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Q: Where can I get DJGPP?
A: Look on any SimTel.NET mirror in the pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/ subdirectory, or on one of the CCT mirrors, world-wide.
This section lists the SimTel.NET mirrors; see below, for the list of CCT sites.
- The primary SimTel.NET site is:
- ftp.simtel.net(Note: ftp.simtel.net is actually several ftp sites arranged in a rotating pattern of IP addresses to help
balance the load and to avoid access problems due to network outages and simultaneous user limits.)
- Here is a list of hosts by countries that offer mirror sites:
- Argentina
- ftp.satlink.com
- Australia:
- ftp.tas.gov.au
- Australia:
- sunsite.anu.edu.au
- Vienna, Austria:
- ftp.univie.ac.at
- Brussels, Belgium:
- ftp.linkline.be
- Sao Paulo, Brazil:
- ftp.unicamp.br
- Brazil:
- ftp.iis.com.br
- Ottawa, Canada:
- ftp.crc.doc.ca
- Vancouver, Canada:
- ftp.direct.ca
- Chile:
- sunsite.dcc.uchile.cl
- Beijing, China:
- ftp.pku.edu.cn
- Czech Republic:
- ftp.eunet.cz
- Prague, Czech Republic:
- pub.vse.cz
- Czech Republic:
- ftp.zcu.cz
- Denmark:
- ftp.net.uni-c.dk
- Espoo, Finland:
- ftp.funet.fi
- Neuilly, France:
- ftp.grolier.fr
- France:
- ftp.lip6.fr
- Germany:
- ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de
- Bochum, Germany:
- ftp.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
- Chemnitz, Germany:
- ftp.tu-chemnitz.de
- Heidelberg, Germany:
- ftp.uni-heidelberg.de
- Magdeburg, Germany:
- ftp.uni-magdeburg.de
- Paderborn, Germany:
- ftp.uni-paderborn.de
- Trier, Germany:
- ftp.uni-trier.de
- Wuerzburg, Germany:
- ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de
- Athens, Greece:
- ftp.ntua.gr
- Hong Kong:
- ftp.cs.cuhk.hk
- Hong Kong:
- ftp.hkstar.com
- Hong Kong:
- sunsite.ust.hk
- Hungary:
- ftp.iif.hu
- Dublin, Ireland:
- ftp.heanet.ie
- Dublin, Ireland:
- ftp.iol.ie
- Rome, Italy:
- cis.uniroma2.it
- Italy:
- ftp.flashnet.it
- Naples, Italy:
- ftp.unina.it
- Italy:
- mcftp.mclink.it
- Saitama, Japan:
- ftp.saitama-u.ac.jp
- Saitama, Japan:
- ftp.riken.go.jp
- Japan:
- ftp.iij.ad.jp
- Japan:
- ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp
- Japan:
- ftp.web.ad.jp
- Latvia:
- ftp.lanet.lv
- Malaysia:
- ftp.jaring.my
- Mexico:
- ftp.gdl.iteso.mx
- Netherlands:
- ftp.euro.net
- Utrecht, Netherlands:
- ftp.nic.surfnet.nl
- Bergen, Norway:
- ftp.bitcon.no
- Krakow, Poland:
- ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl
- Warsaw, Poland:
- ftp.icm.edu.pl
- Poznan, Poland:
- ftp.man.poznan.pl
- Aveiro, Portugal:
- ftp.ua.pt
- Portugal:
- ftp.ip.pt
- Bucharest, Romania:
- ftp.digiro.net
- Timisoara, Romania:
- ftp.dnttm.ro
- Singapore:
- ftp.nus.sg
- Slovakia:
- ftp.uakom.sk
- Slovenia:
- ftp.arnes.si
- Johannesburg, South Africa:
- ftp.is.co.za
- Stellenbosch, South Africa:
- ftp.sun.ac.za
- South Africa:
- ftp.netactive.co.za
- South Africa:
- ftp.saix.net
- South Korea:
- ftp.sogang.ac.kr
- South Korea:
- sunsite.snu.ac.kr
- Spain:
- ftp.rediris.es
- Stockholm, Sweden:
- ftp.sunet.se
- Zurich, Switzerland:
- sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch
- Chung-Li, Taiwan:
- ftp.ncu.edu.tw
- Taipei, Taiwan:
- nctuccca.edu.tw
- Nonthaburi, Thailand:
- ftp.nectec.or.th
- London, UK:
- ftp.demon.co.uk
- London, UK:
- ftp.globalnet.co.uk
- Lancaster, UK:
- mic5.hensa.ac.uk
- London, UK:
- sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk
- Concord, California, USA:
- ftp.cdrom.com
- California, USA:
- ftp.digital.com
- California, USA:
- ftp.lib.sonoma.edu
- Georgia, USA:
- ftp.peachnet.edu
- Urbana, Illinois, USA:
- uarchive.cso.uiuc.edu
- Massachusets, USA
- ftp.bu.edu
- Rochester, Michigan, USA:
- OAK.Oakland.Edu
- Missouri, USA:
- galileo.galilei.com
- New York, NY, USA:
- ftp.rge.com
- Oklahoma, USA:
- ftp.ou.edu
- Corvallis, Oregon, USA:
- ftp.orst.edu
- Pennsylvania, USA:
- ftp.epix.net
- Virginia, USA:
- mirrors.aol.com

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