All good things must come to an end. Writing documentation is not a good thing, though, and that means it goes on for ever. There is always something I've forgotten to explain, or some essential detail I've left out, but for now you will have to make do with this. Feel free to ask if you can't figure something out.
-- Shawn Hargreaves, dokumentace ke knihovn∞ Allegro
Jak u╛ nßzev napovφdß, cφlem tohoto projektu je vytvo°it dokumentaci k Linuxu. V²sledek jeho prßce p°elo╛ila do Φe╣tiny firma Computer Press a tak zde mßte mo╛nost si p°eΦφst jednu z nejrozsßhlej╣φch dokumentacφ k Linuxu v mate°skΘm jazyce.
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