RHIDE documentation for Version 1.4

RHIDE documentation for Version 1.4

September 1997

by Robert Höhne

This is the documentation for the Integrated Development Environment RHIDE.

Copyright © 1996,1997 Robert Höhne

This documentation may be freely distributed with the RHIDE package or any part thereof, provided this copyright notice is left intact on all copies.

  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Copying
  • 1.2 Installing RHIDE
  • 1.2.1 Configuring RHIDE
  • 1.3 What is RHIDE?
  • 1.4 Requirements
  • 1.5 Getting started
  • 1.5.1 Supported languages
  • 1.5.2 Debugging RHIDE
  • 1.6 The program GPR2MAK.EXE
  • 1.7 First steps with RHIDE
  • 1.7.1 What are these so called projects
  • 1.7.2 Creating your first project
  • 1.8 Environment variables
  • 1.8.1 Setting environment variables for RHIDE
  • 1.8.2 Where to store the environment file
  • 2. General information about how RHIDE works
  • 2.1 Known suffixes
  • 2.2 Syntax of arguments
  • 2.3 Running under Windows 95
  • 2.4 Running under OS/2
  • 2.5 Running under Windows NT
  • 2.6 Running under Linux
  • 2.7 General use of RHIDE
  • 2.7.1 Creating a program
  • Creating a program without a project
  • 2.7.2 Creating a library
  • 2.7.3 Saving/Loading the options
  • 3. Description of the pull-down menus
  • 3.1 System menu
  • 3.1.1 About
  • 3.1.2 Bug report
  • 3.1.3 FSDB
  • 3.1.4 GREP
  • 3.1.5 GDB
  • 3.1.6 Refresh Desktop
  • 3.1.7 Calculator
  • 3.1.8 Puzzle
  • 3.1.9 Calender
  • 3.1.10 ASCII table
  • 3.2 File
  • 3.2.1 Open
  • 3.2.2 New
  • 3.2.3 Save
  • 3.2.4 Save as
  • 3.2.5 Save all
  • 3.2.6 DOS Shell
  • 3.2.7 Exit
  • 3.3 Edit
  • 3.3.1 Undo
  • 3.3.2 Redo
  • 3.3.3 Cut
  • 3.3.4 Copy
  • 3.3.5 Paste
  • 3.3.6 Show Clipboard
  • 3.3.7 Clear
  • 3.3.8 Copy to Windows clipboard
  • 3.3.9 Paste from Windows clipboard
  • 3.3.10 Expand all tabs
  • 3.3.11 Compact text
  • 3.3.12 Macro
  • Record
  • Stop
  • Play
  • 3.4 Search
  • 3.4.1 Find
  • 3.4.2 Replace
  • 3.4.3 Search again
  • 3.4.4 Goto line
  • 3.4.5 Jump to function
  • 3.4.6 Next message
  • 3.4.7 Previous message
  • 3.5 Run
  • 3.5.1 Run
  • 3.5.2 Step over
  • 3.5.3 Trace into
  • 3.5.4 Go to cursor
  • 3.5.5 Program reset
  • Main function
  • 3.5.6 Arguments
  • 3.6 Compile menu
  • 3.6.1 Compile
  • 3.6.2 Make
  • 3.6.3 Link
  • 3.6.4 Build all
  • 3.7 Debug
  • 3.7.1 Set/Reset Breakpoint
  • 3.7.2 Evaluate/Modify
  • 3.7.3 Watch an expression
  • 3.7.4 Breakpoints
  • 3.7.5 Disassembler window
  • 3.7.6 Call stack
  • 3.7.7 List of Functions
  • 3.8 Project
  • 3.8.1 Open project
  • 3.8.2 Close project
  • 3.8.3 Add item
  • 3.8.4 Delete item
  • 3.8.5 Local options
  • 3.8.6 Includes
  • 3.8.7 Main targetname
  • 3.8.8 Primary file
  • 3.8.9 Clear dependencies
  • 3.8.10 Delete rebuildable files
  • 3.8.11 Write Makefile
  • 3.9 Options
  • 3.9.1 Directories
  • Include directories
  • Library directories
  • Object directories
  • Sources directories
  • Standard headers
  • 3.9.2 C/C++-Compiler
  • Warnings
  • Optimizations
  • Debugging
  • C options
  • CXX options
  • Pascal options
  • Fortran options
  • How to toggle these flags
  • 3.9.3 Libraries
  • 3.9.4 Linker options
  • 3.9.5 Compiler options
  • 3.9.6 Environment
  • Colors
  • Editor options
  • Preferences
  • Mouse options
  • Reserved words
  • Pascal reserved words
  • C-Flags
  • CXX-Flags
  • Pascal-Flags
  • Fortran-Flags
  • Warning-Flags
  • Debugging-Flags
  • Optimization-Flags
  • User words
  • 3.9.7 Save options
  • 3.9.8 Load options
  • 3.10 Windows
  • 3.10.1 Size/move
  • 3.10.2 Zoom
  • 3.10.3 Tile
  • 3.10.4 Cascade
  • 3.10.5 Next
  • 3.10.6 Previous
  • 3.10.7 Close
  • 3.10.8 List
  • 3.10.9 Project
  • 3.10.10 UserScreen
  • 3.11 Help
  • 3.11.1 Help
  • 3.11.2 RHIDE Help index
  • 3.11.3 Syntax help submenu
  • Syntax help
  • Files to search
  • Options for searching
  • 3.11.4 Index for syntax help
  • 3.11.5 libc reference
  • 3.11.6 Help about help
  • 4. Detailed description of some parts of RHIDE
  • 4.1 Selecting a window
  • 4.2 How the editor works
  • 4.2.1 Erasing commands
  • 4.2.2 Cursor moving commands
  • 4.2.3 Text selecting and searching commands
  • 4.2.4 Block commands
  • 4.2.5 Other commands
  • 4.3 Some hints and problems
  • 4.3.1 Problems with automatic dependencies
  • 4.4 Project window
  • 4.4.1 Items of your project
  • 4.4.2 Open a project item
  • 4.4.3 Dependencies of project item
  • 4.4.4 Local options for a project item
  • 4.5 Builtin compiler specs
  • 4.6 Builtin variables
  • 4.7 Change the defaults of RHIDE
  • 4.8 Message window
  • 4.9 Syntax highlighting
  • 4.10 Checking the dependencies
  • 4.11 What is Turbo Vision
  • 4.12 How the dialogs work
  • 4.13 Defining macros
  • 4.14 The INFO Viewer
  • 4.15 RCS and RHIDE
  • 5. Debugging with RHIDE
  • 5.1 Limitations of the integrated debugger
  • 5.2 Dual display debugging
  • 5.3 Using the integrated debugger
  • 5.3.1 Stepping through the source code
  • 5.3.2 Evaluating the contents of variables
  • 5.3.3 Watching the contents of variables
  • 5.4 Problems with C++ programs
  • 5.5 Using Breakpoints
  • 5.5.1 Setting a breakpoint
  • 5.5.2 Modifying and setting a breakpoint
  • 5.5.3 Problems with breakpoints
  • 6. Debugging with RHGDB
  • 7. Some FAQs
  • 8. Index
  • 9. Index of key commands

    The following master menu lists the major topics in this documentation, including all the indices.

  • Introduction--
  • General information about how RHIDE works--
  • Description of the pull-down menus--
  • Detailed description of some parts of RHIDE--
  • Debugging with RHIDE--
  • Debugging with RHGDB--
  • Some FAQs--
  • Index--
  • Index of key commands--
  • 1. Introduction

  • Copying--
  • Installing RHIDE--
  • What is RHIDE?--
  • Requirements--
  • Getting started--
  • The program GPR2MAK.EXE--
  • First steps with RHIDE--
  • Environment variables--
  • 1.1 Copying

    RHIDE is copyright by Robert Höhne.
    Parts of RHIDE are copyright by other people as noted in the
    source files.
      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
      (at your option) any later version.
      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      GNU General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
    Additional conditions:
    If you make any modifications on RHIDE, you have to leave the original
    copyright notice intact and add an comment about your modifications.
    If you distribute the binaries for RHIDE from modified sources, then
    you have to add a notification which is printed at startup of RHIDE
    and in the about box to tell the user that you have made modifications
    and that it is not the binary from the original sources distributed by me.
    If you distribute the sources for RHIDE, you are not allowed to distribute
    the full modified sources for the Turbo Vision library because of the
    copying conditions by Borland International.
    If you want to include RHIDE (binaries and/or sources) in a commercial
    product (on a CD-ROM for a book or something else) contact me first.
    For contacting the author send electronic mail to
    (valid until at least 30. September 1997)
    or paper mail to
    Robert Höhne
    Am Berg 3
    D - 09573 Dittmannsdorf

    1.2 Installing RHIDE

    There are two archives
    rhide??b.zip This contains the executables and the documentation for RHIDE running on DJGPP
    rhide-?.?-1.i386.rpm This is a RPM package with the binaries of RHIDE for Linux.
    rhide??s.zip This contains the sources of RHIDE for DJGPP.
    rhide-?.?-1.src.rpm This is a RPM package with the sources of RHIDE for Linux.
    NOTE: The sources for the Linux and DJGPP versions are of course in its core the same, there are only differences in the text-file formats (CR or CR/LF) and the project files differ and the DJGPP sources contain some additional patches for the libc library to fix some known bugs there. But in general both archives can be used on both systems (after some cosmetic changes).

    where ?? in the above filenames stand for the digits of the actual version of RHIDE.

    These archives can be found at The RHIDE home page. (valid until at least 30. Sepetember 1997) or at any ftp site, which mirrors DJGPP.

    The RPM packackes can be found at sunsite mirrors and/or also in some Linux distributions.

    To install these archives, unzip them in the DJGPP-root directory, like any other DJGPP package.

    To install the Linux RPM packages, use your favotite install program (most Linux distributions allow to install RPM packages) or install it with the Redhat package manager itself.

  • Configuring RHIDE--
  • 1.2.1 Configuring RHIDE

    In most cases do nothing to configure RHIDE. But there are some special things, which must be configured which have mostly to do with the editor (or better) the keyboard layout.

    The editor of RHIDE is configurable for the keyboard. For this it uses a text file keybind.txt, which is searched in the following directories (in that order). If it was not found in any of these directories RHIDE uses builtin defaults. For more information about creating (customizing) the file and about the syntax of that file See the "Keyboard" section of the "SET's editor"

    The binary archive of RHIDE includes already the config files for the US keyboard layout (us.txt) and many others, which are based on the Linux keytables. If you have problems with the keyboard layout try to copy one of the files to keybind.txt (probably the one, which has a name similar to your country).

    RHIDE also contains the file keybind.txt which IS us.txt.

    As an example, if you are are using a German keyboard, and you have installed keyb.com as your keyboard driver program, you need to copy de.txt to keybind.txt otherwise (for example) the keys y and z are exchanged.

    If you are using a keyboard driver (like I), which converts the scancodes of the keys (keyb.com does that NOT) you will probably not need the file de.txt (but the default keybind.txt).

    For configuring RHIDE on Linux (especially when running under X) See Running under Linux

    1.3 What is RHIDE?

    What is RHIDE? RHIDE is an Integrated Development Environment for compiling C- or C++-files (GNU-Assembler source files also supported) in an environment, which has an integrated editor where you can edit your source files and a project management, where you can define, which files are needed to build a program or a library.

    For what stands the name RHIDE? This has nothing mystic in it. It comes simply from my initials RH and IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

    RHIDE works like the IDE from Borland, which comes with Turbo C++ 3.1 and is written with the Turbo Vision library, which I have ported to use with DJGPP. Features of this IDE are:

    In addition to RHIDE I have included a stand-alone debugger (called rhgdb.exe), which is GDB 4.16 with a Turbo Vision user interface.

    1.4 Requirements

    RHIDE works under and is compiled with DJGPP V2.01. To compile your programs you need a working GCC-configuration, that means, GCC must be found in your path. Because DJGPP works only under DPMI you need a DPMI-Server. If you run it under Windows 3.1(1)/95, you have DPMI. Under MS-DOS you need either a memory-manager, which give you DPMI-services (I think QEMM is it, EMM386 has no DPMI-support), or you use CWSDPMI, the free DPMI-server from Charles W. Sandmann, which you can find on SimTel-ftp-sites. I use it and it works fine for me.

    The builtin editor uses a simple heuristic to check, if a file is in UNIX or DOS text format. It checks the first 1024 Bytes, and if there is a lf without a cr, all lf's will be translated to cr/lf's. This is done at first only in memory. But if you save your file to disk, it will be saved in DOS text format.

