A common block is a statically allocated section of memory which can be referred to by several source files. It may contain several variables. I believe Fortran is the only language with this feature.
stab begins a common block and an N_ECOMM
ends it. The only field that is significant in these two stabs is the
string, which names a normal (non-debugging) symbol that gives the
address of the common block. According to IBM documentation, only the
has the name of the common block (even though their
compiler actually puts it both places).
The stabs for the members of the common block are between the
and the N_ECOMM
; the value of each stab is the
offset within the common block of that variable. IBM uses the
stab type, and there is a corresponding N_ECOML
stab type, but Sun's Fortran compiler uses N_GSYM
instead. The
variables within a common block use the `V' symbol descriptor (I
believe this is true of all Fortran variables). Other stabs (at least
type declarations using C_DECL
) can also be between the
and the N_ECOMM
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