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6.11 Why does Bash crash?

Q: Bash crashes on me when I invoke shell scripts...

Q: Why does Bash say "pipe error: Access denied" when I try to run two programs via a pipe?

Q: When I run certain complex shell scripts, Bash sometimes prints a message saying "Cannot make a child for command substitution: (null)". What gives??

A: If Bash crashes when you invoke shell scripts, check whether those scripts have #!/bin/sh on their first line. If they do, the most probable reason for the crashes is that you don't have sh.exe anywhere on your PATH (it does not have to be in /bin!). Either copy bash.exe into sh.exe, or create a "symlink" to bash.exe, like this:
      ln -s c:/djgpp/bin/bash.exe c:/djgpp/bin/sh.exe

(replace c:/djgpp with the actual pathname of your DJGPP installation).

Error messages about pipes and command substitution usually mean that your TMPDIR environment variable points to an invalid drive. Old ports of Bash had problems with `command` substitution, so make sure you have the latest binaries.

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