    RHIDE will work correctly only with DJGPP version 2.01 or higher. If you have installed DJGPP 2.0, you will run into problems when the commandline passed to the called compilers or the linker will exceed the 126 character limit. There is a new technique used from DJGPP 2.01 on, which programs compiled under 2.0 don't understand.

    1.5 Getting started

    To run RHIDE type

         rhide [options] ['file-name']
         rhide [options] 'project-name' [options]
    Here stands 'file-name', for a file, which you want to open at start up. If it has no suffix it is assumed to be a 'project-name'.

    'project-name' stands for a name of your project. If you don't type it, RHIDE searches the current directory for a project file. If there exists only one, it will be opened. If there exist more than one or none, RHIDE will not open a project, you have to do it manually. (See Open project )

    Possible options are for debugging RHIDE itself (See Debugging RHIDE ). If no project was open, you will see an empty desktop. At the top-line of the screen you can see the menu. This is activated by pressing F10 or by clicking with the mouse at this line. Alternatively you can press Alt plus the highlighted character of a pull-down menu, e.g. to activate the File menu, press Alt+F. At the bottom is the status line with some hotkeys and their functions displayed.

    Other options are:
    -H Do not install the console switch handler, which saves/restores the modified keyboard layout. This options works only when running under Linux.
    -S Tells RHIDE to use only 16bit access to the video memory under DJGPP, becuase some video cards cannot handle the 32bit access.
    -E Dump all variables known to RHIDE (the builtins and the real environment variables) to stderr end exit.
    -C Disable the handling of SIGINT
    -y Use long filenames (only under Windows 95)
    -n Do not use long filenames (only under Windows 95)
    -c Do not convert the case of any file name
    -h Show a short help about all the possible options.
    -b Use BIOS calls for setting and resetting the behavior of the 7th bit in a color attribute (blinking or 16 background colors) instead of direct outputs to the VGA registers.
    -k KEY_FILE The editor in RHIDE is now configurable also for the keyboard. The file, where the key bindings are stored, is searched at first in the current directory; then in the directory %DJDIR%/data; and then in the directory where the executable is. If all this fails default values are taken.

    With this switch you can override the default name of keybind.txt to whatever you want.

    -p Normally RHIDE converts all the num-pad keys to the equivalent keys on the other keyboard (of course also by checking the NumLock key). With this switch you can disable this.
    -G n Select which method is used for swapping the display. Currently there are two, little different functions implemented. If you have problems with display swapping when in graphics mode, try to use another method and see if that helps.
    -K Tell RHIDE, to use real BIOS calls for it's keyboard input. This is needed sometimes, when you have installed some special keyboard drivers.
    -M This tells RHIDE to not to install the mouse callback function for getting the mouse events. Instead of this RHIDE calls the mouse BIOS functions for getting any event of the mouse. This option should be used mainly when running under Windows NT (but there I select this now automatically by default)
    At the upper right corner of the screen you can see the free virtual/physical memory (where M stands for Megabytes, K for Kilobytes and B for Bytes), if enabled (See Preferences ).

    If you try to open a project, which does not exist, RHIDE will create a new one. The way for creating a new project is done by RHIDE as follows. If there exist in the directory of RHIDE (usually in %DJDIR%/bin) a project file with the root name of the executable and the suffix .gpr, this file is copied as your new project file with all customizations, which you have done in it. If this standard project file doesn't exist, a new project file is created with the hardcoded defaults.

    To create such a standard project file, change to the directory where the executable is and call the exe-file with the argument of its name without the suffix .exe. After leaving the program, the standard project file is created.

  • Supported languages--
  • Debugging RHIDE--
  • 1.5.1 Supported languages

    There is also support for multiple languages. For this RHIDE uses the GNU gettext library. With this lib it is possible to support multiple languages without changing any code of RHIDE, when adding a new language.

    There are two ways for selecting the language. Either you set the environment variable LANGUAGE to the language you want or give it as a commandline argument to RHIDE. The normal way is by setting LANGUAGE. If you have installed RHIDE as described in the readme, you should specify the language with a two character shortcut. Here is the list of the current supported languages together with the two character code:
    da Danish maintained by Erik Bachmann
    de German maintained by Robert Höhne (valid until at least 30. September 1997)
    es Spanish maintained by Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET)
    fi Finnish maintained by Jari Anttonen
    fr French maintained by Eric Nicolas
    it Italian maintained by Normando Marcolongo
    nl Dutch maintained by Martijn Laan
    pt Portuguese maintained by Goncalo Farias
    sv Swedish maintained by Christian Axbrink
    When you want to specify the language on the commandline, use the following syntax:

         rhide -L LANGUAGE
    where LANGUAGE represents the language code.

    If you do not specify any language, English is assumed.

    Because it was not possible to get all the translations at the time when RHIDE was ready, I included only the message files (that are the files with the .mo suffix) as they are ready in the binary archive. That means that it is possible that you will see some strings in English instead of your language.

    1.5.2 Debugging RHIDE

    I have added some commandline options to debug the IDE itself. These options are the following:
    -dt Do not remove the temporary files which the IDE creates. The names of these files will be printed to stderr.
    -dc Print to stderr the commands which the IDE executes.
    -dd Print to stderr how the IDE checks the dependencies.
    -df Print to stderr how the IDE searches for files.
    -ds Print to stderr how the IDE expands the specs.
    -da Turns on all of the above
    You can also combine these options like -dct, which is the same as -dc -dt.

    To examine this debugging information, it is the best to use the redir command, to redirect the stderr to a file like

         redir -e err rhide -da project
    which will redirect stderr to the file err.

    Each of the letters above (after -d) can be prefixed by a - or a + to explicitely turn the flag on or off. For instance -dc and -d+c are the same and -da-c selects all debugging options except the -dc switch.

    If you want to supply certain switches for RHIDE as a default, you may put them into the environment variable $(RHIDEOPT). The contents of this variable is used before the the real commandline is parsed. That means you can overwrite the switches from the environment variable.

    1.6 The program GPR2MAK.EXE

    This program can be used to create a makefile from your project-file. It does exactly the same as the function which is selectable from the RHIDE menu (See Write Makefile ).

    In RHIDE you have only the possibility to say, if in the generated makefile all dependencies should be included or not. With gpr2mak.exe you can tell also to create recursively all the needed makefiles. This makes sense only if you have included other projects in your project.

    Here are the possible commandline options for gpr2mak.exe.
    -d Include all dependencies in the makefile
    -d- Include only the needed dependencies to create the final program or library.
    -r Call gpr2mak.exe recursively, if there are other projects part of the project.
    -r- Do not call gpr2mak.exe recursively.
    -o OUTFILE Use OUTFILE instead of the project name (with the suffix .mak) as the created makefile. If you want to write the makefile to stdout, use - as OUTFILE.
    And the complete syntax for calling gpr2mak.exe is also:

         gpr2mak.exe [-d[-]] [-r[-]] [-o OUTFILE] project-file

    If you give no options, (the project-file must be given), gpr2mak.exe assumes the flags -d- -r- as default.

    1.7 First steps with RHIDE

    Here I will give you some instructions for the first steps to get contact with RHIDE.

  • What are these so called projects--
  • Creating your first project--
  • 1.7.1 What are these so called projects

    A project for RHIDE is a file, which contains all the needed information required to build a program or library from one or more source files. Also all the other options which belong to the look and feel of your desktop are stored there.

    In general RHIDE creates for each project two files. One for the project itself (it has the suffix .gpr) and one for the desktop related things (it has the suffix .gdt).

    To create a new project either run rhide with a not existing project name as argument or open within RHIDE a project by selecting a name which is not existent.

    1.7.2 Creating your first project

    For the next instructions I will assume, that you want to create a project for the standard "Hello world" program in the current directory. Create now the new project by running

         rhide hello
    and you will see an empty desktop and one window opened, the project window. This window will show you that there is no file defined for your project. If the project window is selected, (it has a double frame), then hit there Ins and you will be prompted for adding an item to your project.

    Type in the input line now hello.c and hit ENTER. Now hit ESC to leave the dialog. You will see now, that the project window contains a line with hello.c.

    Now hit ENTER on that filename and you will get an empty editor window named hello.c prepended by the current directory. In this editor window you can type now the program:

    int main()
      printf("Hello world!\n");
    Now you can select from the Run-menu the Run entry (or use the hotkey Ctrl+F9) and RHIDE will do all the necessary steps to compile, link and execute the program.

    If everything was correct (no typing errors) or some other error, you will get a message box where RHIDE tells you, that the program exited with an exit code of 0. (This is the value, which you have specified in your program above in the exit(0); statement) This box you can close with ENTER or ESC.

    To see the output of the program, you can switch now to the user screen with Alt+F5 or from the menu (Windows/User screen). To return back to RHIDE hit any key.

    1.8 Environment variables

    RHIDE uses many environment variables for it's configuration and behavior. This includes also some standard variables, which are used by the in RHIDE linked libraries. These are:
    $(LOCALEDIR) This should point to the directory, where your locale files are stored. If it is not set, RHIDE tries to get the system default value, which is for Linux /usr/share/locale and for DJGPP $(DJDIR)/share/locale.
    $(INFOPATH) This is a pathlist of directories, where your INFO files are stored. If not set, RHIDE tries the standard directory, which should for Linux /usr/info and for DJGPP $(DJDIR)/info.
    $(RHIDEOPT) This variable can be used, to define global RHIDE commandline options. The value of this variable is used, as if the contents are given on commandline before any of the real commandline options. Which means, they can be overwritten on the commandline.
    $(ESCDELAY) This variable is used ONLY in the Linux version, where it defines the delay after pressing ESC to wait for another keypress to simulate an Alt keycode. The value is given in milliseconds and defaults to 1000.
    $(LANGUAGE) This variable is used to specify the language, in which RHIDE should communicate with you. The contents of this variable should be the ISO 2-character code of your country.
    $(RHIDE_SHARE) With this variable you can tell RHIDE where it should look at first for it's configuration files.

  • Setting environment variables for RHIDE--
  • Where to store the environment file--
  • 1.8.1 Setting environment variables for RHIDE

    There are some different ways for setting environment variables for RHIDE. One of them is to set them like any other environment variable on your system. But this means that these variables are visible also by all the other programs.

    When using the DJGPP version, you can set them in your djgpp.env file either at the beginning as global variables for any DJGPP program or in a special section [RHIDE] only for RHIDE. Please read the doc about the format of the djgpp.env file for more information.

    Derived from the technique used on DJGPP for setting environment variables which are visible only for DJGPP programs, I have added in RHIDE a similar thing. RHIDE can read environment variables also from a file called rhide.env.

    The syntax of this file is very simple. Each line has one of the following syntax:
    VARIABLE=CONTENTS Which means, that the environment variable VARIABLE should become the contents CONTENTS where CONTENTS can be also a variable, which is expanded at runtime.
    .OTHER_ENV_FILE Such a line (it begins with a dot) tells RHIDE to read in at that point the file OTHER_ENV_FILE as environment file. The name OTHER_ENV_FILE can be also an environment variable, which is expanded before reading the file.
    # comments A line, which begins with a # means, that this line is ignored. It can be used for you to write there some comments about that file.
    !VARIABLE=CONTENTS This is the same syntax as without the ! at the beginning of the line but it tells RHIDE to place the variable also in the environmen so also other programs (called by RHIDE) can see this variable.
    RHIDE is very powerful in handling the environment variables. Most of it is taken from the behavior of GNU make. On this great things depend, that a variable name can consist also of other variables, which are computed when the variable should be expanded.

    As an example of this, you can take a look on the RHIDE sources in the rhide.env files. There I'm using, for instance, the RHIDE builtin variable $(RHIDE_OS) to define the libraries, which are linked in RHIDE depending on the operating system where RHIDE is built.

    An other example is distributed with RHIDE in it's binary archives as rhide_.env which is commented and should be in a directory .../share/rhide/ where the ... stand for a different directory on different OS's. (on DJGPP it is %DJDIR% and on Linux it is /usr/local )

    Here is a part of the environment file rhide.var in the main RHIDE source directory (which is included by rhide.env with

    RHIDE_OS_LIBS_Linux=ncurses gpm m
    The RHIDE builtin linker spec (See Builtin compiler specs ) includes also $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS) when linking. Since RHIDE can be built on DJGPP and Linux and on these different operating systems I have to link different libraries.

