This section describes some Sun hacks for Stabs in ELF; it does not apply to COFF or SOM.
To keep linking fast, you don't want the linker to have to relocate very
many stabs. Making sure this is done for N_SLINE
, and N_LBRAC
stabs is the most important thing
(see the descriptions of those stabs for more information). But Sun's
stabs in ELF has taken this further, to make all addresses in the
field (functions and static variables) relative to the
source file. For the N_SO
symbol itself, Sun simply omits the
address. To find the address of each section corresponding to a given
source file, the compiler puts out symbols giving the address of each
section for a given source file. Since these are ELF (not stab)
symbols, the linker relocates them correctly without having to touch the
stabs section. They are named Bbss.bss
for the bss section,
for the data section, and Drodata.rodata
the rodata section. For the text section, there is no such symbol (but
there should be, see below). For an example of how these symbols work,
See section Transformations of Stabs in separate sections. GCC does not provide these symbols;
it instead relies on the stabs getting relocated. Thus addresses which
would normally be relative to Bbss.bss
, etc., are already
relocated. The Sun linker provided with Solaris 2.2 and earlier
relocates stabs using normal ELF relocation information, as it would do
for any section. Sun has been threatening to kludge their linker to not
do this (to speed up linking), even though the correct way to avoid
having the linker do these relocations is to have the compiler no longer
output relocatable values. Last I heard they had been talked out of the
linker kludge. See Sun point patch 101052-01 and Sun bug 1142109. With
the Sun compiler this affects `S' symbol descriptor stabs
(see section Static Variables) and functions (see section Procedures). In the latter
case, to adopt the clean solution (making the value of the stab relative
to the start of the compilation unit), it would be necessary to invent a
symbol, analogous to the Bbss.bss
, etc.,
symbols. I recommend this rather than using a zero value and getting
the address from the ELF symbols.
Finding the correct Bbss.bss
, etc., symbol is difficult, because
the linker simply concatenates the .stab
sections from each
`.o' file without including any information about which part of a
section comes from which `.o' file. The way GDB does
this is to look for an ELF STT_FILE
symbol which has the same
name as the last component of the file name from the N_SO
in the stabs (for example, if the file name is `../../gdb/main.c',
it looks for an ELF STT_FILE
symbol named main.c
). This
loses if different files have the same name (they could be in different
directories, a library could have been copied from one system to
another, etc.). It would be much cleaner to have the Bbss.bss
symbols in the stabs themselves. Having the linker relocate them there
is no more work than having the linker relocate ELF symbols, and it
solves the problem of having to associate the ELF and stab symbols.
However, no one has yet designed or implemented such a scheme.
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