udi - UDI Configuration Files for SUN hosts.
A UDI conformant Debugger Front End (DFE) specifies the Target
Interface Process (TIP) that it wishes to connect to and
the options that it wishes to pass to that TIP by referencing
a configuration in the "UDI configuration file".
This man page explains the format of the UDI Configuration file
for Sun hosts.
The search rules that the DFE uses to locate the UDI Configuration
file are:
- the complete filename specified by the environment variable, UDICONF.
- the file udi_soc in the current directory.
- the file udi_soc in each of the directories specified by the PATH environment
A line of the UDI Configuration File can have two different formats
depending on whether the address family is AF_UNIX or AF_INET.
The two formats are:
- tip_config_name AF_UNIX socket_name tip_executable [tip_options]
- tip_config_name AF_INET host_name port_number [tip_options]
- tip_config_name
- An arbitrary name which the DFE will use to refer to this configuration.
Each line in the UDI Configuration File must have a different tip_config_name field.
- This address family should be used
when the DFE and TIP are running on the same host.
This is the typical case.
- This address family should be used
when the DFE and TIP are running on different hosts.
- socket_name
- Used with AF_UNIX configurations only.
Specifies the socket file name
which will be used to communicate between
the DFE and TIP. The special socket_name "*" indicates that a unique
socket file name should be automatically generated by the IPC layer.
This is useful if you want to have multiple DFEs connecting
to the same configuration name.
If the socket_name is explictly specified, be aware that
if any two AF_UNIX TIP configurations are being used simultaneously, they
must have unique socket_names.
For DFEs who wish to disconnect from a TIP and then reconnect to that
same TIP at some later time, an explicit socket_name is required.
- tip_executable
- Used with AF_UNIX configurations only.
The DFE will use the tip_executable filename
to spawn the TIP if the TIP is not already running
and listening at the indicated socket_name.
If a full pathname is not specified, the PATH environment variable
is used to locate the executable file.
Note that when the socket_name is "*", a new TIP executable
is always spawned.
- host_name
- Used with AF_INET configurations only.
This specifies the name of the host where the TIP
is running.
- port_number
- Used with AF_INET configurations only.
This specifies the port_number at which the TIP
on the remote host is listening.
Note that in an AF_INET configuration
the TIP cannot be spawned by the DFE and must
already be running at the time of the connection.
The TIP on the remote host should be started with
a command line of
tip_executable_name AF_INET port_number
- tip_options
- Valid with both AF_UNIX and AF_INET configurations.
This optional string of parmeters is passed through to
the TIP at connect time and is usually interpreted
by the TIP as a set of startup parameters.
The following are examples of entries in the UDI configuration
file on SUN hosts.
iss050 AF_UNIX * isstip -29050 -r osboot
- The above entry associates the TIP configuration name "iss050" with the
isstip executable with the parameters
"-29050 -r osboot" being passed to isstip
when the connection is made.
The AF_UNIX address family with an automatically generated
socket name will be used to communicate between DFE and TIP.
Because of the automatic socket name generation,
a new invocation of isstip will always be created when the iss050
configuration is specified.
iss050x AF_UNIX sock_iss50 isstip -29050 -r osboot
- The above entry associates the TIP configuration name "iss050x" with the
same isstip executable and same startup parameters
as the previous example.
The AF_UNIX address family and the explicit socket file name
sock_iss50 will be used to communicate between DFE and TIP.
If isstip is not already running and listening on sock_iss50,
an instance of isstip will be created.
iss50_remote AF_INET fasthost 7000 -29050 -r osboot
- The above entry assumes that some TIP is already running on the host
named fasthost and listening at port 7000. For example,
isstip could have been started on fasthost with the command line
isstip AF_INET 7000
The parameters "-29050 -r osboot" will be passed to
the remote TIP at connect time.
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