    Description of the above: When linking on DJGPP the file idegc.exe (which is RHIDE) I have to include (in addition to all the other libraries) libdbg.a, which contains all the DJGPP specific debugging functions. This is done at runtime by expanding RHIDE_OS_LIBS. Here are the steps, how RHIDE expands the variable RHIDE_OS_LIBS:

    $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS)                      ->  $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS_$(RHIDE_OS))
    $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS_$(RHIDE_OS))          ->  $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS_DJGPP)
    $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS_DJGPP_idegc.exe       ->  dbg
    In a similar way it expands on Linux to
    $(RHIDE_OS_LIBS) -> ncurses gpm m

    1.8.2 Where to store the environment file

    RHIDE searches some known directories for the file rhide.env (and of course also other there defined included files).

    At first it searches for a global file in /usr/local/share/rhide (on Linux) or $(DJDIR)/share/rhide. Then it searches in $(HOME) and at last in the current directory.

    RHIDE does not only a search, it also loads the file, if it was found in any of the above mentioned directories. That means, if in all these directories rhide.env exists, it is loaded. This has the effect, that you can define some global defaults which can be overwritten with a rhide.env in the current or your home directory.

    2. General information about how RHIDE works

    In this section I will give you some comments about the concept of RHIDE. RHIDE works with the GNU compilers. As a result of this, most of the options are fixed and they are mostly also specific only for this compiler. If I speak about compilers, I mean GCC, which calls the right compilers for you. (cpp for preprocessing your input files, cc1 for compiling C programs, cc1plus for compiling C++ programs and as for compiling assembler files and so on)

    Selecting the right compiler for a specific file is done by RHIDE in the same way as GCC does it. It looks for the extension of the file and determines the language of this file.

  • Known suffixes--
  • Syntax of arguments--
  • Running under Windows 95--
  • Running under OS/2--
  • Running under Windows NT--
  • Running under Linux--
  • General use of RHIDE--
  • 2.1 Known suffixes

    The list of the known suffixes is taken from GCC. Remember the fact, that GCC and RHIDE check the suffixes in a case sensitive way especially when running under Windows 95 (See Running under Windows 95 ).

    2.2 Syntax of arguments

    In RHIDE you can specify some arguments to other programs. These arguments must be a space separated list of strings. If you want to have one or more spaces as part of an argument, you have to enclose the whole argument in single or double quotes.

    2.3 Running under Windows 95

    With DJGPP 2.01 were many bugs fixed, which caused problems under Windows 95 with the long (and case sensitive) filenames. Now all filenames are shown in lower case, except they contain characters with different case. That means, all normal 8+3 DOS filenames, which are normally reported in Windows 95 in upper cases, are automatically converted to lower case. For more information about filename conversion look at the libc reference.

    If you really need the filenames exactly as they are reported by the OS, you can use the -c switch (See Getting started ).

    You can also run more than one instance of RHIDE at once, in several DOS-boxes, because RHIDE creates and uses its own temp directory every time it starts to disable conflicts, when running multiple compilers at the same time. This is done by creating a directory in the directory pointed at by the environment variables %TMPDIR%, %TEMP% or %TMP%, in that order, until one of them exists. If none of them exists, the current directory is assumed. Then RHIDE puts the value of this directory into the environment variable %TMPDIR%. After leaving RHIDE this directory will be removed, if it is empty.

    2.4 Running under OS/2

    Because I have no access to OS/2, I cannot say anything about it. But some people said that they run RHIDE under OS/2 successfully, but there must be the exclusive mouse access to the DOS window disabled.

    2.5 Running under Windows NT

    2.6 Running under Linux

    Since RHIDE is now available also for Linux here some hints. In general you will get the best results when you have installed RHIDE as a setuid root program. I know, this might be a security problem but I have tried to make it as secure as possible. After getting acces to the screen and the keyboard RHIDE will switch back to your normal rights and does not use root rights any more. It does not write any data or modify any file on disk with root rights (except you are running as root of course).

    The reason for this is the rudimentary support for fast access to the screen and the totally hided acces to the keyboard in the Linux kernel. Additionally when you want to use the dual monitor debugging feature of RHIDE this is also needed, because RHIDE needs in that case access to the ports of your monochrome video card.

    Running RHIDE under X-Window is not full supported (but it is possible). There are several reasons for this. The first is, that RHIDE uses in that case only terminal functions for input and output. That means it depends completetly on your terminfo database and these are (at least for me) in some cases totally wrong. You can see this mostly that RHIDE does not handle correct the keyboard. Other programs which use ncurses know this also and have there own hardcaded patches but I do not want to do so.

    To fix the keyboard conflicts whenrunning in a xterm, I distribute little modified terminfo file /usr/local/share/rhide/xterm-rhide which you can place in /usr/lib/terminfo/x or when you have no root access you can place it also in $HOME/.terminfo/x. And then to use this file simply set the environment variable to this new terminal with

      export TERM=xterm-rhide
    before running RHIDE in the xterm.

    An other alternative is to run RHIDE in a rxvt terminal but there you have to set also explicitely the TERM variable, because it is set mostly to xterm-color.

      export TERM=rxvt

    2.7 General use of RHIDE

  • Creating a program--
  • Creating a library--
  • Saving/Loading the options--
  • 2.7.1 Creating a program

    For creating a program, RHIDE allows you to define multiple source files which should be compiled and linked to your final program. This is done by creating a project. In this project you insert your source files (and not all the include files).

    After a source file (which is inserted in your project) compiled at least once, RHIDE knows about all dependencies of this file, so this file will be compiled again only, if one of the include files have changed.

  • Creating a program without a project--
  • Creating a program without a project

    Because of many requests of users I made RHIDE to work also without using a project. This may be good, if you have a single file, but if your program should be build from more than one file I suggest you to use a project.

    If you have only one editor window opened, the name of the resulting program is taken from the name of the source file by removing the suffix and on DJGPP appending .exe.

    If you have more than one files opened, I saw no other way for determining the name of the produced program, than naming it aout (on DJGPP aout.exe).

    2.7.2 Creating a library

    You can also create libraries (a collection of object files, which can be linked with other programs) with RHIDE. The way for doing this is very simple. Because RHIDE knows about the meaning of file suffixes, you can change the name of the main target (See Main targetname ) to have a suffix .a and that's all. Now RHIDE will run ar instead of linking.

    2.7.3 Saving/Loading the options

    RHIDE supports two different ways for saving the options which you have customized.

    The first one (which I prefer) is the use of the so called default project. This is the project rhide.gpr and must be located in the same directory where rhide.exe is. To create or modify this default project change to that directory (normally %DJDIR%/bin) and type there

         rhide rhide
    Now change any options you want and exit RHIDE. From now on these options are used for any newly created project or when running RHIDE without a project.

    The second way is to save your options to a project file (See Save options ) or to load them from any existing project file (See Load options ).

    3. Description of the pull-down menus

    This chapter describes the pull-down menus and all their sub-menus. The main menu bar, the topmost line of the screen, is selected with the hotkey F10 or by clicking with the mouse at this line. You can walk through the menu with the cursor keys and a menu entry is selected with ENTER or by clicking with the mouse on it.

  • System menu--
  • File--
  • Edit--
  • Search--
  • RUN--
  • Compile menu--
  • Debug--
  • Options--
  • Windows--
  • Help submenu--
  • 3.1 System menu

    This menu has its name only that one can speak about it. The symbol for this menu is the leftmost symbol in the menu bar. Alt+SPACE selects this menu.

  • About--
  • Bug report--
  • FSDB--
  • GREP--
  • GDB--
  • Refresh Desktop--
  • Calculator--
  • Puzzle--
  • Calender--
  • ASCII table--
  • 3.1.1 About

    This brings up a window with information about the author and the version of RHIDE.

    3.1.2 Bug report

    This menu entry opens an editor with some important information which should be part of a bug report and where you can describe the problem.

    3.1.3 FSDB

    With this menu item you can call the FSDB debugger, which comes with DJGPP. But remember, this runs the debugger as an external program and it is not integrated in RHIDE.

    3.1.4 GREP

    This is a very useful function. You can type the arguments for grep in the input line, which will be shown, and after this the program grep is called. The messages from grep are redirected to the message window (See Message window ).

    3.1.5 GDB

    This is analog to the call of FSDB (See FSDB ).

    3.1.6 Refresh Desktop

    This function is sometimes useful, if you had run your program and it wrote some things to the screen (for redirecting stdout and stderr from your program to a window in RHIDE (See Preferences )).

    3.1.7 Calculator

    This brings up a dialog, where you can do some calculations. This dialog is similar to the evaluate dialog (See Evaluate/Modify ), but it uses not the feature of GDB, but it is a separate calculator. For more information See the "Calculator" section of the "SET's editor"

    There can be used also some of the standard functions like log, sin and so on and it can convert also integer values between different bases (hex, oct, dec).

    3.1.8 Puzzle

    This will open a small window, where you can play a little puzzle game. The "stones" are moved with the cursor keys or by clicking with the mouse on it.

    3.1.9 Calender

    This will open a little calender. With the cursor keys Up and Down you can switch to the next/previous month or click with the mouse on the small symbols in the upper corners.

    3.1.10 ASCII table

    This will open a window with all the ASCII characters. Move around with the cursor keys or press any key to select any wanted character. In the bottom line you will see the the character and the value of it (decimal and hexadecimal). The decimal value can be used to create that character for instance in the editor by holding the Alt key down and typing the value on the numeric key pad.

    3.2 File

    In this menu you can find functions, which deal with files, like open, close, save and so on.

  • Open--
  • New--
  • Save--
  • Save as--
  • Save all--
  • DOS Shell--
  • Exit--
  • 3.2.1 Open

    Brings up the file-open dialog, where you can select a file to open (hotkey F3 ). This dialog contains an input line for the filename, a list of filenames, an information window and the buttons for opening and canceling.

    In the filename input line you can type directly the file, which you want to open or you can type any mask to list only some files. The default mask is *.cc, but you can change this to anything and your last typed mask is stored as the default mask for the next use. There is also a history of your previous typed inputs available. This is selected when you hit the down key or click at the small symbol at the end of the input line with your mouse.

    The list of filenames shows all the files that correspond to the mask. If this list is selected you can choose a file with the cursor keys, or you can type the first letters of the filename you want, and the bar is located at the first file, which has these letters as the first characters. To open the file simply press ENTER or double click with the mouse on it.

    Below the list of filenames there is a small window with information about the selected file (complete path, size, modification time).

    To leave the dialog without opening a file press ESC .

    3.2.2 New

    This is the menu entry for creating a new file to edit. This file gets the title 'Untitled'. If you save or close it, you will be prompted for a new name of this file by opening the file-open dialog.

    3.2.3 Save

    Save the file in the current editor-window to disk. If the name of the current file is 'Untitled' you will be prompted for a new name. F2 is the hotkey for this function. The modification of the file on disk is set to the time of the last modification of this file and not to the time when saving to disk.

    If the file was not modified, it is not saved!!

    3.2.4 Save as

    Save the file in the current editor-window to disk under a different name, for which you will be prompted. For choosing the new name the file-open dialog will be opened.

    3.2.5 Save all

    Save all the editor files to disk. If they are not modified, they will not be saved.

    3.2.6 DOS Shell

    This executes a DOS-Shell. This is done by calling the program, which is set in the environment variable COMSPEC. If this variable does not exist, the program c:/command.com is executed. To return to the IDE type exit at the DOS-prompt. Before calling DOS, the program does a Save all (See Save all ) automatically.

    3.2.7 Exit

    Here you can quit the IDE. If there are any unsaved editor-files, you will be prompted for saving them. (Alt+X is the hotkey.)

    3.3 Edit

    In this menu you can activate functions, which are related to the integrated editor. Most of them have a hotkey.

  • Undo--
  • Redo--
  • Cut--
  • Copy--
  • Paste--
  • Show Clipboard--
  • Clear--
  • Copy to Windows clipboard--
  • Paste from Windows clipboard--
  • Expand all tabs--
  • Compact text--
  • Macro--
  • 3.3.1 Undo

    This undoes your last change in the current editor-window. Alt+Backspace is the hotkey for this function.

    3.3.2 Redo

    This does the reverse to undo (See Undo ). That means, it is the undo of the undo.

    3.3.3 Cut

    This moves the selected text in the current editor-window to the clipboard. (Shift+Del is the hotkey.)

    3.3.4 Copy

    This copys the selected text in the current editor-window to the clipboard. (Ctrl+Ins is the hotkey.)

    3.3.5 Paste

    This inserts the selected text in the clipboard in the current editor-window at the current cursor-position. (Shift+Ins is the hotkey.)

    3.3.6 Show Clipboard

    This brings up an editor-window with the contents of the clipboard. The contents of the clipboard will be lost, if you exit the IDE.

