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Q: I cannot run my program which uses Allegro: Windows 9X says the program would work better in DOS Mode...
The only reasonable thing to do is to dedicate a "hotkey" in your application (e.g., Alt-R) whose action is to redraw the entire screen. If you do that, it's best to start all the way
from the beginning, e.g. with a call to GrSetMode
(if you use GRX), as there are a few bad Windows video drivers which do not restore SVGA graphics modes properly upon the switch back.
Windows 9X does save and restore the SVGA state, but only if you task-switch with the Alt-<TAB> key. If the switch happens because of anything else, like a window popping up, or you pressing the Start button, there's nothing your application can do to ensure it restores correctly, because it just never gets moved back into focus. As soon as the user tries to restore it, Windows 9X comes up with this message:
This application cannot be restored and will be terminated.To prevent Windows 9X from getting in your way when running graphics programs, like popping up messages that suggest to run the program in DOS Mode, just disable one or more of the relevant properties for that program. Here's a detailed procedure to disable them all:
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