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Vmm32.vxd errors on boot up of Windows 95/98

"VMM32 Missing or corrupted unable to load Windows" on bootup
ATX system shuts off on boot-up.
Next boot takes you into "Safe Mode".
Only able to boot into "Safe Mode"

The virtual device driver for the UDS-IS11 SCSI card is too slow for newer processors and corrupts Window's virtual memory manager (VMM32). This file will be recreated in Safe Mode so no permanent damage is done to your system. However there is an easy and quick solution for this problem.
Note: It is a good idea to print out these instructions so you will have them handy throughout the process.

If using a UMAX supported ASPI compatible SCSI card or you wish to quickly restore the system, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Start" button and choose "Run".
  2. In the "Open:" field type "sysedit" and click on the "OK" button.
  3. The System Configuration Editor will open. Choose the "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI" window.
  4. Scroll down to the "[386 enh]" section. The first line under below "[386 enh]" will read:
  5. Disable this line by entering two (2) semi-colons in front of it: ";; Device=c:\windows\umaxis11.386".
  6. Pull down the "File" menu and choose "Save". Pull down the "File" menu again and choose "Exit".
  7. Restart the computer.

For the UMAX UDS-IS11 SCSI card, follow these instructions:

  1. If you can not get into a regular mode of Windows to follow these instructions follow the above instructions.
  2. Download the Patch for Vmm32.vxd error message located on our web site (http://www.umax.com). If you have trouble finding it check the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section of our web site.
  3. Install VistaScan software from your UMAX CD by doing a "Typical Installation".
  4. Restart the computer. When the computer displays "Starting Windows 95..." hold down the shift keys.
  5. Your computer will start in "Safe Mode". Click on the "OK" button in the window notifying you that you are in "Safe Mode".
  6. Click on the "Start" button, then choose "Find" and then "Files or Folders".
  7. In the "Named" section type "Umaxis11.exe" and then click on "Find Now".
  8. Double click on the file that is found. Wait for the unzipping procedure to prompt you for a directory. Please make sure that you direct it to your Windows folder. Example: "C:\Windows".
  9. Restart your computer by clicking on the "Start" button, then choosing "Shut Down". Check the "Restart the Computer?" option and click on the "Yes" button.

If you have followed BOTH sets of above instructions and are still using the UDSIS11 SCSI card then you must do the following to make it function again.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and choose "Run". In the "Open:" field, type "sysedit" and click on the "OK" button.
  2. The System Configuration Editor will open. Choose the "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI" window.
  3. Scroll down to the "[386 enh]" section. The first line under below "[386 enh]" will read: ";; Device=c:\winodws\umaxis11.386".
  4. Remove the two semicolons in front of the line. The new line will read: "Device=c:\winodws\umaxis11.386".
  5. Pull down the "File" menu and choose "Save". Pull down the "File" menu again and choose "Exit".
  6. Restart your computer by clicking on the "Start" button, then choosing "Shut Down". Check the "Restart the Computer?" option and click on the "Yes" button.


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