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18.2 How to use buffers with DOS/BIOS services

Q: I want to call a DOS/BIOS function which requires a pointer to a buffer in, e.g. ES:DI (or any other) register pair. How do I get the segment to put into the ES register?

Q: I have some real-mode code that calls the segread function. How can I make it work with DJGPP?

A: If you use int86x or intdosx for a DOS or BIOS function supported by them, then just put the address of your buffer into the register which expects the offset (regs.x.di), forget about the segment, and call int86 or intdos instead of int86x and intdosx. The DOS/BIOS functions supported by int86 and intdos are processed specially by the library, which will take care of the rest. Note that calling int86x and intdosx will usually crash your program, since they expect that you pass them a real-mode segment:offset address to a buffer in conventional memory; this is done more easily with __dpmi_int, see below.

If you call __dpmi_int, then you must put into that register pair an address of some buffer in conventional memory (in the first 1 MByte). If the size of that buffer doesn't have to be larger than the size of transfer buffer used by DJGPP (at least 2KB, 16KB by default), then the easiest way is to use the transfer buffer. (Library functions don't assume the contents of the transfer buffer to be preserved across function calls, so you can use it freely.) That buffer is used for all DOS/BIOS services supported by DJGPP, it resides in conventional memory, and is allocated by the startup code. DJGPP makes the address and the size of the transfer buffer available for you in the _go32_info_block external variable, which is documented the library reference. Check the size of the buffer (usually, 16K bytes, but it can be made as small as 2KB), and if it suits you, use its linear address this way:

     dpmi_regs.x.di =
      _go32_info_block.linear_address_of_transfer_buffer & 0x0f; =
      _go32_info_block.linear_address_of_transfer_buffer >> 4;

For your convenience, the header file go32.h defines a macro __tb which is an alias for _go32_info_block.linear_address_of_transfer_buffer.

Here's a simple example of calling a real-mode service. This function queries DOS about the country-specific information, by calling function 38h of the DOS Interrupt 21h, then returns the local currency symbol as a C-style null-terminated string in malloced storage. Note how the transfer buffer is used to retrieve the info: the address of the transfer buffer is passed to DOS, so it stores the data there, and the function then retrieves part of that data using dosmemget.

      #include <sys/types.h>
      #include <sys/movedata.h>
      #include <dpmi.h>
      #include <go32.h>
      char * local_currency (void)
        __dpmi_regs regs;
     = 0x3800;        /* AH = 38h, AL = 00h  */
        regs.x.ds = __tb >> 4;     /* transfer buffer address in DS:DX  */
        regs.x.dx = __tb & 0x0f;
        __dpmi_int (0x21, &regs);  /* call DOS  */
        if (regs.x.flags & 1)      /* is carry flag set?  */
          /* The call failed; use the default symbol.  */
          return strdup ("$");
            /* The call succeeded.  The local currency symbol is stored
               as an ASCIIZ string at offset 2 in the transfer buffer.  */
            char *p = (char *)malloc (2);
            if (p != 0)
              dosmemget (__tb + 2, 2, p);
            return p;

If the size of the transfer buffer isn't enough, you will have to allocate your own buffer in conventional memory with a call to the __dpmi_allocate_dos_memory library function. It returns to you the segment of the allocated block (the offset is zero). If you only need a small number of such buffers which can be allocated once, then you don't have to worry about freeing them: they will be freed by DOS when your program calls exit.

For bullet-proof code, you should test the size of the transfer buffer at runtime and act accordingly. This is because its size can be changed by the STUBEDIT program without your knowledge (however, it can never be less than 2KB, the size of the stub, because memory used by the stub is reused for the transfer buffer).

The function segread used by some real-mode compilers does not exist in DJGPP. It is used in real-mode code to store the values of the CS, DS, SS, and ES registers into a struct SREGS variable, when some service that needs one of these registers is called from code written for small and tiny memory models. DJGPP has the functions _my_cs, _my_ds, and _my_ss for that purpose (ES and DS always hold the same selector in code produced by GCC from a C or C++ source, so you don't need a fourth function). However, these will not be useful if the original real-mode code used the segment registers to invoke DOS/BIOS services. For these cases, you will need to rewrite the code so that it copies the data to/from the transfer buffer and passes its address via __dpmi_int, as described above.

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