This chapter will describe some of the steps programmers face when porting their 16-bit DOS applications to DJGPP. In this chapter I will cover the following:
I will also assume the following of you, and your program(s):
I do suggest that if you are new to 32-bit C compilers, that you read the section on Runtime Basics.
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, feel free to contact the author of this section, Tom St Denis, via email:
Far Memory. If you don't know what Far Memory is I suggest that you don't read this chapter, as it is assumed you know what this is already. If you feel adventerous I will describe it anyways. Far Memory, on 80x86 systems anyways, is memory that is available to the program, via segments and offsets. This means it requires a 32-bit pointer (16 bits for the segment, 16 bits for the offset) to access the ram. Near Memory is defined as memory that can be accessed with only a offset. This section covers the difference between the far and near memory. Now in a 16-bit environment we would use far memory to get access to more then 64kb. This is quite usefull as 16-bit applications may use upto 1MB of ram. However we don't have this problem in DJGPP, where it is a 32-bit environment. DJGPP's memory model is similar to tiny model in 16-bit compilers, where there is no far memory, and only offsets are used. However in DJGPP we do not have the 64KB limit, so this poses no problem. Since DJGPP uses 32-bit offsets (instead of 16-bit offsets), we can access 4GB of ram with DJGPP. This is to say the pointers in DJGPP are 32-bits and contain only a offset part.
Now that you understand the previous paragraph, porting your far model code, is just like porting it to tiny model. Here are some simple steps:
void main(void) { int far *a; char far *b; void far *c; }to:
void main(void) { int *a; char *b; void *c; }
void main(void) { void far *b = farcalloc(10000, 1); farfree(b); }to:
void main(void) { void *b = calloc(10000, 1); free(b); }
void far test(void); void far test2(void);to:
void test(void); void test2(void);
Another thing when porting far model ASM code to DJGPP (among other things) is to make sure you don't load the segment registers with anything. Just load the offset you want to use. Although it's worth noting that you should re-write all of your inline assembly and external assembly code so that you can take in account all the differences, between the two environments.
Just to remind you, although you are in a tiny memory model you are not restricted to 64KB. So don't worry about allocating more then 64KB at a time.
One last compiler specific issue. DJGPP does not support the Intel\Borland style of inline assembly. DJGPP has a more powerful inline assembly routines, more details can be found here. However later in this chapter, I discuss how to write assembly routines with NASM (intel style assembler), so that users of TASM or MASM do not have to learn the AT&T style assembler.
Memory Addresses are very different in DJGPP then in 16-bit real mode. This is probably the most worth noting when writting graphics code, that must write to a physical address. In a 16-bit environment you could access the VGA ram (0xA000:0000) with:
void main(void) { void far *scr = (void far *) 0xA0000000L; scr[0] = 4; }
Where this would put a red pixel in the top-right of the screen. However in DJGPP this would not work. First off, it wouldn't work because the 32-bit address (physical) of the VGA screen is 0xA0000 not 0xA0000000. It won't work for a second reason...
Linear adressing is what we call the CPU mode when addresses are no longer physical. Now this may seem like a silly thing to do but, using linear addresses has many features. First off you get to use paging (aka Virtual Memory), and second, you can map physical ram to any address. Linear addressing does have one drawback, it won't let you to use physical addresses as addresses (in DJGPP) because they no longer map to where you think they will. So using 0xA0000 as a address will not work. Some DOS extenders will allow you to use what is called a negative address, however DJGPP does not support this directly.
So how do you do it then? Good question, two different answers.
Enable 4GB near pointers, allowing you do use negative addressing, This method is ok, if your code is 100% bug free as this removes memory protection from DJGPP, The best way to explain this is with a code snipet:
#include <sys/nearptr.h> void main(void) { char *screen; if (__djgpp_nearptr_enable() == 0) return ERROR; /* could happen */ screen = 0xa0000 + __djgpp_conventional_base; screen[0] = 4; __djgpp_nearptr_disable(); }
This example plots a red pixel in the top right hand corner of the screen. Now there are some problems with this method. After you call any DPMI specific routine (which includes allocating ram) you have to recalculate the near pointer to the video ram. That's why I suggest you calculate the address after you initialize your program. With this method you can access the video ram directly as fast as accessing any other ram in your program. Another reason why DJGPP does not support this directly, is that under Windows NT, you cannot use negative addresses.