    3.3.7 Clear

    This erases the selected text in the current editor-window.

    3.3.8 Copy to Windows clipboard

    This is the same function as See Copy but it uses the Windows clipboard and works only, when running under Windows.

    3.3.9 Paste from Windows clipboard

    This is the same function as See Paste but it uses the Windows clipboard and works only, when running under Windows.

    3.3.10 Expand all tabs

    When selecting this menu entry, all real tabs (all characters with the code 0x9) are expanded to as many spaces as defined as the tabsize (See Preferences ).

    3.3.11 Compact text

    This function is the reverse to (See Expand all tabs ). That means, RHIDE tries to make as many as possible spaces (count is taken from the defined tabsize) to real tabs.

    3.3.12 Macro

    Here is a submenu for handling macros. Currently there is only one recordable macro available and it is NOT stored anywhere. That means it is lost when you leave RHIDE and restart it. There is another way of using macros (See Defining macros ).

  • Record--
  • Stop--
  • Play--
  • Record

    After selecting this function, all your keystrokes are recorded to reproduce them later. (Shift+F10 is the hotkey.) Stop

    This stops the recording of a macro. (Alt+F10 is the hotkey.) Play

    This executes the recorded macro. (Ctrl+F10 is the hotkey.)

    3.4 Search

    Menu for searching and replacing strings in the editor-window. These functions have also hotkeys.

  • Find--
  • Replace--
  • Search again--
  • Goto line--
  • Jump to function--
  • Next message--
  • Previous message--
  • 3.4.1 Find

    Find a string in the current editor-window. You can type the string for searching in an input line and you can also select, if the search is case sensitive or not and to search for whole words only or not.

    (Ctrl+Q+F is the hotkey.)

    3.4.2 Replace

    Find and replace a string in the current editor-window. This works in the same way like searching text, but additionally you can give a string, with which the found text will be replaced.

    (Ctrl+Q+A is the hotkey.)

    3.4.3 Search again

    This function repeats the last search or replace operation.

    (Ctrl+L is the hotkey,)

    3.4.4 Goto line

    After prompting for a line number (with range checking), the cursor will be located at this line.

    (Ctrl+J is the hotkey.)

    3.4.5 Jump to function

    With this feature you can easily jump to the source line of a function to edit or see it. This is only a heuristic by parsing your source file and does not take the information from the debugging symbols.

    After selecting it you will get a dialog, from where you can select the function to which you want to jump.

    (Alt+F2 is the hotkey.)

    3.4.6 Next message

    This selects the next message in the message window (See Message window ), but only, if there is a next message available.

    (Alt+F8 is the hotkey.)

    3.4.7 Previous message

    This selects the previous message in the message window (See Message window ), but only, if there is a previous message available.

    (Alt+F7 is the hotkey.)

    3.5 Run

    In this menu you find the functions for running your program.

  • Run--
  • Step over--
  • Trace into--
  • Go to cursor--
  • Program reset--
  • Arguments--
  • 3.5.1 Run

    If your project-target is an executable, this will be run after doing a Make (See Make ). Ctrl+F9 is the hotkey. If the build was not successful, the program will not be started. The debugging functions are only available if -g was used for compiling. (See Syntax of arguments )

    3.5.2 Step over

    This executes the code for exactly one source line. If there is a function call at the current line this function is executed at once without stepping through this function.

    When using the Shift-key, RHIDE will NOT switch to the user screen when executing the debuggee. (hotkey F8 or hotkey Shift+F8 may be used.)

    3.5.3 Trace into

    This is the same as Step over (See Step over ), except when there is a function call at the current line and for this function debugging information is available, RHIDE steps into this function.

    When using the Shift-key, RHIDE will NOT switch to the user screen when executing the debuggee. (hotkey F7 or hotkey Shift+F7 may be used.)

    3.5.4 Go to cursor

    This will execute your program until the execution comes to the line, where the cursor is. If the program is stopped at any other place by a breakpoint the program will stop there and not at the cursor position.

    When using the Shift-key, RHIDE will NOT switch to the user screen when executing the debuggee. (hotkey F4 or hotkey Shift+F4 may be used.)

    3.5.5 Program reset

    This 'kills' your debuggee at the current execution point without executing any other code of your program (Ctrl+F2 is the hotkey.)

  • Main function--
  • Main function

    Here you can define the name of the main function of your program. This is needed at least when debugging programs, (like written with GNU Pascal or GNU Fortran), where the function of your main program is not main.

    But you can use this also to debug your program at locations, which are executed normally before main is called (for instance the global constructors).

    3.5.6 Arguments

    Here you can type the arguments, which will be passed to your program when you do a run. (See Run ) and (See Syntax of arguments ).

    3.6 Compile menu

    Here are the functions to translate your source files and for updating your project.

  • Compile--
  • Make--
  • Link--
  • Build all--
  • 3.6.1 Compile

    Compile the file in the current editor-window or the selected entry in the project-window if you are there. The IDE chooses automatically the correct compiler, depending on the suffix of the file. (See Known suffixes )

    (Alt+F9 is the hotkey.)

    3.6.2 Make

    This makes your project up to date. It works like MAKE on commandline with a makefile. F9 is the hotkey. The dependencies are checked for each item of the project. These dependencies are automatically generated, if you compile a file within the IDE.

    3.6.3 Link

    This function has two different results depending on the type of your project. If your project is an executable (See Known suffixes ), the linker is started. But if it is a library, all the object files are taken to build a library.

    3.6.4 Build all

    This builds the project completely new with compiling and linking all of the project-items.

    3.7 Debug

    This menu contains the functions for debugging your program. Most of them have hotkeys and they are described in more detail later (See Debugging with RHIDE ).

  • Set/Reset Breakpoint--
  • Evaluate/Modify--
  • Watch an expression--
  • Breakpoints--
  • Disassembler window--
  • Call stack--
  • List of Functions--
  • 3.7.1 Set/Reset Breakpoint

    See Setting a breakpoint

    (Ctrl+F8 is the hotkey.)

    3.7.2 Evaluate/Modify

    See Evaluating the contents of variables

    (Ctrl+F4 is the hotkey.)

    3.7.3 Watch an expression

    See Watching the contents of variables

    (Ctrl+F7 is the hotkey.)

    3.7.4 Breakpoints

    See Modifying and setting a breakpoint

    3.7.5 Disassembler window

    This opens a window, where you can see assembler instructions. When you are running the debugger, you will see the instructions at the current execution point of your program.

    You can step See Step over or trace See Trace into here in the same way like in an editor window and you can also debug code, which has no debugging information.

    Additionally you can scroll here also forwards or backwards but scrolling backwards is very hard to implememnt and so you will get when scrolling backwards most of the time wrong output. Sorry for this, but until I find more time to implement this better you have to live with it.

    3.7.6 Call stack

    This shows a window with a list of functions, from which the current execution point in the debugged program is called. If you hit Enter on a function which has line number debugging information, you will go to the source line which is shown in the window.

    (Ctrl+F3 is the hotkey.)

    3.7.7 List of Functions

    This asks first for a regular expression to list only those functions of your program, which match that expression. The syntax for such a regular expression is a little bit different from the wildcards you are probably knowing from MS-DOS.

    If you want to get a list of all functions you should enter either nothing (the default), or ".*", or "?*" (both without the double quotes). The expression "*" does NOT mean all function. In fact, your entry will be interpreted as a regular expression.

    After you have typed the expression and pressed Enter, you will get a list of functions that match the regular expression and for which debugging information is available.

    This list is sorted by the name of the function and has three parts:

    You can walk through the list with the cursor keys or the mouse. If you hit Enter or double click a function, you will go the the source code of that function.

    3.8 Project

    Here you can add or remove items to or from your project

  • Open project--
  • Close project--
  • Add item--
  • Delete item--
  • Local options--
  • Includes--
  • Main targetname--
  • Primary file--
  • Clear dependencies--
  • Delete rebuildable files--
  • Write Makefile--
  • 3.8.1 Open project

    Here is the point to open a project. After selecting this menu item, the file open dialog is opened to select a project. You can type the name of the project or select one from the list.

    If you open a project in another directory than the current, RHIDE will change the current directory to this directory and then the project will be opened.

    If you type here a name of a project which does not exist, a new one is created.

    If no project was opened and you create a new project, all open desktop files remain open, but they are not added to the project. If a project was opened, it will be automatically closed before the new project is opened.

    3.8.2 Close project

    This closes the currently opened project and closes all files, which are on the desktop.

    3.8.3 Add item

    A dialog will be opened, from where you can choose your file to add to your project. If you are in the project window (See Project window ) you can use the Ins key to activate this function within the project window.

    Currently it is impossible to use relative or absolute paths as part of a project item. If you have your files in several directories, you have to setup either the search path for source files or you have to create for each directory a library that can be included in your project.

    3.8.4 Delete item

    This will remove the selected item in the project-window from your project. If you are in the project window (See Project window ) you can use the Del key to activate this function.

    3.8.5 Local options

    Here you can give the selected project-item options for compiling, which will be in effect only for this item. If you are in the project window (See Project window ) you can use Ctrl+O to activate this function. The options you give here are passed to GCC only, when compiling this file. For more details see (See Local options for a project item ).

    3.8.6 Includes

    This shows the dependencies for the selected item in the project window. You can use the hotkey Ctrl+I in the project window. (See Project window )

    3.8.7 Main targetname

    Here you can change the name of your main target. The main target is either an executable file or a library. RHIDE selects the type of the main target from the suffix of this name. If it has no suffix or the suffix .exe, an executable will be built. If it has the suffix .a, a library will be created.

    Remember when you give it no suffix, both, the COFF image and the .exe file will created. If it has the .exe suffix, only the .exe file is created.

    3.8.8 Primary file

    Here you can give the primary source file, when you want to use the 'automake' feature of GPC. If you type a source name here, RHIDE assumes that your program is written in Pascal and does NOT check any dependencies of the project, because this is done automatically by GPC with the -automake option.

    If you don't want to use the 'automake' feature of GPC, even when building a Pascal program, give here an empty name, which is the default.

    3.8.9 Clear dependencies

    This function removes all internal stored dependencies. The files are not removed. This is useful when you want to create a makefile (See Write Makefile ) and you do not want to include all the absolute filenames for the dependencies (mostly the include files).

    This function is a relict from earlier versions of RHIDE, but I have not disabled it.

    3.8.10 Delete rebuildable files

    This function includes the function of clearing the dependencies (See Clear dependencies ) and removes in addition to it all the files, which can be rebuild within RHIDE.

    3.8.11 Write Makefile

    Here you can create a makefile that contains all the rules to build the project from the command line without starting RHIDE. For this you need the GNU make, because the generated makefile uses the features of GNU make very extensively.

    If you have used environment variables in your search paths (See Directories ), these are not expanded in the generated makefile. But all variables you used will be defined at the beginning of the makefile with their current value.

    3.9 Options

    This menu contains many submenus for anything you can customize.

  • Directories--
  • C/C++-Compiler--
  • Libraries--
  • Linker options--
  • Compiler options--
  • Environment--
  • Save options--
  • Load options--
  • 3.9.1 Directories

    Here you can define all of the paths, where RHIDE and the compilers finds the needed files and where to store some files.

    All the paths you can define in the several entries have the form of a semicolon separated list of directories, just like your environment variable %PATH%. You can use forward slashes and back slashes, but they are all converted to forward slashes by RHIDE. You can also use environment variables as part of your paths. The syntax of such a variable is that of a GNU makefile. If you want to use the variable %DJDIR%, you must type $(DJDIR).

  • Include directories--
  • Library directories--
  • Object directories--
  • Sources directories--
  • Standard headers--
  • Include directories

    This is the list of directories, where GCC looks for include files and RHIDE searches in this directory (after looking in the current directory) for header files. Library directories

    This is the list of directories, where GCC looks for libraries when linking. RHIDE searches in this directories (after looking in the current directory) for libraries, if you have included them directly as a project item. Object directories

    This is the list of directories where RHIDE looks for object files. If you type here only one directory this has also the effect that the object files, which are compiled, are stored in this directory. Sources directories

    This is the list of directories, where RHIDE looks for the source files (after looking in the current directory). Standard headers

    Define here a space separated list of directories where your standard headers are. Header files found in these directories are not added to the list of dependencies which is automatically generated when compiling a C/C++ source file.

    3.9.2 C/C++-Compiler

    In this submenu you can change most flags, which have to do when compiling C or C++ files or better for the options of all the currently supported compilers.

