var aValue: TStringList); function regValueExist(aKey: HKEY; const Path:String):Boolean; function regWriteValue(aKey: HKEY; const Path: String; Value: Variant; Typ: TDataType): Boolean; function regReadValue(aKey:HKEY; const Path:String; Typ: TDataType): Variant; procedure regValueList(aKey: HKEY; const Path:String; var aValue: TStringList); {$ENDIF} { several functions } function Question(const Msg: String):Boolean; procedure Information(const Msg: String); function Confirmation(const Msg: String): Word; type { TRect that can be used persistent as property for components } TUnitConvertEvent = function (Sender: TObject; Value: Integer; Get: Boolean): Integer of object; TPersistentRect = class(TPersistent) private FRect : TRect; FOnConvert : TUnitConvertEvent; procedure SetLeft(Value: Integer); procedure SetTop(Value: Integer); procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); function GetLeft: Integer; function GetTop: Integer; function GetHeight: Integer; function GetWidth: Integer; public constructor Create; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; property Rect: TRect read FRect; property OnConvert: TUnitConvertEvent read FOnConvert write FOnConvert; published property Left : Integer read GetLeft write SetLeft; property Top : Integer read GetTop write SetTop; property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; property Width : Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; end; {$IFDEF Win32} { Persistent access of components from the registry } TPersistentRegistry = class(TRegistry) public function ReadComponent(const Name: String; Owner, Parent: TComponent): TComponent; procedure WriteComponent(const Name: String; Component: TComponent); end; {$ENDIF { easy access of the system metrics } TSystemMetric = class private FColorDepth, FMenuHeight, FCaptionHeight : Integer; FBorder, FFrame, FDlgFrame, FBitmap, FHScroll, FVScroll, FThumb, FFullScreen, FMin, FMinTrack, FCursor, FIcon, FDoubleClick, FIconSpacing : TPoint; protected constructor Create; procedure Update; public property MenuHeight: Integer read FMenuHeight; property CaptionHeight: Integer read FCaptionHeight; property Border: TPoint read FBorder; property Frame: TPoint read FFrame; property DlgFrame: TPoint read FDlgFrame; property Bitmap: TPoint read FBitmap; property HScroll: TPoint read FHScroll; property VScroll: TPoint read FVScroll; property Thumb: TPoint read FThumb; property FullScreen: TPoint read FFullScreen; property Min: TPoint read FMin; property MinTrack: TPoint read FMinTrack; property Cursor: TPoint read FCursor; property Icon: TPoint read FIcon; property DoubleClick: TPoint read FDoubleClick; property IconSpacing: TPoint read FIconSpacing; property ColorDepth: Integer read FColorDepth; end; var SysMetric: TSystemMetric; type TDesktopCanvas = class(TCanvas) private DC : hDC; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses SysUtils, Controls, Forms, Consts, Dialogs; { bit manipulating } function bitSet(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Boolean; begin Result:= (Value and (1 shl TheBit)) <> 0; end; function bitOn(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Int_; begin Result := Value or (1 shl TheBit); end; function bitOff(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Int_; begin Result := Value and ((1 shl TheBit) xor $FFFFFFFF); end; function bitToggle(const Value: Int_; const TheBit: TBit): Int_; begin result := Value xor (1 shl TheBit); end; { string methods } function strHash(const S: String; LastBucket: Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result:=0; for i := 1 to Length(S) do Result := ((Result shl 3) xor Ord(S[i])) mod LastBucket; end; function strTrim(const S: String): String; begin Result:=StrTrimChR(StrTrimChL(S,BLANK),BLANK); end; function strTrimA(const S: String): String; begin Result:=StrTrimChA(S,BLANK); end; function strTrimChA(const S: String; C: Char): String; var I : Word; begin Result:=S; for I:=Length(Result) downto 1 do if Result[I]=C then Delete(Result,I,1); end; function strTrimChL(const S: String; C: Char): String; begin Result:=S; while (Length(Result)>0) and (Result[1]=C) do Delete(Result,1,1); end; function strTrimChR(const S: String; C: Char): String; begin Result:=S; while (Length(Result)> 0) and (Result[Length(Result)]=C) do Delete(Result,Length(Result),1); end; function strLeft(const S: String; Len: Integer): String; begin Result:=Copy(S,1,Len); end; function strLower(const S: String): String; begin Result:=AnsiLowerCase(S); end; function strMake(C: Char; Len: Integer): String; begin Result:=strPadChL('',C,Len); end; function strPadChL(const S: String; C: Char; Len: Integer): String; begin Result:=S; while Length(Result)=Length(S) then Result:=S else Result:=Copy(S,Succ(Length(S))-Len,Len); end; function strAddSlash(const S: String): String; begin Result:=S; if strLastCh(Result)<>SLASH then Result:=Result+SLASH; end; function strDelSlash(const S: String): String; begin Result:=S; if strLastCh(Result)=SLASH then Delete(Result,Length(Result),1); end; function strSpace(Len: Integer): String; begin Result:=StrMake(BLANK,Len); end; function strToken(var S: String; Seperator: Char): String; var I : Word; begin I:=Pos(Seperator,S); if I<>0 then begin Result:=System.Copy(S,1,I-1); System.Delete(S,1,I); end else begin Result:=S; S:=''; end; end; function strTokenCount(S: String; Seperator: Char): Integer; begin Result:=0; while S<>'' do begin { 29.10.96 sb } StrToken(S,Seperator); Inc(Result); end; end; function strTokenAt(const S:String; Seperator: Char; At: Integer): String; var j,i: Integer; begin Result:=''; j := 1; i := 0; while (i<=At ) and (j<=Length(S)) do begin if S[j]=Seperator then Inc(i) else if i = At then Result:=Result+S[j]; Inc(j); end; end; procedure