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18.5 How to move structs returned by real-mode services?

Q: My program uses the contents of a structure returned by a VBE function, but some of the struct members are garbled!

A: Most probably, this happens because of incorrect declaration of the structure in your program. Many people copy a declaration from some real-mode program, and that is exactly what gets them into trouble.

Here are some gotchas in this context:

For example, the following real-mode structure declaration:
      struct ncb {
        unsigned ncb_command;
        int ncb_status;
        char far *ncb_buffer;  /* a far pointer to a buffer */
        char ncb_name[32];
        int far (*ncb_dispatch)();  /* a pointer to a far function */

should be converted to this in a DJGPP program:
      struct ncb {
        unsigned short ncb_command __attribute__((packed));
        short ncb_status __attribute__((packed));
        unsigned short ncb_buf_offset __attribute__((packed));
        unsigned short ncb_buf_segment __attribute__((packed));
        char ncb_name[32] __attribute__((packed));
        unsigned short ncb_dispatch_offset __attribute__((packed));
        unsigned short ncb_dispatch_segment __attribute__((packed));

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