  • Warnings--
  • Optimizations--
  • Debugging--
  • C options--
  • CXX options--
  • Pascal options--
  • Fortran options--
  • How to toggle these flags--
  • Warnings

    This opens a dialog where you can enable or disable most of the flags for generating or suppressing warnings when you compile a C or C++ file. (See How to toggle these flags ).

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section Warning Options in documentation for gcc . Optimizations

    This opens a dialog where you can customize how the compiler optimizes your code. (See How to toggle these flags ).

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section Optimize Options in documentation for gcc . Debugging

    This opens a dialog where you can customize the amount of debugging information the compiler should include in object files. (See How to toggle these flags ).

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section Debugging Options in documentation for gcc . C options

    This opens a dialog where you can select flags that are only passed to GCC when compiling C files. (See How to toggle these flags ).

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section C Dialect Options in documentation for gcc . CXX options

    This opens a dialog where you can select flags which are only passed to GCC when compiling C++ files. (See How to toggle these flags ).

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section C++ Dialect Options in documentation for gcc . Pascal options

    This opens a dialog where you can select flags which are only passed to GPC when compiling Pascal files. (See How to toggle these flags ).

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section Pascal Dialect Options in documentation for gpc . Fortran options

    This opens a dialog where you can select flags which are only passed to g77 when compiling Fortran files. (See How to toggle these flags ),

    For a detailed description of the available flags see Section Fortran Dialect Options in documentation for g77 . How to toggle these flags

    The options in the dialogs for Warnings, Debugging, C-flags and CXX-Flags are selected with the cursor-keys or the mouse and are activated or deactivated by pressing SPACE or by double-clicking with the mouse at the first field of the option. If an option can take an additional value or string, an inputbox will be opened, and you can type them there. If the additional value is optional, you can leave this input-box by pressing ESC or activating the Cancel button and no value, or the previous one will be appended to this option.

    3.9.3 Libraries

    Here you can tell the linker which libraries will be linked in your program. At this time the number of additional libraries is limited to 16. If you need more, you have to type them manually (See Linker options ).

    In the input-fields of the dialog you only have to type the part of your library name after lib and before .a. Example: If your library is libtv.a put only tv there. You can switch between the input lines for the libraries using Tab or Down Arrow (next field) or Shift+Tab or Up Arrow (previous field). If you have typed your libraries you can activate or disable them by switching the checkbox before the name on or off. This is done by pressing Alt and the corresponding digit or letter of the checkbox at the same time or by clicking with the mouse.

    Normally RHIDE checks the types of your source-files and automatically adds some standard libraries, corresponding to these source-files. These are for C++ files the library libiostream.a and for Objective C files the libobjc.a library. If you want to disable this, deactivate the Use standard libraries checkbox. This adds also the commandline option -nostdlib to GCC, that means, you must give the linker explicitly all of the standard libraries, which you need. This includes the libgcc.a and libc.a libraries.

    3.9.4 Linker options

    Here you can enter a space separated list of options that will be passed to GCC when linking your program. (See Syntax of arguments )

    (See Syntax of arguments ).

    3.9.5 Compiler options

    Here you can enter a space separated list of additional options that will be passed to GCC every time it is called. (See Syntax of arguments )

    (See Syntax of arguments ).

    3.9.6 Environment

  • Colors--
  • Editor options--
  • Preferences--
  • Mouse options--
  • Reserved words--
  • Pascal reserved words--
  • C-Flags--
  • CXX-Flags--
  • Pascal-Flags--
  • Fortran-Flags--
  • Warning-Flags--
  • Debugging-Flags--
  • Optimization-Flags--
  • User words--
  • Colors

    Here you can customize all of the colors of the IDE. Editor options

  • autoindent--
  • Use tabs--
  • Persistent blocks--
  • Intelligent C indenting--
  • Column cursor--
  • Row cursor--
  • Match pair highlight--
  • Do not move the cursor on paste--
  • Transparent Blocks--
  • Optimal fill--
  • Tabsize--
  • autoindent

    When this is enabled, the editor automatically indents the next line by referring to the previous line if you press enter.

    For more information See the "Autoindent" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Use tabs

    When this is enabled, the character t is inserted into the text if you press the Tab-key. Otherwise the number of spaces (defined by tabsize) is inserted.

    For more information see See the "Real Tabs" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Persistent blocks

    Normally, RHIDE uses persistent blocks. This means the selected area will not get unselected if you press a key. If you like the behavior of earlier versions of RHIDE, disable this option.

    For more information see See the "Persistent Blocks" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Intelligent C indenting

    This option enables the so called 'C intelligent indenting', which is an heuristic for indenting after special key words like if or while more than the normal autoindenting. This works only if autoindent is enabled.

    For more information see See the "Intelligent C indent" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Column cursor

    This is a special feature of the builtin editor. If you enable this option you will see a vertical special color highlighted column across the whole editor window at the cursor column.

    For more information see See the "Column cursor" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Row cursor

    This is a special feature of the builtin editor. If you enable this option you will see a horizontal special color highlighted row across the whole editor window at the cursor row.

    For more information see See the "Row cursor" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Match pair highlight

    If this option is enabled, you will see at any time you type a bracket, brace or parenthesis the matching highlighted or a message, that there was no matching found.

    For more information see See the "Match pair highlight" section of the "SET's editor"

    (See Editor options )

    Do not move the cursor on paste

    Enable this option, when you want to leave the cursor at it's current position when you paste some text.

    (See Editor options )

    Transparent Blocks

    When this option is enabled, the syntax highlight is still shown in selected blocks.

    (See Editor options )

    Optimal fill

    When enabling this option the editor fills the gaps in your text with an optimal value of spaces and tabs. (See Editor options )


    Additionally you can select here the tabbing size for the editor. This value is used as the global setting for all editor windows which will be opened after setting this value. The currently opened windows will use also this setting.

    (See Editor options ) Preferences

    Here you can customize some basic options for the work of the IDE. A dialog will be opened where you can turn on or off the following options:

  • all dependencies in makefile--
  • create backup files--
  • syntax highlighting--
  • Use dual display--
  • redirect stderr--
  • redirect stdout--
  • show process information--
  • show free memory--
  • No file caching--
  • 16 background colors--
  • Show GDB commands--
  • Use no shadows--
  • Save text palette--
  • Save project only when closing--
  • Screen mode--
  • all dependencies in makefile

    When this is enabled, all internally stored dependencies for a project item are written to the makefile. (See Write Makefile ). You should disable this option, if you want to give another user the makefile of your project, and (s)he has a different directory structure.

    (See Preferences )

    create backup files

    Create backup files when saving. When it is enabled, RHIDE creates a backup of the file to save under the same name as the editing file, but the suffix is replaced with .bak

    (See Preferences )

    syntax highlighting

    Turn the Syntax highlight on or off. RHIDE automatically checks the suffix of the editing file to determine the correct syntax highlighting. Currently this is supported only for C, C++, and Pascal source files. All other files are not specially highlighted.

    (See Preferences )

    Use dual display

    Here is an very powerful option. If you have installed on your computer a secondary display (monochrome monitor) in addition to your VGA monitor, RHIDE can (when this option is enabled) switch to the second monitor for it's output and you can see your program on the normal monitor.

    If this option is enabled and you have not a secondary monitor installed, RHIDE will detect this and does not switch to it.

    (See Preferences )

    redirect stderr

    Turn this on, if you want to redirect the output to stderr of your program to a window in the IDE. This is also needed, if you want to use the builtin analyzing of a call frame traceback, when your program crashes.

    (See Preferences )

    redirect stdout

    Turn this option on, if you want to redirect the output to stdout from your program to a window in the IDE.

    (See Preferences )

    show process information

    Turn this option on if you want to see which files are checked, when you do a make (See Make ), and to see the commandlines how the compilers are started by RHIDE.

    (See Preferences )

    show free memory

    Turn this option on to show in the upper right corner of the screen a readout of the free memory of your system. This shows both, the virtual and the physical free memory.

    (See Preferences )

    No file caching

    If this option is enabled, RHIDE does not use the internal caching of information about searching files and modification times. Use this only if you have problems with the automatic checking of dependencies, because this slows down RHIDE.

    (See Preferences )

    16 background colors

    On EGA/VGA video cards it is possible to use 16 background colors instead of normal 8. This is done by telling the video card how to interpret the highest bit of the color attribute. If you enable this, you can use up to 16 background colors, otherwise there are only 8 colors for the background available. To get blinking foreground colors, you must use a little trick. Enable at first this option here. Then change the color attribute to highlight background color you want and then reset the '16 background colors' option.

    (See Preferences )

    Show GDB commands

    When this option is enabled you can see in the GDB output window which commands are sent to the builtin GDB from RHIDE.

    (See Preferences )

    Use no shadows

    When this option is enabled RHIDE uses no shadows at all for the windows and dialogs and so on.

    (See Preferences )

    Save text palette

    When you debug a program, which modifies the palette when in text mode, you should enable this option.

    Save project only when closing

    Enable this option only, when you get a system crash after starting your program and because of the use of disk cache the project, which RHIDE automatically saves before your program is run, is corrupted.

    Screen mode

    Here you can select the video mode. If you want to use a video mode other than the ones shown, you have to select the User Mode mode and type the value of this mode (see in the reference of your video card) as a decimal or hexadecimal (preceeded by 0x) number. But you can use only textmodes (modes with starting video ram address at 0xB800:0000. For the numbers of the videomodes refer to the documentation of your video card. If you type an invalid videomode (RHIDE checks it), the 80x25-Mode will automatically selected.

    I have tested all available text modes with my et4000-card, and they work. For some modes, (mostly every high resolution text mode) the mouse cursor is shown by my own routine. That means that you can use the mouse also in the high resolution text modes.

    (See Preferences ) Mouse options

    Here you can customize a little bit the speed of the double click interval and you can also tell RHIDE to reverse the mouse buttons. Reserved words

    This opens a dialog, where you can modify the list of reserved words the editor knows. If you choose the Default button in this dialog, the default reserved words are generated and any previous words are lost. Pascal reserved words

    This opens a dialog, where you can modify the list of reserved words for Pascal the editor knows. If you choose the Default button in this dialog, the default reserved words are generated and any previous words are lost. C-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of C options, which you can turn on or off. (See C options )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) CXX-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of CXX options, which you can turn on or off. (See CXX options )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) Pascal-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of Pascal options, which you can turn on or off. (See Pascal options )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) Fortran-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of Fortran options, which you can turn on or off. (See Fortran options )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) Warning-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of Warning-Flags, which you can turn on or off. (See Warnings )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) Debugging-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of Debugging-Flags, which you can turn on or off. (See Debugging )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) Optimization-Flags

    Here you can modify the list of Optimization-Flags, which you can turn on or off. (See Optimizations )

    (See How to change the list of flags ) User words

    Here you can define your own list of words, which can be specially highlighted, when syntax highlighting is enabled. (See Preferences )

  • How to change the list of flags--
  • How to change the list of flags

    The syntax of the strings, which you can modify or add with the last menu-entries is any string followed by an optional modifier with the following meaning:

    %d if you activate this option, you must enter an integer there
    %d? if you activate this option, you can enter an integer there
    %c if you activate this option, you must enter a character there
    %c? if you activate this option, you can enter a character there
    %s if you activate this option, you must enter a string there
    %s? if you activate this option, you can enter a string there
    %s(STRING) if you activate this option, you must enter a string, which contains only characters defined by the string STRING, there
    %s?(STRING) if you activate this option, you can enter a string, which contains only characters defined by the string STRING, there

    As an example: the string for the -O option is defined as -O%d? and the -d option (See Debugging ) is defined as -d%s(MNDyrxjsLtfcSlgRJdkamp) which means, the string after -d must be a combination of the characters in MNDyrxjsLtfcSlgRJdkamp

    If you leave the dialogs for modifying the flag lists with the OK button or if you activate the Default button, all flags are disabled

    3.9.7 Save options

    Here you can save all the options you currently customized to a file. RHIDE restricts this to saving them only to a file with the .gpr suffix (and .gdt for the desktop file).

    3.9.8 Load options

    Here you can load the options from any existing project file.

