Písek Gateway to the Southern Bohemia


The project called "The Region of Pisek - A Gateway to the Southern Bohemia" was launched in 1997 as a way to support and intensify the travel industry in the city of Pisek and its region. The project is based on an arrangement between three sides: the Municipal Office of Pisek, the Regional Office of Pisek and several companies active in the travel industry.

The project's participants have compiled a program suitable for individuals as well as touring groups, for Czechs and foreigners, for tourists of all age groups.

The project offers:

  • programs for tourists coming for a day or more, including board and lodging and visits to:
    • castles and chateaux in the region of Pisek
    • historical sites of the city of Pisek and its region
    • pond drawing
    • the Range of Pisek
  • summer stays in Pisek
  • cottages and chalets in the region of Pisek
  • sports programs
  • tours to specialized institutions.
The following companies are active partners in the project:

Infocentrum Pisek, CK Andante, CK Evrotour k.s., CK Hungariatour, CK Jihotour, CK World Travel, City hotel, Hotel Zvikov, Quarter s.r.o. (naval transportation Orlik).

IThe information center offers its own program "Walks and Trips to the Pisek's surrounding areas".
The tours are divided to three categories depending on their length: 2 to 4 hours, 4 to 6 hours, and 6 to 8 hours. In the information center you can find a detailed tour schedule that includes exact description of the route and possibly also the transportation to the sites. In the next year the maps of the Range of Pisek and Hurky with marked tourist routes will be published.

Only recently has the information center introduced a new program "The Gold of the Pisek Region". This program gives you a change to take one to four-day tours and visit the sites where gold used to be mined or panned. This program also offers visits to other unique and attractive sites in our region, possibly also a trip called "The Golden Trail" from Austria or Passau.

Welcome to Pisek! The gateway is open.

Detailed information can be obtained at:
Information Center, Fugnerovo namesti 42, 397 01 Pisek
Phone/Fax: (0362) 21 35 92, E-mail: icpisek@pi.bohem-net.cz
Internet: mesta.obce.cz/pisek, www.webhouse.cz/pisek, www.icpisek.cz

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