strTokenToStrings(S: String; Seperator: Char; List: TStrings); var Token: String; begin List.Clear; Token:=strToken(S,Seperator); while Token<>'' do begin List.Add(Token); Token:=strToken(S,Seperator); end; end; function strTokenFromStrings(Seperator: Char; List: TStrings): String; var i: Integer; begin Result:=''; for i:=0 to List.Count-1 do if Result<>'' then Result:=Result+Seperator+List[i] else Result:=List[i]; end; function strUpper(const S: String): String; begin Result:=AnsiUpperCase(S); end; function strOemAnsi(const S:String):String; begin {$IFDEF Win32} SetLength(Result,Length(S)); {$ELSE} Result[0]:=Chr(Length(S)); {$ENDIF} OemToAnsiBuff(@S[1],@Result[1],Length(S)); end; function strAnsiOem(const S:String): String; begin {$IFDEF Win32} SetLength(Result,Length(S)); {$ELSE} Result[0]:=Chr(Length(S)); {$ENDIF} AnsiToOemBuff(@S[1],@Result[1],Length(S)); end; function strEqual(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; begin Result:=AnsiCompareText(S1,S2)=0; end; function strCompU(const S1,S2: String) : Boolean; begin Result:=strEqual(strLeft(S2,Length(S1)),S1); end; function strComp(const S1,S2: String) : Boolean; begin Result:=strLeft(S2,Length(S1))=S1; end; function strContains(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; begin Result:=Pos(S1,S2) > 0; end; function strContainsU(const S1,S2: String): Boolean; begin Result:=strContains(strUpper(S1),strUpper(S2)); end; function strNiceNum(const S: String) : String; var i : Integer; Seps : set of Char; begin Seps:=[ThousandSeparator,DecimalSeparator]; Result:= ZERO; for i := 1 to Length(S) do if S[i] in DIGITS + Seps then begin if S[i] = ThousandSeparator then Result:=Result+DecimalSeparator else Result:=Result+S[i]; if S[i] In Seps then Seps:=[]; end end; function strNiceDate(const S: String): String; begin Result:=strNiceDateDefault(S, DateToStr(Date)); end; function strNiceDateDefault(const S, Default: String): String; (* sinn der Procedure: Irgendeinen String übergeben und in ein leidlich brauchbares Datum verwandeln. Im Wesentlichen zum Abfangen des Kommazeichens auf dem Zehnerfeld. eingabe 10 = Rückgabe 10 des Laufenden Monats eingabe 10.12 = Rückgabe des 10.12. des laufenden Jahres. eingabe 10.12.96 = Rückgabe des Strings eingabe 10,12,96 = Rückgabe 10.12.95 (wird dann won STRtoDATE() gefressen) Eine Plausbilitätskontrolle des Datums findet nicht Statt. Geplante Erweiterung: eingabe: +14 = Rückgabe 14 Tage Weiter eingabe: +3m = Rückgabe 3 Monate ab Heute eingabe: +3w = Rückgabe 3 Wochen (3*7 Tage) ab Heute Das gleiche auch Rückwärts mit Minuszeichen eingabe: e oder E oder f = Nächster Erster eingabe: e+1m Erster des übernächsten Monats Da läßt sich aber noch trefflich weiterspinnen EV. mit Quelle rausgeben, damit sich die Engländer und Franzosen an Ihren Datumsformaten selbst erfreuen können und wir die passenden umsetzungen bekommen. *) var a : array [0..2] of string[4]; heute : string; i,j : integer; begin a[0]:=''; a[1]:=''; a[2]:=''; heute := Default; j := 0; for i := 0 to length(S) do if S[i] in DIGITS then a[j] := a[j]+S[i] else if S[i] in [DateSeparator] then Inc(j); for i := 0 to 2 do if Length(a[i]) = 0 then if I=2 then a[i] :=copy(heute,i*3+1,4) else a[i] := copy(heute,i*3+1,2) else if length(a[i]) = 1 then a[i] := '0'+a[i]; Result:=a[0]+DateSeparator+a[1]+DateSeparator+a[2]; try StrToDate(Result); except Result:=DateToStr(Date); end; end; function strNiceTime(const S: String): String; var a : array[0..2] of string[2]; i,j : integer; begin j:= 0; a[0]:= ''; a[1]:=''; a[2]:=''; for i:= 1 to length(S) do begin if S[i] in DIGITS then begin a[j] := a[j]+S[i]; end else if S[i] in ['.',',',':'] then inc(J); if j > 2 then exit; end; for J := 0 to 2 do if length(a[j]) = 1 then a[j] := '0'+a[j] else if length(a[j]) = 0 then a[j] := '00'; Result := a[0]+TimeSeparator+a[1]+TimeSeparator+a[2]; end; function strNicePhone(const S: String): String; var L : Integer; begin if Length(S) > 3 then begin L:=(Length(S)+1) div 2; Result:=strNicePhone(strLeft(S,L))+SPACE+strNicePhone(strRight(S,Length(S)-L)); end else Result := S; end; function strReplace(const S: String; C: Char; const Replace: String): String; var i : Integer; begin Result:=''; for i:=Length(S) downto 1 do if S[i]=C then Result:=Replace+Result else Result:=S[i]+Result; end; function strPos(const aSubstr,S: String; aOfs: Integer): Integer; begin Result:=Pos(aSubStr,Copy(S,aOfs,(Length(S)-aOfs)+1)); if (Result>0) and (aOfs>1) then Inc(Result,aOfs-1); end; procedure strChange(var S:String; const Src, Dest: String); var P : Integer; begin P:=Pos(Src,S); while P<>0 do begin Delete(S,P,Length(Src)); Insert(Dest,S,P); Inc(P,Length(Dest)); P:=strPos(Src,S,P); end; end; function strChangeU(const S,Source, Dest: String): String; var P : Integer; aSrc : String; begin Result:=S; aSrc:=strUpper(Source); P:=Pos(aSrc,strUpper(Result)); while P<>0 do begin Delete(Result,P,Length(Source)); Insert(Dest,Result,P); Inc(P,Length(Dest)); P:=strPos(aSrc,strUpper(Result),P); end; end; function strCmdLine: String; var i: Integer; begin Result:=''; for i:=1 to ParamCount do Result:=Result+ParamStr(i)+' '; Delete(Result,Length(Result),1); end; { sends a string to debug windows inside the IDE } {$IFDEF Win32} procedure strDebug(const S: String); var P : PChar; CPS : TCopyDataStruct; aWnd : hWnd; begin aWnd := FindWindow('TfrmDbgTerm', nil); if aWnd <> 0 then begin CPS.cbData := Length(S) + 2; GetMem(P, CPS.cbData); try StrPCopy(P, S+CR); CPS.lpData := P; SendMessage(aWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, LParam(@CPS)); finally FreeMem(P, Length(S)+2); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} function strSoundex(S: String): String; const CvTable : array['B'..'Z'] of char = ( '1', '2', '3', '0', '1', {'B' .. 'F'} '2', '0', '0', '2', '2', {'G' .. 