    3.10 Windows

    In this menu you get the functions for arranging, resizing and switching between the windows on the desktop:

  • Size/move--
  • Zoom--
  • Tile--
  • Cascade--
  • Next--
  • Previous--
  • Close--
  • List--
  • Project--
  • UserScreen--
  • 3.10.1 Size/move

    With this function you can resize and/or move the current window. After selecting this, the frame of the current window will be drawn light-green and you can move it with the cursor-keys. To resize it, press Shift+ cursor-keys. To exit the moving/resizing function, press ESC or ENTER. Alternatively you can use the mouse. For moving, click on the top of the window and hold the left button down. Now you can move the window by moving the mouse. To resize it, click on lower right corner of the window, hold the button down and resize the window by moving the mouse. (This function has the hotkey Ctrl+F5 )

    3.10.2 Zoom

    This brings up the window to maximal size or to previous size. (hotkey F5 or click with the mouse at the symbol on the right upper corner of the window)

    3.10.3 Tile

    This arranges all the editor-windows on the desktop, to see them all simultaneously.

    3.10.4 Cascade

    This arranges all the editor-windows on the desktop, to see the contents of the current editor-window and the top-frame of all the others.

    3.10.5 Next

    Hotkey F6 switches to the next window on the desktop.

    3.10.6 Previous

    Hotkey Shift+F6 switches to the previous window on the desktop.

    3.10.7 Close

    This closes the current window. If it is an editor-window and its contents were modified, you will be prompted to save it. Hotkey Alt+F3 or click with the mouse on the upper-left symbol of the frame.

    3.10.8 List

    Hotkey Alt+0 brings up a list of all windows that are currently on the desktop. You can select one of them and press ENTER to switch to it. With Del you can close the selected window.

    3.10.9 Project

    With this function you can select the project window (See Project window ). If it was closed, it will be opened.

    3.10.10 UserScreen

    Hotkey Alt+F5 shows the contents of the DOS-Screen. To leave this function, do any event. That means, press any key, or click with the mouse.

    3.11 Help

    In this menu you have access to many predefined help entries in the big help system.

  • Help--
  • RHIDE Help index--
  • Syntax help submenu--
  • Index for syntax help--
  • libc reference--
  • Help about help--
  • 3.11.1 Help

    This opens the INFO viewer. Many thanks at this point to Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). He wrote the very good INFO viewer for use with RHIDE. This was also the most important reason for me to write the documentation in Texinfo, because you have now an online help available with the produced INFO file rhide.info.

    Pressing F1 invokes the help system from everywhere. For help on using the INFO viewer, press F1 within the help window. But the above things work only if you have correctly installed the INFO files that come with RHIDE.

    If you have installed the binary archive of RHIDE as described in the readme.bin, the INFO files are in %DJDIR%/info. If you have not modified your djgpp.env file, this directory is searched for the INFO files.

    But you can put the INFO files in any directory you want, if you add this directory to the %INFOPATH% variable in your djgpp.env file in the section for info.

    3.11.2 RHIDE Help index

    This brings up the help window with the main index for getting help for RHIDE.

    3.11.3 Syntax help submenu

    In this submenu you can set the files to be searched for getting syntax help and you can also customize the options, how this is done.

  • Syntax help--
  • Files to search--
  • Options for searching--
  • Syntax help

    If you are in an editor window, and you press Ctrl+F1 , you get help about the function under or before the cursor. But only if this function is documented in the files you have given to be searched for. (See Files to search ) If there was no help found you will be informed. This feature can be used also by clicking with the right mouse button on the word. Files to search

    Give here a space separated list of files (if you give no suffix, the standard suffixes are tried) which should be scanned for getting help for a word. Options for searching

    Here you can give some options, how the syntax help should work. The following search methods are selectable and other options. For all the search methods it is possible to get more than one matching topic. If that is true, you will find a list, from which you can select the wanted topic.

  • Exact--
  • Substring--
  • Fuzzy--
  • Search options--
  • Fuzzy value--
  • Exact

    When this is selected, you will get syntax help only, if in the selected files a topic with that exact name was found.


    When this is selected, you will get syntax help, when the word is a substring of any of the nodes in the files to be searched for syntax help.


    This method uses a "Fuzzy search" for getting syntax help. That means it looks also for nodes, which are similar to the word for which you want to get syntax help.

    Search options

    These are several options for the textual search:
    Case sensitive When this is selected, the textual search is case sensitive.

    Here you can set the bound for the fuzzy search. The range is from 1 to 1000 where 1 means that mostly every string matches any other string and 1000 means the exact match.

    3.11.4 Index for syntax help

    Here you can get a list of all available topics for the syntax help, from where you can choose one (Enter, Space or double click).

    3.11.5 libc reference

    This is a separate menu entry to open the libc reference, because this is used very often when writing C programs.

    3.11.6 Help about help

    This brings up a help-window for instructions and available keystrokes when using the integrated INFO viewer. (See the "Top" section of the "infview")

    4. Detailed description of some parts of RHIDE

  • Selecting a window--
  • How the editor works--
  • Some hints and problems--
  • Project window--
  • Builtin compiler specs--
  • Builtin variables--
  • Change the defaults of RHIDE--
  • Message window--
  • Syntax highlighting--
  • Checking the dependencies--
  • What is Turbo Vision--
  • How the dialogs work--
  • Defining macros--
  • The INFO Viewer--
  • RCS and RHIDE--
  • 4.1 Selecting a window

    To select a window you can do the following. If the window has a number, this is right on the top-frame, you can select this window by pressing Alt and this number (but only if the number is a single digit). Or you click anywhere in the window or on the frame of the window with your mouse.

    4.2 How the editor works

    This section should describe the work of the editor. But because the editor is now so complex and, not my own work, there is now separate documentation, See the "Top" section of the "SET's editor" for a detailed and better doc. But you can read also more from my doc, which describes the most common (for me) usage of the editor. Here I describe most of the editor commands. If there is a key command like Ctrl+Q+Y, press Ctrl and Q simultaneously and after this press Y.

    I strongly recommend not to use the technique by holding down the Ctrl key when pressing the second key in such key combinations, because for instance when you press Ctrl+K and then Ctrl+C you will be prompted if you want to interrupt RHIDE (because you pressed the interrupt key). But if you really want to use this methode, you should use the -C commandline switch when starting RHIDE to disable the handling of SIGINIT.

  • Erasing commands--
  • Cursor moving commands--
  • Text selecting and searching commands--
  • Block commands--
  • Other commands--
  • 4.2.1 Erasing commands

    4.2.2 Cursor moving commands

    4.2.3 Text selecting and searching commands

    4.2.4 Block commands

    4.2.5 Other commands

    If you have set some markers, they will be stored, so you can use them later when restarting RHIDE.

    4.3 Some hints and problems

    To compile only a single file, you don't need to include it in a project. You only have to open it and do a compile. If a file is in your project, you can compile it, if you are in its editor-window or if you are in the project-window and this file is selected.

    Warnings and errors from compiling a file are listed in the message-window. If there are warnings or errors, you can jump to the corresponding source by hitting ENTER on this message. If this file wasn't already opened, it will be opened.

  • Problems with automatic dependencies--
  • 4.3.1 Problems with automatic dependencies

    Most checking of the dependencies works correctly, but there are some few situations, where this checking gets confused. The first results in the fact that I implemented a cache function for getting the modification time of files, that means, most files are 'stat'ed only once, after starting RHIDE. But if someone modifies one of the files, which are in the cache, (this can be another program, when you run RHIDE in a multitasking environment, such as Windows) or if you run your project and it modifies some of these files, the internal cache is after this not up to date.

    Here is another situation. Your source files are not in the current directory. You have opened a source file for editing and successfully built your project. Now you leave RHIDE, because you want to debug your program with FSDB, you copy the source file (in this case it is the file, which you have opened in the IDE) to the current directory. Now you debug it and there are some errors. You restart RHIDE to make the changes in the file. The previously opened file will be opened automatically and you edit it. If you do now a Make, RHIDE tells you, that your project is up to date, because it searches for source files at first in the current directory, and there is the unmodified file.

    In this chapter I will give you for some special parts a more detailed description of what they do.

    4.4 Project window

    The project window shows you every file, which you have included in your project. Most time you work with RHIDE this window should be visible, but you can also close it (See Close ).

  • Items of your project--
  • Open a project item--
  • Dependencies of project item--
  • Local options for a project item--
  • 4.4.1 Items of your project

    The items in the project window, and therefore also in your project, are sorted in alphabetical order. This has the effect of faster finding an item and you can also move the selecting bar to a specified item by typing the name of this item.

    Normally, the alphabetic order of the project items causes no problems because the linker searches at first every object file for unresolved symbols before any library. The statement, the the GNU linker is a one pass linker makes sense only for libraries, because they are checked only once for unresolved references. That means, if you include libraries in your project you must know about the order, where this library is put on the command line when linking your program.

    If you have problems with that order, or if you really want to have one object file (or library) before some others, you must rename them, to get the right position from the name.

    4.4.2 Open a project item

    To open an editor window with the selected item press either ENTER or SPACE. If there was already a window with this file opened on the desktop, this window will be selected. This works only if the selected item has a known suffix (See Known suffixes ). If the selected item is a project file, that project will be opened with the side effect that if you close this project, the previous one will be reopened.

    4.4.3 Dependencies of project item

    If you have compiled a file already in RHIDE, you bring up a list with all dependencies of that file. In this list the files are show by their basename followed by the directory and they are also sorted in alphabetical order. From here you can also open an editor window with the selected dependency by pressing SPACE or ENTER on that item.

    4.4.4 Local options for a project item

    You can change many options for a project item, which are in effect only for this file. To do this, hit Ctrl+O on the selected item and a dialog is shown, where you can change the options.

    At this time you can change the following options.

  • Local commandline options--
  • exclude from link--
  • rebuild seldom--
  • Name of the output file--
  • Compiler type--
  • User defined compiler--
  • Error checking--
  • Error program--
  • Local commandline options

    Here you can give some additional defines or any other commandline options, when compiling this item.

    exclude from link

    This is a switch to tell RHIDE, that this file should not be linked with your program, but it is compiled and it is checked to determine if your program is up to date.

    rebuild seldom

    When you select this option the item is compiled only if it does not already exist. For most project items this is not usefull but if you have included in your project other projects which create a library this might be usefull, especially if the library has many source files and you know, that they change very seldom.

    Name of the output file

    Here you can specify another name as the compiled file. Put here only the basename of the file (without any directory)

    Compiler type

    From that list you can select exactly one type of the compiler, which is used to create your output file. Possible values are:
    Auto This is the default and should be used in most cases. When this type is selected, RHIDE selects the correct compiler depending on the suffixes of your source and output file.
    User If you have any special compiler, which is not known to RHIDE, to create your output file, you must select this and give RHIDE also the calling syntax of that compiler (see below)
    None If you don't want to compile this item select this.
    GNU C compiler Tell RHIDE to compile this file like a normal GNU C source file.
    GNU C++ compiler Tell RHIDE to compile this file like a normal GNU C++ source file.
    GNU assembler Tell RHIDE to compile this file like a normal GNU assembler file.
    GNU Pascal compiler Tell RHIDE to compile this file like a normal GNU Pascal file.

    User defined compiler

    If you have selected the User compiler type, you have to put in the next input line the specs on how to call the compiler. These specs can use any variables that are known to RHIDE (See Builtin variables ) together with normal text. As an example I show here, how the builtin C compiler is defined (the backslashes at the end of the lines are used only here to show, that the line is continued, they are NOT part of the specs):

    -c $(SOURCE_NAME) -o $(OUTFILE)

    Error checking

    Here you can select how errors or warnings that are produced by the compiler, are checked. Possible values are:
    Auto Let RHIDE select the correct way for checking the errors
    User Use your own external program to check the output of the compiler to stderr
    None Do not check any errors, assume that the compiler does it's job every time successfully.
    builtin C Check the errors like when compiling a C file
    builtin assembler Check the errors like when compiling an assembler file
    builtin linker Check the errors like when linking
    return value Determine only if the compiling was successful or not by checking the return value of the compiler (zero for success)

    Error program

    If you have selected above the User error checking, type here the program, which should check for errors and/or warnings. What the external error checking program should do:

    4.5 Builtin compiler specs


    RHIDE uses for compiling, linking, and the other stages of generating a file also specs, like you can change in the local options for a project item (See Local options ). Here the specs, which are used currently:
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_C) For compiling C source files
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_CC) For compiling C++ source files
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_ASM) For compiling assembler source files
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_PASCAL) For compiling Pascal source files
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_OBJC) For compiling objective C source files
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_LINK) For linking
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_LINK_PASCAL) For linking when the project contain Pascal source files
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_LINK_PASCAL_AUTOMAKE) This spec is used only, when you have set the (See Primary file ), to tell RHIDE, not to check for dependencies but to use the 'automake' feature of GPC.
    $(RHIDE_COMPILE_ARCHIVE) For creating a library
    $(RHIDE_FSDB) For calling FSDB.
    $(RHIDE_GDB) For calling GDB.
    $(RHIDE_GPROF) For calling GPROF.
    $(RHIDE_GREP) For calling grep.

