Action statements are enclosed in braces, `{' and `}'. A missing action statement is equivalent to `{ print }'.
Action statements consist of the usual assignment, conditional, and looping statements found in most languages. The operators, control statements, and Input/Output statements available are similar to those in C.
Comments begin with the `#' character, and continue until the end of the
line. Blank lines may be used to separate statements. Statements normally
end with a newline; however, this is not the case for lines ending in a
`,', `{', `?', `:', `&&', or `||'. Lines
ending in do
or else
also have their statements automatically
continued on the following line. In other cases, a line can be continued by
ending it with a `\', in which case the newline is ignored.
Multiple statements may be put on one line by separating each one with a `;'. This applies to both the statements within the action part of a rule (the usual case), and to the rule statements.
See section Comments in awk
Programs, for information on
's commenting convention;
see section awk
Statements Versus Lines, for a
description of the line continuation mechanism in awk
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