'K'} '4', '5', '5', '0', '1', {'L' .. 'P'} '2', '6', '2', '3', '0', {'Q' .. 'U'} '1', '0', '2', '0', '2' ); {'V' .. 'Z'} var i,j : Integer; aGroup,Ch : Char; function Group(Ch: Char): Char; begin if (Ch in ['B' .. 'Z']) and not (Ch In ['E','H','I','O','U','W','Y']) then Result:=CvTable[Ch] else Result:='0'; end; begin Result := '000'; if S='' then exit; S:= strUpper(S); i:= 2; j:= 1; while (i <= Length(S)) and ( j<=3) do begin Ch := S[i]; aGroup := Group(Ch); if (aGroup <> '0') and (Ch <> S[i-1]) and ((J=1) or (aGroup <> Result[j-1])) and ((i>2) or (aGroup <> Group(S[1]))) then begin Result[j] :=aGroup; Inc(j); end; Inc(i); end; {while} Result:=S[1]+'-'+Result; end; function strByteSize(Value: Longint): String; function FltToStr(F: Extended): String; begin Result:=FloatToStrF(Round(F),ffNumber,6,0); end; begin if Value > GBYTE then Result:=FltTostr(Value / GBYTE)+' GB' else if Value > MBYTE then Result:=FltToStr(Value / MBYTE)+' MB' else if Value > KBYTE then Result:=FltTostr(Value / KBYTE)+' KB' else Result:=FltTostr(Value) +' Byte'; { 04.08.96 sb } end; const C1 = 52845; C2 = 22719; function strEncrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: Integer; begin {$IFDEF Win32} SetLength(Result,Length(S)); {$ELSE} Result[0]:=Chr(Length(S)); {$ENDIF} for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := Char(Ord(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (Ord(Result[I]) + Key) * C1 + C2; end; end; function strDecrypt(const S: String; Key: Word): String; var I: Integer; begin {$IFDEF Win32} SetLength(Result,Length(S)); {$ELSE} Result[0]:=Chr(Length(S)); {$ENDIF} for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin Result[I] := char(Ord(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (Ord(S[I]) + Key) * C1 + C2; end; end; function strLastCh(const S: String): Char; begin Result:=S[Length(S)]; end; procedure strStripLast(var S: String); begin if Length(S) > 0 then Delete(S,Length(S),1); end; procedure strSearchReplace(var S:String; const Source, Dest: String; Options: TSRoptions); var hs,hs1,hs2,hs3: String; var i,j : integer; begin if srCase in Options then begin hs := s; hs3 := source; end else begin hs:= StrUpper(s); hs3 := StrUpper(Source); end; hs1:= ''; I:= pos(hs3,hs); j := length(hs3); while i > 0 do begin delete(hs,1,i+j-1); {Anfang Rest geändert 8.7.96 KM} hs1 := Hs1+copy(s,1,i-1); {Kopieren geändert 8.7.96 KM} delete(s,1,i-1); {Löschen bis Anfang posgeändert 8.7.96 KM} hs2 := copy(s,1,j); {Bis ende pos Sichern} delete(s,1,j); {Löschen bis ende Pos} if (not (srWord in Options)) or (pos(s[1],' .,:;-#''+*?=)(/&%$§"!{[]}\~<>|') > 0) then begin {Quelle durch ziel erstzen} hs1 := hs1+dest; end else begin hs1 := hs1+hs2; end; if srall in options then I:= pos(hs3,hs) else i :=0; end; s:= hs1+s; end; function strProfile(const aFile, aSection, aEntry, aDefault: String): String; var aTmp: array[0..255] of Char; {$IFNDEF Win32} pFile : array[0..200] of char; pSection : array[0..100] of char; pEntry : array[0..100] of char; pDefault : array[0..100] of char; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF Win32} GetPrivateProfileString(PChar(aSection), PChar(aEntry), PChar(aDefault), aTmp, Sizeof(aTmp)-1, PChar(aFile)); Result:=StrPas(aTmp); {$ELSE} GetPrivateProfileString(StrPCopy(pSection,aSection), StrPCopy(pEntry,aEntry), StrPCopy(pDefault,aDefault), aTmp, Sizeof(aTmp)-1, StrPCopy(pFile,aFile)); Result:=StrPas(aTmp); {$ENDIF} end; function strCapitalize(const S: String): String; { 31.07.96 sb } var i : Integer; Ch : Char; First : Boolean; begin First := True; Result := ''; for i:=1 to Length(S) do begin Ch:=S[i]; if Ch in [SPACE,'-','.'] then First:=True else if First then begin Ch:=strUpper(Ch)[1]; First:=False; end; Result:=Result+Ch; end; end; {$IFDEF Win32} function strFileLoad(const aFile: String): String; var aStr : TStrings; begin Result:=''; aStr:=TStringList.Create; try aStr.LoadFromFile(aFile); Result:=aStr.Text; finally aStr.Free; end; end; procedure strFileSave(const aFile,aString: String); var Stream: TStream; begin Stream := TFileStream.Create(aFile, fmCreate); try Stream.WriteBuffer(Pointer(aString)^,Length(aString)); finally Stream.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} { Integer stuff } function IntCenter(a,b: Int_): Int_; begin Result:=a div 2 - b div 2; end; function IntMax(a,b: Int_): Int_; begin if a>b then Result:=a else Result:=b; end; function IntMin(a,b: Int_): Int_; begin if a0 then Result:=+1 else Result:= 0; end; function IntZero(a: Int_; Len: Integer): String; begin Result:=strPadZeroL(IntToStr(a),Len); end; function IntPrime(Value: Integer): Boolean; var i : integer; begin Result:=False; Value:=Abs(Value); { 29.10.96 sb } if Value mod 2 <> 0 then begin i := 1; repeat i := i + 2; Result:= Value mod i = 0 until Result or ( i > Trunc(sqrt(Value)) ); Result:= not Result; end; end; function IntPercent(a, b : Int_): Int_; begin Result := Trunc((a / b)*100); end; { Floating point stuff } function FltAdd(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; begin P1 :=fltRound(P1,Decimals); P2 :=fltRound(P2,Decimals); Result:=fltRound(P1+P2,Decimals); end; function FltDiv(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; begin P1:=fltRound(P1,Decimals); P2:=fltRound(P2,Decimals); if P2=0.0 then P2:=FLTZERO; { provide division by zero } Result:=fltRound(P1/P2,Decimals); end; function FltEqual(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Boolean; var Diff : Float; begin Diff:=fltSub(P1,P2,Decimals); Result:=fltEqualZero(Diff); end; function FltEqualZero(P: Float): Boolean; begin Result:=(P>=-FLTZERO) and (P<=FLTZERO); { 29.10.96 sb } end; function FltGreaterZero(P: Float): Boolean; begin Result:=P>FLTZERO; end; function FltLessZero(P: Float): Boolean; begin Result:=P<-FLTZERO; end; function