    All of these specs have a default content in RHIDE, but they can be overwritten by setting the environment variable with the same name and any other contents.

    4.6 Builtin variables

    This section describes, which variables can be used within RHIDE to get values from some of the configurations, which you have made inside RHIDE.

    All of these variables are referenced by a name enclosed in parentheses preceeded by a dollar sign. Example: $(RHIDE_GCC). You can overwrite any of the following variables, if you define in your environment the same variable with any contents you want.

    When RHIDE tries to get the contents of such a variable, it searches at first if it is found in it's internal database. If it was not found, the environment is checked for such a variable and if that fails, the resulting value is the variable itself.

    In addition to the use of variables, RHIDE has a limited ability of using string manipulating functions. I have implemented some of the functions, which are available with GNU make. They have the same name and should work exactly like the GNU make counterpart.

    $(strip arg) This function removes any leading and trailing whitespace and converts all multispaces to single spaces from the (whitespace separated list) arg.
    $(addsuffix arg1,arg2) These functions append on each argument from the whitespace separated list arg2 the string arg1.
    $(addprefix arg1,arg2) This is the same as $(addsuffix arg1,arg2), except that it puts the string arg1 before each argument from arg2.
    $(notdir arg) This removes any directory part from the argument arg.
    $(dir) This extracts only the directory part from the argument arg. If there was no directory in arg, an empty string is returned. (The directory contains also the drive letter, if there was one)
    $(subst arg1,arg2,arg3) This replaces every occurrence of arg1 in arg3 with arg2

    The following variables have a special meaning in RHIDE with the default contents:
    $(RHIDE_AR) ar
    $(RHIDE_ARFLAGS) rcs
    $(RHIDE_LIBDIRS) $(addprefix -L,$(LIB_DIRS))
    $(RHIDE_LIBS) $(addprefix -l,$(LIBS))
    $(RHIDE_LDFLAGS) $(SPECIAL_LDFLAGS) $(addprefix -Xlinker ,$(LD_EXTRA_FLAGS))
    -o $(OUTFILE)
    $(C_EXTRA_FLAGS) -x c $(LOCAL_OPT) -c $(SOURCE_NAME) \
    -o $(OUTFILE)
    -c $(SOURCE_NAME) -o $(OUTFILE)
    -c $(SOURCE_NAME) -o $(OUTFILE)
    -x assembler $(LOCAL_OPT) -c $(SOURCE_NAME) \
    -o $(OUTFILE)
    -c $(SOURCE_NAME) -o $(OUTFILE)
    $(RHIDE_GPC) $(RHIDE_GPC_FLAGS) -x pascal \
    -o $(OUTFILE) \
    --automake=\"$(strip $(RHIDE_GPC_FLAGS))\" \
    fsdb $(OUTFILE) $(addprefix -p ,$(SRC_DIRS)) $(PROG_ARGS)
    gdb $(OUTFILE) $(addprefix -d ,$(SRC_DIRS))
    grep -n $(prompt arguments for GREP)
    gprof $(OUTFILE)
    The following are not used as real variables, but they are used to get the contents of options from RHIDE. But you can override them also by setting them as an environment variable.
    $(INCLUDE_DIRS) All the include directories
    $(LIB_DIRS) All the library directories
    $(SOURCE_NAME) The actual compiled source file
    $(OUTFILE) The actual created file
    $(C_DEBUG_FLAGS) All the debugging flags
    $(C_OPT_FLAGS) All the optimization flags
    $(C_WARN_FLAGS) All the warning flags
    $(C_C_LANG_FLAGS) All the C language flags
    $(C_CXX_LANG_FLAGS) All the C++ language flags
    $(C_P_LANG_FLAGS) All the Pascal language flags
    $(LIBS) All the libraries, which are given in the libraries options
    $(LD_EXTRA_FLAGS) All the additional linker options
    $(LOCAL_OPT) All the local options for that project item
    $(OBJFILES) All the destination files, which are part of the project and which are not a library and not excluded from linking
    $(LIBRARIES) All the libraries, which are explicitly included in the project and not excluded from linking
    $(SPECIAL_CFLAGS) Some special flags for GCC. Currently only the -nostdlib switch.
    $(SPECIAL_LDFLAGS) Some special flags for GCC when linking. Currently only the switches -pg and -nostdlib.
    $(prompt TITLE) RHIDE prompts for arguments which get the title TITLE and insert the parameters here.

    4.7 Change the defaults of RHIDE

    If you have special wishes for compiling your source files, you can configure for RHIDE mostly everything. For adding support for other than the builtin known file types (See Builtin variables ). If you want to change the behavior of RHIDE for compiling all the known file types you should know at first really what you do. If you think, this is a good idea or if you only want only check if it works you can do it.

    Before RHIDE compiles any file (this includes also linking and building a library) it searches the environment for a variable after the following scheme: When compiling a file with suffix .c to a file with suffix .o RHIDE checks for the variable $(RHIDE_COMPILE.c.o). If this variable is defined the contents of this variable is taken as the compile spec.

    If you want to change the specs for linking you must take as destination suffix .exe or . and as source suffix the suffix of your object files. Example:


    4.8 Message window

    This window shows every time you compile a file the resulting messages, which GCC produces. These messages were converted in a special format to show them in the window. Some of the messages contain a file eventually combined with a line number. If you press ENTER on such a message, the corresponding source line in the file will be highlighted and the window with this file will be selected. If this file is not already on the desktop, it will be opened.

    If the file, to which the messages refer, is already in the foreground you can see the selected source line for your messages directly on the screen.

    4.9 Syntax highlighting

    Syntax highlighting is now supported directly by the editor. It should work in mostly every situation for all the supported types. Currently (in RHIDE) only the C/C++ style syntax highlight and the Pascal style syntax highlight are supported.

    With which style a file is highlighted is chosen by RHIDE by checking the suffix of the file and determining the file type from that suffix. (See Known suffixes )

    4.10 Checking the dependencies

    This is one of the main parts of RHIDE. To speed up the work, I have added a cache for checking the modification time of a file and for finding a file (computing the full name of a file). But sometimes the data in the cache isn't valid, especially when running under Windows. If you see this, you can clear the cache by leaving RHIDE and starting again.

    If you didn't do any special things but have problems with it, please run RHIDE with the -df switch and try to find out, where the problem is and post it to me so I can fix it.

    4.11 What is Turbo Vision

    The Turbo Vision library is part of Turbo C++ version 3.1. I have ported this library to use with DJGPP because I think it is the most powerful text windowing library, which is available for MS-DOS. With the help of this library you can write a front end application which looks very well and has an interface that is easy to use.

    The Turbo Vision library is not only a window based text user interface, it is also a very good event handling mechanism. It supports the use of the mouse and keyboard with the ability of defining and using of hotkeys. That means, you can assign to some key or combinations of keys, which function should be executed.

    The main parts of an application, which is using this library, are the desktop, the menu bar and the status line. The menu bar is usually shown as the topmost line of the screen. There are shown the main parts of the pull down menus, from where you can select the most functions, which are implemented in an application.

    To use the menu you can use the mouse as well the keyboard. With the mouse you can click every where on a menu entry and the corresponding function will be executed. There are some different actions, which a menu entry can have. At first some of them, these are, for example, all the entries in the menu bar, open a submenu with more menu entries which are related to the name of this main entry. And the others, most in such a submenu, execute a definite function of the application.

    With the keyboard you can walk through the menu very simply. Press F10 to activate the menu bar. In the pull down menus you can use the cursor keys to move the highlighted bar up and down and with the cursor right and left keys you can switch to next or previous menu. With the ENTER key you activate the function, which corresponds to this entry. If this was a submenu, which is indicated with a symbol like a small right arrow, this will be opened.

    If you walk through the menu with the cursor keys or the mouse (hold the left mouse button down and move the mouse) in the status line will be shown for each entry a short hint for the function of this menu entry.

    4.12 How the dialogs work

    In a dialog, like the file open dialog, are many things which you can select or where you can type in some data. At first some general functions. If you press ESC the dialog will be closed and nothing will be changed. The same can be done with the mouse by clicking on the close symbol (this is the small symbol on upper left frame of the dialog).

    In the next paragraphs I will describe the most used elements of a dialog. For selecting each element of a dialog you can use the Tab key to select the next element in the dialog or the Shift+Tab key, to select the previous element.

    A button is a rectangle with some text on it. If you activate such a button a specified action is executed. To select a button you can use the Tab key, until the button is specially highlighted and press ENTER then. Most times a character of the text on this button has a different color. So you can press Alt plus this character to activate the button. With the mouse you can simply click on a button to activate it.

    A Listbox is a collection of some strings in one or more columns and rows as needed. The project window (See Project window ) is such a Listbox with the names of the project items. You can use the cursor keys to move the focus bar in the list, or if it is a sorted Listbox, you can also type some characters and the focus will move to the item, which starts with these characters. To select a item in a list box, press SPACE or ENTER or double click with mouse on it.

    In an input line you can type some text which can be edited with the usual editing keys.

    A checkbox is a collection of options, which can be turned on or off. Each option has in front of it a small indicator, if it is turned on (an X is shown) or not (the X is not shown). To toggle such an option, use the cursor keys to move the focus to the option you want and press SPACE or, if a character in an option string is highlighted you can press this key and the option will be turned on or off or click with the mouse on the option.

    Radiobuttons are similar to Checkboxes, but there you can select only one of all the shown options.

    4.13 Defining macros

    Please look for a detailed documentation here: See the "Pseudo Macros" section of the "SET's editor"

    4.14 The INFO Viewer

    The integrated help system of RHIDE is based on the INFO Viewer written by Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). It gives you access to all the INFO files which you have installed in the correct directories as is done for info.exe.

    To get help about the INFO Viewer hit F1 when the help-window is opened or follow this link to see Section Top in documentation for The Info Viewer .

    In addition to getting help with this system you can also copy text from the help screen to the clipboard. This is useful if you want for instance to copy an example from the libc reference in your program. This feature is not so powerful as in the editor, but it is good enough. To mark some text use the Shift and cursor keys and copy the selected text with Ctrl+Ins to the clipboard.

    In RHIDE you have also the possibility to get help about a specific function. Currently this works only for functions, which are documented in the libc reference. For doing this, move the cursor to the function and hit Ctrl+F1 or click with the right button of the mouse on that word.

    4.15 RCS and RHIDE

    RHIDE knows a little bit about RCS, the Revision Control System. Since RCS is available also for DJGPP I enabled now some features to use RHIDE also on packages which use RCS.

    RHIDE can handle RCS files in the way, that it searches for a checked in source file if the normal source file was not found. The complicatest part here was to determin the correct RCS file name from the source name. (Especially under DJGPP this is a problem since under raw DOS it is not possible to use names like 'foo.c,v').

    So I decided to use the external program rlog which comes with the RCS package to determine the actual correct RCS source name. I did so because the DJGPP implementation knows enough about the DOS limitation and how to solve them.

    This help here is not ment to be a RCS introduction. If you don't know what RCS is or what can be done with it, please look in the manuals wich come with RCS.

    Here now what RHIDE knows about the RCS files. If a source file was not found, it's RCS name is computed with the spec $(RHIDE_RLOG) which defaults to $(shell rlog -R $(rlog_arg)) where $(rlog_arg) is substituted at runtime with the actual wanted source file.

    This spec can be overwritten to speed it up. An example for this can be found in the distributed sample environment file rhide_.env.

    When RHIDE only wants to compile the file or only to get the modification time it is temporary checked out (without locking it) and after the needed operation (compiling) it is removed (for checking the modification time it is not checked out, but the time form the RCS file is taken).

    If you want to open that file for editing the same is done but now it is checked out with setting a lock and it is not checked in after closing the window. The spec for checking the file out is $(RHIDE_CO) which can be overwritten also and it defaults to $(shell co -q $(co_arg)) where the switch -l is added when it is checked out for edititing otherwise $(co_arg) is substituted at runtime only with the wanted source file.

    5. Debugging with RHIDE

    For debugging your programs you need now no external debugger, because RHIDE has one integrated. The integrated debugger is not code which I have written, but it is GDB 4.16, which is linked in RHIDE.

    Because RHIDE uses a special method to communicate with GDB it is currently not possible to use all of the features, which GDB has. I have implemented at this time the most important functions, which are needed to debug your program. So it is not possible to give GDB the same commands as when running GDB stand alone. That means, if you need any very special feature of GDB you must run GDB.

