Dear friends
You are presented here with a CD dedicated to the memory of our friend and colleague Viktor Hoschl. He died in an air-crash while doing geophysical survey, in the middle of his creative work, without which the release of this atlas could not materialize.
Viktor was at the birth of the idea to make use of current technology and the existing 1:500 000 scale maps of the Czech Republic and assemble them in a single digital atlas thus producing a source of information of higher value, better than the existing single maps can provide. Viktor┤s spirit of a scholar and profesional largely influenced the creation of this CD. He was able to fill with enthusiasm a number of institutions that were carried away by the idea of a joint project.
The CD enables to compare maps depicting by different methods geographical surface of the whole territory of the Czech Republic - topographical maps, satellite maps, maps of land surface and the maps that provide geological and geophysical information - geological maps, maps of mineral waters, metallogenetic maps, radiometric maps, maps of radon risk, magnetometric and gravity maps.
Each of the above mentioned maps depicts the land surface of the Czech Republic in a different way by using specific methods. The data provided by the individual maps are mutually interwoven by a number of dependences that are shown by the graphic form of the map. For instance, radiometry is influenced by the rock quality revealed by the geological map. Radiometry is closely related to radon risk. The rock quality also influences gravimetry, magnetometry and morphology, the latter being in turn captured by topographical and satellite maps, which enable, in addition, to localize the data depicted on the other maps.
You have a unique opportunity to compare the data reflecting landscape phenomena from different viewpoints and follow their mutual relations. We wish you enthralling moments in your work with the data that have been gathered by enthusiastic work of many generations of geologists, geophysicists, land surveyors, cartographers and other professionals. The maps represent a unique collection of a vast array of measurements and data gathered by the ground, satellite and airborne surveys.
The maps are presented mostly in vector format, only the Gravity map, Digital vertical data elevation control and the Satellite map are depicted by a scheme of symbols.
All maps contain the JTSK and S42 coordinate system, the vector maps also contain geographical coordinates.
Release of the CD with maps of the Czech Republic with a resolution corresponding to the 1:500 000 scale is a collaborative venture of the following institutions:
Czech Geological Survey - Geological map, Radiometric map, Map of radon risk, Geomagnetic map, Metallometric map, Map of mineral waters
Geofyzika - Gravity map, Digital vertical data elevation control
GISAT - Satellite map, Map of the land surface
Land Survey Bureau, Czech Land Survey and Land-Registry Bureau,
ARCDATA Prague Ltd. - Topographical map
PICODAS Prague - technical processing of the GIS
Ministry of the Environment enabled publishing this work by sponsoring the technical processing and pressing of the CD
Internet Service produced the design and HTML
The "AMOS" graphic art studio prepared printing materials for the cover of the CD.
The CD was pressed in GramofonovΘ zßvody, Lod∞nice