FltNeg(P: Float; Negate: Boolean): Float; begin if Negate then Result:=-P else Result:=P; end; function FltMul(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; begin P1 :=fltRound(P1,Decimals); P2 :=fltRound(P2,Decimals); Result:=fltRound(P1*P2,Decimals); end; function FltRound(P: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; var Factor : LongInt; Help : Float; begin Factor:=IntPow10(Decimals); if P<0 then Help:=-0.5 else Help:=0.5; Result:=Int(P*Factor+Help)/Factor; if fltEqualZero(Result) then Result:=0.00; end; function FltSub(P1,P2: Float; Decimals: Integer): Float; begin P1 :=fltRound(P1,Decimals); P2 :=fltRound(P2,Decimals); Result:=fltRound(P1-P2,Decimals); end; function FltUnEqualZero(P: Float): Boolean; begin Result:=(P<-FLTZERO) or (P>FLTZERO) end; function FltCalc(const Expr: String): Float; const STACKSIZE = 10; var Stack : array[0..STACKSIZE] of Float; { 29.10.96 sb } oStack : array[0..STACKSIZE] of char; z,n : Float; i,j,m : integer; Bracket : boolean; begin Bracket:= False; j := 0; n:= 1;z:=0; m:=1; for i := 1 to Length(Expr) do begin if not Bracket then case Expr[i] of '0' .. '9': begin z:=z*10+ord(Expr[i])-ord('0'); n:=n*m; end; ',',#46 : m := 10; '(' : Bracket := True; {hier Klammeranfang merken, Zähler!!} '*','x', 'X', '/','+' : begin Stack[j] := z/n; oStack[j] := Expr[i]; Inc(j); m:=1;z:=0;n:=1; end; end {case} else Bracket:= Expr[i]<> ')'; {hier Rekursiver Aufruf, Zähler !!}; end; Stack[j] := z/n; for i := 1 to j do case oStack[i-1] of '*','x','X' : Stack[i]:= Stack[i-1]*Stack[i]; '/' : Stack[i]:= Stack[i-1]/Stack[i]; '+' : Stack[i]:= Stack[i-1]+Stack[i]; end; Result:= Stack[j]; end; function fltPower(a, n: Float): Float; begin Result:=Exp(n * Ln(a)); end; function fltPositiv(Value: Float): Float; begin Result:=Value; if Value < 0.0 then Result:= 0.0; end; function fltNegativ(Value: Float): Float; begin Result:=Value; if Value > 0.0 then Result:= 0.0; end; { Rectangle Calculations } function RectHeight(const R: TRect): Integer; begin Result := R.Bottom - R.Top; end; function RectWidth(const R: TRect): Integer; begin Result := R.Right - R.Left; end; procedure RectGrow(var R: TRect; Delta: Integer); begin with R do begin Dec(Left, Delta); Dec(Top, Delta); Inc(Right, Delta); Inc(Bottom, Delta); end; end; procedure RectRelativeMove(var R: TRect; DX, DY: Integer); begin with R do begin Inc(Left, DX); Inc(Right, DX); Inc(Top, DY); Inc(Bottom, DY); end; end; procedure RectMoveTo(var R: TRect; X, Y: Integer); begin with R do begin Right := X + Right - Left; Bottom := Y + Bottom - Top; Left := X; Top := Y; end; end; function RectSet(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer): TRect; begin Result.Left := Left; Result.Top := Top; Result.Right := Right; Result.Bottom := Bottom; end; function RectSetPoint(const TopLeft, BottomRight: TPoint): TRect; begin Result.TopLeft := TopLeft; Result.BottomRight := BottomRight; end; function RectInclude(const R1, R2: TRect): Boolean; begin Result := (R1.Left >= R2.Left) and (R1.Top >= R2.Top) and (R1.Right <= R2.Right) and (R1.Bottom <= R2.Bottom); end; function RectPoint(const R: TRect; P: TPoint): Boolean; begin Result := (p.x>r.left) and (p.xr.top) and (p.y GetFileSize } if FindFirst(FileName,faAnyFile,SearchRec)=0 then Result:=SearchRec.Size else Result:=0; end; function fileWildcard(const Filename: String): Boolean; begin Result:=(Pos('*',Filename)<>0) or (Pos('?',Filename)<>0); end; function fileShellOpen(const aFile: String): Boolean; var Tmp: array[0..100] of char; begin Result := ShellExecute( Application.Handle, 'open', StrPCopy(Tmp,aFile), nil, nil, SW_NORMAL) > 32; end; function fileShellPrint(const aFile: String): Boolean; var Tmp: array[0..100] of char; begin Result := ShellExecute( Application.Handle, 'print', StrPCopy(Tmp,aFile), nil, nil, SW_HIDE) > 32; end; function fileCopy(const SourceFile, TargetFile: String): Boolean; const BlockSize = 1024 * 16; var FSource,FTarget : Integer; FFileSize : Longint; BRead,Bwrite : Word; Buffer : Pointer; begin Result:=False; FSource:=FileOpen(SourceFile,fmOpenRead+fmShareDenyNone); { Open Source } if FSource>=0 then try FFileSize:=FileSeek(FSource, 0, soFromEnd); FTarget:=FileCreate(TargetFile); { Open Target } try getmem(Buffer,BlockSize); try FileSeek(FSource,0,soFromBeginning); repeat BRead:=FileRead(FSource,Buffer^,BlockSize); BWrite:=FileWrite(FTarget,Buffer^,Bread); until (Bread=0) or (Bread<>BWrite); if Bread=Bwrite then Result:=True; finally freemem(Buffer,BlockSize); end; FileSetDate(FTarget, FileGetDate(FSource)); finally FileClose(FTarget); end; finally FileClose(FSource); end; end; {$IFDEF Win32} function fileTemp(const aExt: String): String; var Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char; aFile : String; begin GetTempPath(Sizeof(Buffer)-1,Buffer); GetTempFileName(Buffer,'TMP',0,Buffer); SetString(aFile, Buffer, StrLen(Buffer)); Result:=ChangeFileExt(aFile,aExt); RenameFile(aFile,Result); end; function fileExec(const aCmdLine: String; aHide, aWait: Boolean): Boolean; var StartupInfo : TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo : TProcessInformation; begin {setup the startup information for the application } FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); with StartupInfo do begin cb:= SizeOf(TStartupInfo); dwFlags:= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW or STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK; if aHide then wShowWindow:= SW_HIDE else wShowWindow:= SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; Result := CreateProcess(nil,PChar(aCmdLine), nil, nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo); if aWait then if Result then begin WaitForInputIdle(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); end; end; function fileRedirectExec(const