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Q: Can you help me figure out all those funny numbers printed when my program crashes?
redir -e crash.txt myprog [arguments to the program go here](here I used the
program supplied with DJGPP; the -e switch tells it to redirect the standard error stream to the named file). After you've saved the crash message, look at the name of the crashed program, usually printed on the 4th line. Knowing which program crashed is important when one program calls another, like if you run a program from RHIDE. Without this step, you might erroneously try to debug the wrong program.
The next step in the debugging is to find out where in the code did the program crash. The SYMIFY
program will help you translate the call frame traceback, which is the last portion of
the crash message, into a list of function names, source files and line numbers which describe the sequence of function calls that led to the crash. The top-most line in the call frame traceback is
the place where the program crashed, the one below it is the place that called the function which crashed, etc. The last line will usually be in the startup code, in a function called
, but if the screen is too small to print the entire traceback without scrolling, the traceback will be truncated before it gets to the startup. See
how to use SYMIFY
, for more details about the call frame traceback and SYMIFY
If you compiled your program without the -g switch, or if you stripped the debugging symbols (e.g., using the -s linker switch), you will have to rebuild the program with -g and without -s, before you continue.
Next, you need to get an idea about the cause of the crash. To this end, look at the first two lines of the crash message. There you will find a description of the type of the crash, like this:
Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV Page Fault at eip=00008e89, error=0004(the actual text in your case will be different). The following table lists common causes for each type of crash:
(did your code check for that?). An uninitialized pointer holds some random garbage value; it can come from a missing call to malloc
. If the message says Page Fault in RMCB, then it usually means that the program installed an interrupt handler or a real-mode callback (a.k.a. RMCB), but failed to lock all the memory accessed by the handler or functions it calls. See installing hardware interrupt handlers, for more about this.
to a
function that expects a double
, or passing buffers to a library function without sufficient space to hold the results;
Overrunning the stack frame usually manifests itself by abnormal values of the EBP or ESP registers, printed right below the first two lines. The normal case is when
ESP is slightly smaller than EBP, smaller than the limit of the SS segment, and usually larger than EIP(Note:
Programs that create machine code in malloc
ed storage and then jump into it could have their EIP above EBP. The Allegro library utilizes this
technique in some of its functions.); anything else is a clear sign of a disaster.
Another telltale sign of an overrun stack frame is that the symified traceback points to a line where the function returns, or to its closing brace.
Suspect a stack overflow if the EBP and ESP values are close to one another, but both very low (the stack grows downwards), or if the call frame traceback
includes many levels, which is a sign of deep recursion. Stubediting the program to enlarge its stack size might solve such problems. See changing stack size, for a
description of how to enlarge the stack. If you use large automatic arrays, try to make their dimension smaller, or make them global, or allocate them at run time using malloc
, mean some error in floating-point computations, like division by zero or overflow.
Sometimes such errors happen when an int
is passed to a function that expects a float
or a double
(0123 in hex is the numeric code of SIGSEGV
; see the header
signal.h for the other codes), and that handler attempted to return. This is not allowed, since returning to the locus of the exception will just trigger the same exception again and
again, so the DJGPP signal-handling machinery aborts the program after printing this message.
If you indeed wanted SIGSEGV
to be generated in that case, the way to solve such problems is to modify your signal handler so that it calls either exit
should not have been triggered, debug this as described below.
: v2.0 had a bug in its library whereby calling abort
would bypass the cleanup code that restored the keyboard interrupt hooked by the DJGPP startup code; v2.01
solves this bug.
Using the itimer
facility can also cause such crashes if the program exits abnormally, or doesn't disable the timer before it exits.
generation works by invalidating the DS/SS selector, but since CWSDPR0 doesn't switch stacks on exceptions there's no place to put the exception frame for the
exception this triggers, so the program double faults and bails out). Otherwise, treat this as Page Fault
If you are lucky, and the crash happened inside your function (as opposed to some library function), then the above info and the symified call frame traceback should almost immediately suggest where's the bug. You need to analyze the source line corresponding to the top-most EIP in the call frame traceback, and look for the variable(s) that could provide one of the reasons listed above. If you cannot figure it out by looking at the source code, run the program under a debugger until it gets to the point of the crash, then examine the variables involved in the crashed computation, to find those which trigger the problem. Finally, use the debugger to find out how did those variables come to get those buggy values.
People which are less lucky have their programs crash inside library functions for which SYMIFY
will only print their names, since the libraries are usually compiled without the debug
info. You have several possible ways to debug these cases:
succeeded to convert to a pointer to a line number in a source file. This line should be a call to some function in some library you used
to link your program. Re-read the docs for that function and examine all the arguments you are passing to it under a debugger, looking for variables that could cause the particular type of crash you
have on your hands, as described above.
to get a full
description of the place where it dies.
should be able to find the line number info for the entire traceback.
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