    The integrated debugger is a real source level debugger like GDB. If you step through your program you will see every time exactly where in the sources you are. But to use the ability to debug your program needs, that you have compiled your source files with debugging information and these symbols must not have been stripped from the executable.

  • Limitations of the integrated debugger--
  • Dual display debugging--
  • Using the integrated debugger--
  • Problems with C++ programs--
  • Using Breakpoints--
  • 5.1 Limitations of the integrated debugger

    Because the integrated debugger is GDB, you will have all the limitations which GDB has in addition to well known DJGPP and/or MS-DOS limitations. Here is a (not complete) list of known misfeatures:

    5.2 Dual display debugging

    RHIDE supports now also to use an installed dual display. This is when you have installed in addition to your VGA card a monochrome display card together with a monitor. RHIDE checks this by asking the BIOS if it is present and if this is true and the option is enabled (See Preferences ) then RHIDE switches automatically to the secondary display when debugging and your program will run on the primary display.

    With this debugging technique you will get the best debugging results especially when debugging graphics programs.

    To use the dual display with RHGDB use the -D switch for RHGDB.

    5.3 Using the integrated debugger

    If you are familiar with Borland's debugger, you will see, that most of the functions of that debugger are implemented in the same or in a similar way (this includes the key bindings).

  • Stepping through the source code--
  • Evaluating the contents of variables--
  • Watching the contents of variables--
  • 5.3.1 Stepping through the source code

    For stepping through your code, there are three ways. This is at first the Step-function F8. With this you execute a complete source line. If there is a function call at the current execution point, this function is called without debugging it. This technique is the same like the next-command from GDB.

    The next way is the Trace-function. It is like the Step-function, F7, except that if there is a function call at the current execution point, you will go into this function when there is debugging information for that function available. This technique is the same as the step-command from GDB.

    And the third way is the Goto-Cursor-function. For this, move the cursor to the line in your source code and press F4. Now the execution of your program is continued until it comes to that line. Sometimes you will get an error message, that for the specified line is no code generated. This comes from the optimization of your code by GCC. In this case try a line below or above.

    5.3.2 Evaluating the contents of variables

    You can evaluate also the the contents of variables, when your program has been started. For this you can press Ctrl+F4 and you will see a dialog, where you can type in the expression to evaluate, a line with the result and a line, where you can give the expression a new value. If you have pressed this in an editor window, RHIDE tries to find the word under the cursor and copies this as default in the expression input line. To get the contents of this expression you have to press the Evaluate-button.

    If the expression could not be evaluated so it is shown in the result line. For the exact syntax of getting the contents of an expression see Section Expressions in documentation for gdb . You can also show the value of the expression in several formats, see Section Output Formats in documentation for gdb .

    In addition to the functionality of the Borland debuggers, GDB (and of course also RHIDE) can evaluate the result of function calls. If you have, for example, in your debugged program a function

         int foo(int arg1)
         /* do something and return a value */
    defined, you can type in the expression input line
    and you will get as result, what the function would return, if it is called with the argument 16. As arguments you can also use any known variable or complex expressions.

    A known limitation is, that the expressions are NOT checked for validity. That means, you can produce any exception there, which will terminate your program. As an example type in the expression input line

    And, of course, you cannot assign to a function call a new value.

    As an special side effect you can use this also as a calculator. You can evaluate any trivial or complex expression and this is also available, if you haven't started the integrated debugger.

    5.3.3 Watching the contents of variables

    In addition to a single look at the contents of a variable, you can add the variable to a list which is updated after each debugger step and is shown in the watching window. For this function you can use the hotkey Ctrl+F7.

    Within the watch window you can press Enter on an expression to change that expression (NOT the contents of that expression) or you can press Del to remove the variable from the watch window.

    5.4 Problems with C++ programs

    Because GDB cannot handle correctly C++ debugging information when it is generated as COFF debugging information (with stabs debugging information there is no such limitation and you can skip reading more) you will have many problems when debugging C++ programs to get the contents of a variable when it is a member of a class. Because GDB does not detect, that your program is a C++ program, it sees it as a normal C program and so GDB does nothing know about classes and all what have to do with it.

    For accessing the member of a baseclass you must do some tricks. Let me explain it on an example:

         class A
           int a;
         class B : public A
           void test();
         void B::test()
    If you debug the program in the function B::test() and you want to get the contents of the member a, you have to access it with this->A.a !!! That means: At first you must access all members with the implicit this variable and at second you must give all baseclasses until that, where the member was declared.

    5.5 Using Breakpoints

    Breakpoints are a very useful thing when debugging a program. You can set a breakpoint at any location of your program and run it. It will be automatically stopped, if the program execution reaches the breakpoint.

  • Setting a breakpoint--
  • Modifying and setting a breakpoint--
  • Problems with breakpoints--
  • 5.5.1 Setting a breakpoint

    For setting a breakpoint there are two different ways. The first is by setting a breakpoint at any line by pressing Ctrl+F8. You will see, that there is a breakpoint set, that this line is shown in another color. If you hit Ctrl+F8 on a line, which has already a breakpoint, the breakpoint at this line is removed.

    5.5.2 Modifying and setting a breakpoint

    The second way is by setting a breakpoint with the breakpoint dialog which is selectable only from the menu. There you will see any breakpoint for your program. These breakpoints can be modified now in many things. In this dialog you can enable/disable a breakpoint. This is not the same as deleting and resetting it. If you disable a breakpoint, it is stored internally but it is not used. If you enable it again all the settings for that breakpoint, which you have already made, are remembered.

    In the breakpoint dialog you can also set or delete a breakpoint with the given buttons. If you want to set a new breakpoint, use the New-Button. Then you will get a dialog which you also get when you press the Modify-Button. In this dialog you can change many things of the breakpoint.

    In this dialog is the only point for setting a breakpoint at a specified function. For doing this you must set at first the type of the breakpoint to Function. Then you can type in the function input line the name of the function or hit Ctrl+F1 to get a list of functions which are available from where you can select one with Enter.

    For setting a breakpoint at a specified line, set the breakpoint type to Line and type in the filename and the linenumber.

    The next what you can modify on a breakpoint is a condition. That means that the breakpoint should stop your program only, if the condition is true. Write the condition in the programming language of your source file and you can use any accessible variable and you can call also functions of the debugged program. For other information about the syntax see Section Conditions in documentation for gdb .

    And at last you can give your breakpoints also a count. A breakpoint count is a number, how often this breakpoint is ignored. That means, if you type there, for example, 10, then the RHIDE stops the execution of the program only, if it comes to that point the tenth time. WARNING: This count is set by RHIDE only once. After the breakpoint is really hit, from now on the breakpoint stops your program every time, the breakpoint is reached.

    5.5.3 Problems with breakpoints

    Currently there is a big problem, when you have set a breakpoint at a line (not at a function) of your program and you edit now the source code. If you insert or delete some lines the breakpoints, which are set at lines after or at the modified lines are NOT updated to the correct line number.

    6. Debugging with RHGDB

    In addition to RHIDE, which has an integrated debugger, there is also a stand-alone debugger called RHGDB. (The name comes from my initials and GDB)

    RHGDB has the same abilities as RHIDE for debugging your program. But it has no editor. The source files are shown in read only windows where you can move the cursor and other things (except editing) like in RHIDE.

    The menu tree is analog of RHIDE's but (of course) it has not all the menu entries of RHIDE, because RHGDB should be used only for debugging and nothing else.

    I have written it to debug DJGPP programs, for which there is no RHIDE project file available but the program has debugging information and, if you are short of memory, it is much smaller than RHIDE.

    The syntax for using RHGDB is very simple. Run it with your program as the first argument followed by any argument, which should be passed to your program.

    RHGDB saves and reads the options from files with the suffix .rgd. This is done automatically when you run RHGDB with your program as argument by searching a file with the same basename of your program and the suffix .rgd and in this file the options are also automatically stored, when you exit RHGDB.

    Alternatively you can also save/read the options from within RHIDE by selecting the corresponding menu entries from the Options menu.

    To use the the "Dual display debugging" feature of RHGDB you must give on commandline the -D switch.

    7. Some FAQs

    Question: I have enabled the Use tabs option, but if I move the cursor through that tab, it seems, that RHIDE uses spaces

    Answer:This behavior cannot (currently) be changed. Even when you have enabled the use of real tabs (characters with the code 9), the cursor is moved as if there are spaces.

    Question: Are there any sample project files, to show how RHIDE works?

    Answer:The sources of RHIDE include many project files to rebuild at least RHIDE with itself and many others.

    Question: I have written some libraries. How can I use them in a project?

    Question: How I can use a library, which I have?

    Answer: There are some different ways to do this. On the one side you can include them directly in the project with the Add to project item function (See Add item ). But if they are not in the current directory, you must also set the library search path to the directory, where they are. (See Library directories ). The other variant is to include them in the list of libraries. (See Libraries )

    If this library is created with RHIDE, that means you have a project file for building this library you can also simply include that project file in your project. For examples, look at the RHIDE sources in the project file for RHIDE.

    Question: I have a directory, where all my include files are. Can I setup RHIDE to have this directory every time in the include search path, when creating a new project?

    Question: I prefer the 80x28 video mode over the default 80x25 mode. How I can turn this mode on by default for all newly created project files?

    Answer: You can create a default project file. From this file RHIDE reads all the options, if it creates a new project. The default project must have the same basename as the executable of RHIDE and must be located in the same directory.

    The creation of such a default project file is very simple. Change to the directory, where rhide.exe is located and run there

         rhide rhide
    Now make any changes in the options which you want to have as default for all newly created projects. This includes also settings in the various search paths. If you are ready, exit RHIDE and this project file will be your default project file.

    Question: I know, that I can create a default project file. Can I create and use more than one?

    Answer:Since DJGPP supports a quasi-Unix-like link for executables, you can create such a link also for RHIDE. As an example I will create a link to rhide.exe with the name myrhide.exe. At first I have to create the new file.
         stubify -g myrhide.exe
    Now I must tell myrhide.exe which program it really should run.
         stubedit myrhide.exe runfile=rhide
    Thats all. Or, if you have installed the GNU fileutils, you can use also now the ln.exe program to create the link:
         ln -s rhide.exe myrhide.exe

    Question: I don't want to type every time I start RHIDE the commandline -L de to use the German user interface. Is there any better way?

    Answer: Create an environment variable LANGUAGE with your preferred language like
         set LANGUAGE=de
    and your problem is solved.

    Question: I have 4 Mb RAM in my computer and every time, when I compile large files with optimizations enabled, my hard disk is working very hard.

    Answer:Buy more RAM!

    Question: I heard something about a newer version RHIDE. From where I can get exact information about this?

    Answer: See at the RHIDE home page.. (valid until at least 30. Sepetember 1997) This page contains the latest news and the latest version of RHIDE.

    Question: I have a lot of money and don't know what to do with it. Can you help me?

    Answer: Send it to me, so I can spend more time for developing RHIDE. My Address is:
         Robert Höhne
         Am Berg 3
         D-09573 Dittmannsdorf

    Question: I think, I found a bug in RHIDE. How can I report it?

    Answer:At first try for your own to solve the problem by checking the documentation.

    If the bug is releated to the editor (some keys do not work, autoindenting is not like you expect, program creash after some special editing ....) please send them to Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET), because he is the author of the in RHIDE integrated editor.

    See at the RHIDE home page. (valid until at least 30. September 1997), if this problem was already reported by other users. As the next ask the problem in the news group comp.os.msdos.djgpp, because there may be some other people with the same problem, and they can give you an answer or I, because I read this group also.

    Linux users should post thier problems in the linux group. To make sure that I will read it there also, please include in the subject anywhere the word RHIDE so I will find it, because I do not read any article there because the group is too heavily used. Currently I do only a subject search for the word RHIDE and if not found I mark the group as readed by me. Sorry for this, but compared with the very good comp.os.msdos.djgpp group the linux groups are too large for seriously diskussion (at least for me).

    If this don't help you, do the following:

    Try to reproduce the error with the smallest possible project or source file. Run RHIDE with all debugging options enabled and redirect the printed output to a file. (See Debugging RHIDE ) Send me this file and a detailed as possible description of the problem and include in your report the exact version of RHIDE you are using.

    The exact version is shown in the About-Dialog and means the version number together with the build date.

    And a last note. If I get bug reports or questions or problems with RHIDE which I think that they are of common interest be warned that I bounce them simply to the news groups because at this time it is impossible for me to answer all the mails I get. So the best is to post the questions and/or problems only in the news groups.

    8. Index

    9. Index of key commands