aCmdLine: String; Strings: TStrings): Boolean; var StartupInfo : TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo : TProcessInformation; aOutput : Integer; aFile : String; begin Strings.Clear; { Create temp. file for output } aFile:=FileTemp('.tmp'); aOutput:=FileCreate(aFile); try {setup the startup information for the application } FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); with StartupInfo do begin cb:= SizeOf(TStartupInfo); dwFlags:= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW or STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; wShowWindow:= SW_HIDE; hStdInput:= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hStdOutput:= aOutput; hStdError:= INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; Result := CreateProcess(nil,PChar(aCmdLine), nil, nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo); if Result then begin WaitForInputIdle(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); end; finally FileClose(aOutput); Strings.LoadFromFile(aFile); DeleteFile(aFile); end; end; function fileLongName(const aFile: String): String; var aInfo: TSHFileInfo; begin if SHGetFileInfo(PChar(aFile),0,aInfo,Sizeof(aInfo),SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME)<>0 then Result:=StrPas(aInfo.szDisplayName) else Result:=aFile; end; function fileTypeName(const aFile: String): String; var aInfo: TSHFileInfo; begin if SHGetFileInfo(PChar(aFile),0,aInfo,Sizeof(aInfo),SHGFI_TYPENAME)<>0 then Result:=StrPas(aInfo.szTypeName) else begin Result:=ExtractFileExt(aFile); Delete(Result,1,1); Result:=strUpper(Result)+' File'; end; end; function fileShortName(const aFile: String): String; var aTmp: array[0..255] of char; begin if GetShortPathName(PChar(aFile),aTmp,Sizeof(aTmp)-1)=0 then Result:=aFile else Result:=StrPas(aTmp); end; {$ENDIF} function ExtractName(const Filename: String): String; var aExt : String; aPos : Integer; begin aExt:=ExtractFileExt(Filename); Result:=ExtractFileName(Filename); if aExt <> '' then begin aPos:=Pos(aExt,Result); if aPos>0 then Delete(Result,aPos,Length(aExt)); end; end; { date calculations } function dateYear(D: TDateTime): Integer; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=Year; end; function dateMonth(D: TDateTime): Integer; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=Month; end; function dateBeginOfYear(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=EncodeDate(Year,1,1); end; function dateEndOfYear(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=EncodeDate(Year,12,31); end; function dateBeginOfMonth(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=EncodeDate(Year,Month,1); end; function dateEndOfMonth(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); if Month=12 then begin Inc(Year); Month:=1; end else Inc(Month); Result:=EncodeDate(Year,Month,1)-1; end; function dateWeekOfYear(D: TDateTime): Integer; { Armin Hanisch } const t1: array[1..7] of ShortInt = ( -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, -3, -2); t2: array[1..7] of ShortInt = ( -4, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3); var doy1, doy2 : Integer; NewYear : TDateTime; begin NewYear:=dateBeginOfYear(D); doy1 := dateDayofYear(D) + t1[DayOfWeek(NewYear)]; doy2 := dateDayofYear(D) + t2[DayOfWeek(D)]; if doy1 <= 0 then Result := dateWeekOfYear(NewYear-1) else if (doy2 >= dateDayofYear(dateEndOfYear(NewYear))) then Result:= 1 else Result:=(doy1-1) div 7+1; end; function dateDayOfYear(D: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result:=Trunc(D-dateBeginOfYear(D))+1; end; function dateDayOfWeek(D: TDateTime): TDayOfWeek; begin Result:=TDayOfWeek(Pred(DayOfWeek(D))); end; function dateLeapYear(D: TDateTime): Boolean; var Year,Month,Day: Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=(Year mod 4 = 0) and ((Year mod 100 <> 0) or (Year mod 400 = 0)); end; function dateBeginOfQuarter(D: TDateTime):TDateTime; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=EncodeDate(Year,((Month-1 div 3) * 3)+1,1); end; function dateEndOfQuarter(D: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Result:=dateBeginOfQuarter(dateBeginOfQuarter(D)+(3*31))-1; end; function dateBeginOfWeek(D: TDateTime; Weekday: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result:=D; while DayOfWeek(Result)<>Weekday do Result:=Result-1; end; function dateDaysInMonth(D: TDateTime): Integer; const DaysPerMonth: array[1..12] of Byte= (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); var Month: Integer; begin Month:=dateMonth(D); Result:=DaysPerMonth[Month]; if (Month=2) and dateLeapYear(D) then Inc(Result); end; function dateDay(D: TDateTime): Integer; var Year,Month,Day : Word; begin DecodeDate(D,Year,Month,Day); Result:=Day; end; function dateQuicken(D: TDateTime; var Key: Char): TDateTime; const {$IFDEF German} _ToDay = 'H'; _PrevYear = 'J'; _NextYear = 'R'; _PrevMonth= 'M'; _NextMonth= 'T'; _BeginQuart='Q'; _EndQuart ='U'; {$ELSE} _ToDay = 'T'; _PrevYear = 'Y'; _NextYear = 'R'; _PrevMonth= 'M'; _NextMonth= 'H'; _BeginQuart='Q'; _EndQuart ='U'; {$ENDIF} begin case Upcase(Key) of { Quicken Date Fast Keys } '+' : Result := D+1; '-' : Result := D-1; _ToDay : Result := Date; _PrevYear : if D <> dateBeginOfYear(D) then Result:=dateBeginOfYear(D) else Result:=dateBeginOfYear(D-1); _NextYear : if D <> dateEndOfYear(D) then Result:=dateEndOfYear(D) else Result:=dateEndOfYear(Date+1); _PrevMonth : if D <> dateBeginOfMonth(D) then Result:=dateBeginOfMonth(D) else Result:=dateBeginOfMonth(D-1); _NextMonth : if D <> dateEndOfMonth(D) then Result:=dateEndOfMonth(D) else Result:=dateEndOfMonth(D+1); _BeginQuart: Result := dateBeginOfQuarter(D); _EndQuart : Result := dateEndOfQuarter(D); else begin Result := D; exit; end; end; Key:=#0; end; { time functions } function timeHour(T: TDateTime): Integer; var Hour,Minute,Sec,Sec100: Word; begin DecodeTime(T,Hour,Minute,Sec,Sec100); Result:=Hour; end; function timeMin(T: TDateTime): Integer; var Hour,Minute,Sec,Sec100: Word; begin DecodeTime(T,Hour,Minute,Sec,Sec100); Result:=Minute; end; function timeSec(T: TDateTime): Integer; var Hour,Minute,Sec,Sec100: Word; begin DecodeTime(T,Hour,Minute,Sec,Sec100); Result:=Sec; end; function timeToInt(T: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result:=Trunc((MSecsPerday * T) / 1000); end; {$IFDEF Win32} function timeZoneOffset: Integer; var aTimeZoneInfo : TTimeZoneInformation; begin if GetTimeZoneInformation(aTimeZoneInfo)<>-1 then Result := aTimeZoneInfo.Bias else Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF} { Communications Functions } function comIsCis(const S: String): Boolean; var aSt: String; PreId, PostId: Integer; begin Result:=strContainsU('@compuserve.com',S); { 28.7.96 sb This is also on CIS } if not Result then if Pos(',',S) > 0 then try aSt:=S; PreId:=StrToInt(strToken(aSt,',')); PostId:=StrToInt(aSt); Result:=(PreId > 0) and (PostId > 0); except Result:=False; end; end; function comIsInt(const S: String): Boolean; var aSt : String; PreId, PostId : String; begin try aSt:=S; PreId:=strToken(aSt,'@'); PostId:=aSt; Result:=(Length(PreId)>0) and (Length(PostId)>0); except Result:=False; end; end; { converts a CIS adress to a correct Internet adress } function comCisToInt(const S: String): String; var P : Integer; begin p:=Pos('INTERNET:',S); if P=1 then Result:=Copy(S,P+1,Length(S)) else begin Result:=S; P:=Pos(',',Result); if P>0 then Result[P]:='.'; Result:=Result+'@compuserve.com'; { 22.07.96 sb Error } end; end; { converts a internet adress to a correct CServe adress } function comIntToCis(const S: String): String; var P : Integer; begin p:=Pos('@COMPUSERVE.COM',strUpper(S)); if p > 0 then begin Result:=strLeft(S,P-1); P:=Pos('.',Result); if P>0 then Result[P]:=','; end else Result:='INTERNET:'+S; end; { converts a fax adress to a correct CServe adress } function comFaxToCis(const S: String): String; begin Result:='FAX:'+S; end; function comNormFax(const Name, Fax: String): String; begin if Name<>'' then Result:=Name+'[fax: '+Name+'@'+strTrim(Fax)+']' else Result:='[fax: '+strTrim(Fax)+']'; end; function comNormInt(const Name,Int: String): String; begin Result:=''; if comIsInt(Int) then if Name <> '' then Result := Name + '|smtp: ' + strTrim(Int) else Result := 'smtp: ' + strTrim(Int); end; function comNormCis(const Name,Cis: String): String; begin Result:=''; if Name <> '' then Result := Name + '[compuserve: ' + strTrim(Cis) + ']' else Result := '[compuserve: ' + strTrim(Cis) + ']'; end; function comNormPhone(const Phone: String): String; function strValueAt(const S:String; At: Integer): String; const Seperator = ','; Str = '"'; var j,i: Integer; FSkip : Boolean; begin Result:=''; j := 1; i := 0; FSkip:= False; while (i<=At ) and (j<=Length(S)) do begin if (S[j]=Str) then FSkip:=not FSkip else if (S[j]=Seperator) and not FSkip then Inc(i) else if i = At then Result:=Result+S[j]; Inc(j); end; end; var aNumber, aCountry, aPrefix, aDefault, aLocation : String; i : Integer; begin aDefault := '1,"Hamburg","","","40",49,0,0,0,"",1," "'; aLocation := strProfile('telephon.ini','Locations','CurrentLocation',''); if aLocation <> '' then begin aLocation:=strTokenAt(aLocation,',',0); if aLocation <> '' then begin aLocation:=strProfile('telephon.ini','Locations','Location'+aLocation,''); if aLocation <> '' then aDefault := aLocation; end; end; Result:=''; aNumber:=strTrim(Phone); if aNumber <> '' then for i:=Length(aNumber) downto 1 do if not (aNumber[i] in DIGITS) then begin if aNumber[i] <> '+' then aNumber[i] := '-'; if i < Length(aNumber) then { remove duplicate digits } if aNumber[i]=aNumber[i+1] then Delete(aNumber,i,1); end; if aNumber <> '' then begin if aNumber[1] = '+' then aCountry := strToken(aNumber,'-') else aCountry := '+'+strValueAt(aDefault,5); aNumber:=strTrimChL(aNumber,'-'); if aNumber <> '' then begin if strTokenCount(aNumber,'-') > 1 then aPrefix := strTrimChL(strToken(aNumber,'-'),'0') else aPrefix := strValueAt(aDefault,4); aNumber:= strNicePhone(strTrimChA(aNumber,'-')); Result := aCountry + ' ('+aPrefix+') '+aNumber; end; end; end; { system functions } {$IFDEF Win32} function sysTempPath: String; var Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char; begin SetString(Result, Buffer, GetTempPath(Sizeof(Buffer)-1,Buffer)); end; {$ELSE} function sysTempPath:String; var Buffer: array[0..255] of char; begin GetTempFileName(#0,'TMP',0,Buffer); { 15.07.96 sb } Result:=StrPas(Buffer); DeleteFile(Result); Result:=ExtractFilePath(Result); end; {$ENDIF} procedure sysDelay(aMs: Longint); var TickCount : LongInt; begin TickCount:=GetTickCount; while GetTickCount - TickCount < aMs do Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure sysBeep; begin messageBeep($FFFF); end; function sysColorDepth: Integer; var aDC: hDC; begin Result:=0; try aDC := GetDC(0); Result:=1 shl (GetDeviceCaps(aDC,PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(aDC, BITSPIXEL)); finally ReleaseDC(0,aDC); end; end; {$IFDEF Win32} procedure sysSaverRunning(Active: Boolean); var aParam: Longint; begin SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, Word(Active),@aParam,0); end; {$ENDIF} { registry functions } {$IFDEF Win32 } procedure regParsePath(const Path: String; var aPath, aValue: String); begin aPath:=Path; aValue:= ''; while (Length(aPath)>0) and (strLastCh(aPath)<>'\') do begin aValue:=strLastCh(aPath)+aValue; strStripLast(aPath); end; end; function regReadString(aKey: HKEY; const Path: String): String; var aRegistry : TRegistry; aPath : String; aValue : String; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; regParsePath(Path, aPath, aValue); OpenKey(aPath,True); Result:=ReadString(aValue); end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; procedure regWriteString(aKey: HKEY; const Path,Value: String); var aRegistry : TRegistry; aPath : String; aValue : String; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; regParsePath(Path, aPath, aValue); OpenKey(aPath,True); WriteString(aValue,Value); end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; procedure regDelValue(aKey: hKey; const Path: String); var aRegistry : TRegistry; aPath : String; aValue : String; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; regParsePath(Path, aPath, aValue); OpenKey(aPath,True); DeleteValue(aValue); end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; (*!!! function regReadString(aKey: hKey; const Value: String): String; var aTmp : array[0..255] of char; aCb, aType : Integer; begin Result:=''; if aKey<> 0 then begin aCb:=Sizeof(aTmp)-1; { aData:=@aTmp; } if RegQueryValueEx(aKey,PChar(Value),nil,@aType,@aTmp,@aCb)=ERROR_SUCCESS then if aType=REG_SZ then Result:=String(aTmp); end; end; *) function regInfoString(const Value: String): String; var aKey : hKey; begin Result:=''; if RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REG_CURRENT_VERSION,aKey)=ERROR_SUCCESS then begin Result:=regReadString(aKey,Value); RegCloseKey(aKey); end; end; function regCurrentUser: String; begin Result:=regInfoString(REG_CURRENT_USER); end; function regCurrentCompany: String; begin Result:=regInfoString(REG_CURRENT_COMPANY); end; { Add a shell extension to the registry } procedure regWriteShellExt(const aExt,aCmd,aMenu,aExec: String); var s, aPath : String; begin with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; aPath := aExt; if KeyExists(aPath) then begin OpenKey(aPath,False); S:=ReadString(''); CloseKey; if S<>'' then if KeyExists(S) then aPath:=S; end; OpenKey(aPath+'\Shell\'+aCmd,True); WriteString('',aMenu); CloseKey; OpenKey(aPath+'\Shell\'+aCmd+'\Command',True); WriteString('',aExec + ' %1'); CloseKey; finally Free; end; end; procedure regValueList(aKey: HKEY; const Path:String; var aValue: TStringList); var aRegistry: TRegistry; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; OpenKey(Path,True); GetValueNames(aValue); end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; procedure regKeyList(aKey: HKEY; const Path:String; var aValue: TStringList); var aRegistry: TRegistry; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; OpenKey(Path,True); GetKeyNames(aValue); end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; function regValueExist(aKey: HKEY; const Path:String):Boolean; var aRegistry: TRegistry; aPath: String; aValue: String; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; regParsePath(Path, aPath, aValue); OpenKey(aPath,True); Result := ValueExists(aValue) end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; function regReadValue(aKey:HKEY; const Path:String; Typ: TDataType): Variant; var aRegistry: TRegistry; aPath: String; aValue: String; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; regParsePath(Path, aPath, aValue); if OpenKey(aPath,True) then if ValueExists(aValue) then case Typ of dtInteger: Result := ReadInteger(aValue); dtBoolean: Result := ReadBool(aValue); dtString: Result := ReadString(aValue); dtDate: Result := ReadDate(aValue); dtFloat: Result := ReadFloat(aValue); dtCurrency: Result := ReadCurrency(aValue); dtTime: Result := REadTime(aValue); end; end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; function regWriteValue(aKey: HKEY; const Path: String; Value: Variant; Typ: TDataType): Boolean; var aRegistry : TRegistry; aPath : String; aValue : String; begin aRegistry:=TRegistry.Create; try with aRegistry do begin RootKey:=aKey; regParsePath(Path, aPath, aValue); if OpenKey(aPath,True) then case Typ of dtInteger: WriteInteger(aValue, Value); dtBoolean: WriteBool(aValue, Value); dtString: WriteString(aValue, Value); dtDate: WriteDate(aValue, Value); dtFloat: WriteFloat(aValue, Value); dtCurrency: WriteCurrency(aValue, Value); dtTime: WriteTime(aValue, Value); end else Result := False; end; finally aRegistry.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} { other stuff } function MsgBox(const aTitle,aMsg: String; aFlag: Integer): Integer; var ActiveWindow : hWnd; WindowList : Pointer; TmpA : array[0..200] of char; TmpB : array[0..100] of char; begin ActiveWindow:=GetActiveWindow; WindowList:= DisableTaskWindows(0); try StrPCopy(TmpB,aTitle); StrPCopy(TmpA,aMsg); {$IFDEF Win32} Result:=Windows.MessageBox(Application.Handle, TmpA, TmpB, aFlag); {$ELSE} Result:=WinProcs.MessageBox(Application.Handle, TmpA, TmpB, aFlag); {$ENDIF} finally EnableTaskWindows(WindowList); SetActiveWindow(ActiveWindow); end; end; function Question(const Msg: String):Boolean; begin if IsWin95 or IsWinNT then Result:=MsgBox(LoadStr(SMsgdlgConfirm),Msg, MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNO)=IDYES else Result:=messageDlg(Msg,mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes; end; procedure Information(const Msg: String); begin if IsWin95 or IsWinNT then MsgBox(LoadStr(SMsgdlgInformation), Msg, MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK ) else messageDlg(Msg,mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; function Confirmation(const Msg: String): Word; begin if IsWin95 or IsWinNT then case MsgBox(LoadStr(SMsgDlgConfirm),Msg,MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNOCANCEL) of IDYES : Result := mrYes; IDNO : Result := mrNo; IDCANCEL : Result := mrCancel; else Result := mrCancel; end else Result:=MessageDlg(Msg,mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel],0); end; { TPersistentRect } constructor TPersistentRect.Create; begin FRect:=rectSet(10,10,100,20); end; procedure TPersistentRect.