PICODAS Praha Ltd.

1. Airborne Geophysical Services
2. Digitisation, Map Imaging and GIS
3. Global Navigation Systems and Car Tracking Systems(GPS)

PICODAS Praha Ltd.
Geologicka 2
152 00 PRAHA 5
Czech Republic

tel.+420 2 5814990
tel.+420 2 5814255
fax +420 2 5814254

Milos Karous - Managing Director
Martin Puffr - GIS and GPS
Miroslav Bily - Cadastral Maps
Ivo Steiner - Geophysicist
Dana Halikova - Digitisation
Jiri Cerny - GPS
Lenka Maskova - GPS

E-Mail : picodas@mbox.vol.cz

For Czech version of this document click here.

1. Airborne Geophysical Services

PICODAS has developed the portable, fully integrated instrumentation ENMOS (Environmental Monitoring System) 2001 for measurements of dosage rate and the activity of different radioactive nuclei in the real time. The system includes a digital Gamma Spectrometer, data Acquisition, Differential GPS Navigation, Pilot Guidance system and Geographical Data Base with flight and ground support system.

Case histories : Ontario Hydro BRUCE Nuclear Power Plant, Nuclear power plant in Slovakia, Uranium mining area in Germany, Atom bomb blast measurements in Maralinga - Australia, Uranium mines Straz and Pribram in Czech Republic, Chernobyl fall out in Czech Republic

Map of Chernobyl's Cs fall out in the locality of Zelezna Ruda (380kB)

ENMOS 2001 was tested and approved by the Czech Metrological Institute in 1996.

In comparison with regional ground acquisition of geophysical data, aerial geophysical methods offer significantly more information about observed regions at lower investment costs.

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2. Digitising, Map Imaging and GIS

In the following example of our work, we present a set of geological and geophysical maps of the Czech Republic prepared by our company for the Czech Geological Survey Institute (where they are available).

We focus our work on IMAGING of geological, geophysical and topographical maps. We prepare them as basis for GIS and for direct offset printing. Our technology was utilised to publish the "nature-science" map with the geological information of Ceske Stredohori (1:100 000) and a geological map at the scale 1: 25000 (map sheet Dobris) (detail of the map). The maps were published by the Czech Geological Survey.

We specialise in 3D REPRESENTATION of geophysical fields (relief = magnetic field, colors = activity of potassium) and 3D interpretation of geological structures.

Our principal clients are the Czech Geological Survey, offices of various municipalities working with geographical maps and information systems, Ministry of Environment, mining industry and World Geoscience Corporation and others.

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3. Global Navigation Systems GPS and Car Tracking Systems

We are distributors of following companies: PICODAS Group Inc. (Canada), GARMIN (USA), NovAtel (Canada) and FUGRO.

In cooperation with companies RACOM Ltd., Help Service Group Ltd. and DATATRANS Ltd., we developed the following 3 systems for vehicles (and persons) geographical position tracking in real time.

1. pTrack - RT (real time)

A GPS unit monitors geographical position of objects. The data is transmitted by radio to a central computer. Using Geographical Imaging System it is then displayed on a topographical map. To achieve a higher resolution display, we use a system of differential mode measurements. This method is particularly applicable in instances where positional and other data are needed in short time intervals (such as one second increments). An example of such tracking of public transportation in the city (180 kB) of Brno is shown in the linked picture.

2. pTrack - GSM

The system uses a Garmin GPS35 unit and a mobile telephone set. The communication between the telephone set and GPS unit is handled made by Psion computer.

3. pTrack - passive

The GPS data is stored in the computer. Later you can download the data to a personal computer and display it on a topographical map. You can also display and print further information about your routes, list the cities and villages you passed, etc.

The GARAMIN GPS instruments have several advantages not found on other GPS units. They have graphic display (with zoom capability), simulator mode (!!) and backtrack navigational system. They have 12 channel capability (rather than the usual 8) and require (GPSIII and 12CX) less electrical power for their operation (up to 36 hours).

GPS Price list

The exact exchange rate depends on the time of your purchase.

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