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var Value: TPersistentRect; begin if Value is TPersistentRect then begin Value:=Source as TPersistentRect; FRect:=rectBounds(Value.Left,Value.Top,Value.Width,Value.Height); exit; end; inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TPersistentRect.SetLeft(Value: Integer); begin if Value<>Left then begin if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Value:=FOnConvert(Self,Value,False); FRect:=rectBounds(Value,Top,Width,Height); end; end; procedure TPersistentRect.SetTop(Value: Integer); begin if Value<>Top then begin if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Value:=FOnConvert(Self,Value,False); FRect:=rectBounds(Left,Value,Width,Height); end; end; procedure TPersistentRect.SetHeight(Value: Integer); begin if Value<>Height then begin if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Value:=FOnConvert(Self,Value,False); FRect:=rectBounds(Left,Top,Width,Value); end; end; procedure TPersistentRect.SetWidth(Value: Integer); begin if Value<>Width then begin if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Value:=FOnConvert(Self,Value,False); FRect:=rectBounds(Left,Top,Value,Height); end; end; function TPersistentRect.GetLeft: Integer; begin Result:=FRect.Left; if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Result:=FOnConvert(Self,Result,True); end; function TPersistentRect.GetTop: Integer; begin Result:=FRect.Top; if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Result:=FOnConvert(Self,Result,True); end; function TPersistentRect.GetHeight: Integer; begin Result:=rectHeight(FRect); if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Result:=FOnConvert(Self,Result,True); end; function TPersistentRect.GetWidth: Integer; begin Result:=rectWidth(FRect); if Assigned(FOnConvert) then Result:=FOnConvert(Self,Result,True); end; {$IFDEF Win32} { TPersistentRegistry } function TPersistentRegistry.ReadComponent(const Name: String; Owner, Parent: TComponent): TComponent; var DataSize : Integer; MemStream : TMemoryStream; Reader : TReader; begin Result := nil; DataSize:=GetDataSize(Name); MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try MemStream.SetSize(DataSize); ReadBinaryData(Name,MemStream.Memory^,DataSize); MemStream.Position := 0; Reader := TReader.Create(MemStream, 256); try Reader.Parent := Parent; Result := Reader.ReadRootComponent(nil); if Owner <> nil then try Owner.InsertComponent(Result); except Result.Free; raise; end; finally Reader.Free; end; finally MemStream.Free; end; end; procedure TPersistentRegistry.WriteComponent(const Name: String; Component: TComponent); var MemStream: TMemoryStream; begin MemStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try MemStream.WriteComponent(Component); WriteBinaryData(Name, MemStream.Memory^, MemStream.Size); finally MemStream.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} { TSystemMetric } constructor TSystemMetric.Create; begin inherited Create; Update; end; procedure TSystemMetric.Update; function GetSystemPoint(ax,ay: Integer):TPoint; begin Result:=Point(GetSystemMetrics(ax),GetSystemMetrics(ay)); end; begin FMenuHeight :=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU); FCaptionHeight :=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); FBorder :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXBORDER,SM_CYBORDER); FFrame :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXFRAME,SM_CYFRAME); FDlgFrame :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXDLGFRAME,SM_CYDLGFRAME); FBitmap :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXSIZE,SM_CYSIZE); FHScroll :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXHSCROLL,SM_CYHSCROLL); FVScroll :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXVSCROLL,SM_CYVSCROLL); FThumb :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXHTHUMB,SM_CYVTHUMB); FFullScreen :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXFULLSCREEN,SM_CYFULLSCREEN); FMin :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXMIN,SM_CYMIN); FMinTrack :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXMINTRACK,SM_CYMINTRACK); FCursor :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXCURSOR,SM_CYCURSOR); FIcon :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXICON,SM_CYICON); FDoubleClick :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXDOUBLECLK,SM_CYDOUBLECLK); FIconSpacing :=GetSystemPoint(SM_CXICONSPACING,SM_CYICONSPACING); FColorDepth :=sysColorDepth; end; { TDesktopCanvas } constructor TDesktopCanvas.Create; begin inherited Create; DC:=GetDC(0); Handle:=DC; end; destructor TDesktopCanvas.Destroy; begin Handle:=0; ReleaseDC(0, DC); inherited Destroy; end; {$IFNDEF Win32} procedure DoneXProcs; far; begin SysMetric.Free; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Win32} function CheckNT: Boolean; var aVersion: TOSVersionInfo; begin aVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize:= SizeOf(aVersion); Result:= GetVersionEx(aVersion) and (aVersion.dwPLatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); end; {$ENDIF} initialization Randomize; SysMetric := TSystemMetric.Create; IsWin95 := (GetVersion and $FF00) >= $5F00; {$IFDEF Win32} IsWinNT := CheckNT; {$ELSE} IsWinNT := False; {$ENDIF} IsFabula := nil; {$IFDEF Win32} xLanguage := (LoWord(GetUserDefaultLangID) and $3ff); case xLanguage of LANG_GERMAN : xLangOfs := 70000; LANG_ENGLISH : xLangOfs := 71000; LANG_SPANISH : xLangOfs := 72000; LANG_RUSSIAN : xLangOfs := 73000; LANG_ITALIAN : xLangOfs := 74000; LANG_FRENCH : xLangOfs := 75000; LANG_PORTUGUESE: xLangOfs := 76000; else xLangOfs := 71000; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Win32} finalization SysMetric.Free; {$ELSE} AddExitProc(DoneXProcs); {$ENDIF} end.