Use the DOS memory selector. This method is similar to using far memory in your 16-bit compilers only it works slightly differently, since there are no far pointers in DJGPP. Here is a code snippet:
#include <dpmi.h> void main(void) { _farsetsel(_dos_ds); _farnspokeb(0xA0000, 4); }
This method is slightly slower then the first method, but is more secure. Do not worry, it is not too bad in performance if you can program it right, (for example, the Allegro game library uses this method). This method is more reliable then the first method as you don't have to recalculate anything. In this example, it draws a red pixel in the upper right hand corner in red. Now you don't need to call _farsetsel for every write to the screen. You have to call this once per function. For example in a function that displays a bitmap, you would call _farsetsel once on the outside (near the top of the function).
I suggest that you use the second method until you get more comfortable with DJGPP. The second is a little slower then the first, but the first can cause problems if used incorrectly. Also remember that the first method does not work in Windows NT, but the second method does.
This section describes how to call real mode x86 interrupts with DJGPP. In DJGPP it is not too differenent then calling interrupts with 16-bit compilers. The most important thing to note is that you cannont use inline assembly to call real mode interrupts directly. If you have ever used the int86 or int386 functions then this one is pretty simple. I will start with a code snipet:
#include <dpmi.h> void main(void) { __dpmi_regs r; = 0x13; r.d.ebx = 0x10000; = 4; r.h.dh = 5; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); }
First off, the struct __dpmi_regs is a structure to hold all of the 386 registers you wish to pass down to real mode. To access the byte registers of __dpmi_regs you would use, __dpmi_regs.h.xx, where xx is the register (ah, al, bh, bl, etc...) is the register you wish to modify. To access the word register you do the same for the byte registers but change the h with a x. Now to use the dword register just change the x with a d.
Now as you can see this demo, passes 0x13 into the word< register ax, 0x10000 into the dword register ebx, 4 into the byte register cl, and 5 into the byte register dh. Then it calls interrupt 0x10, but note it calls this interrupt in real mode.
When the interrupt is completed the structure you pass __dpmi_int will contain the new register values. So you can read the result of the interrupt. If you would like to see what the struct __dpmi_regs looks like just open the file djgpp\include\dpmi.h.
This section does not provide any example code just some general info. First as stated in the section 'Physical vs. Linear' physical addresses are not valid in DJGPP. This is important to note, but easy to fix.
The second causes great difficulty. Since addresses are not physical, devices that require physical addresses (such as DMA) are a little harder to program. I do not know alot about DMA but I can warn you that you must consider three things.
The easiest way I can think of getting around this is allocating a DOS memory block. If you would like an example of this, I can dig one up and put it in this page.
This section describes how to write assembly routines for DJGPP with the Netwide Assembler. If you have any knowledge of assembly this section is quite easy to understand. The syntax of NASM is quite simillar to TASM/MASM but a lot simpler too, and fast. I will just show a code snippet and you can observe the differences.
; TASM code P386 model flat, c segment text USE32 ; int test(int a, int b) PROC test push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp+4] add eax, [ebp+8] inc [counter] pop ebp ret ENDP ends segment data use32 counter dd 0 ends end
As you can see from this routine, it just adds the two parameters together then updates a counter. Not much too it, but shows the basics. Now the NASM code
; NASM code [bits 32] [section .text] global _test _test: push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp+4] add eax, [ebp+8] inc dword [counter] pop ebp ret [section .data] counter dd 0 ;end of file
As you see the syntax is pretty much the same. There are however some key things to note:
mov eax, offset _dummybecomes:
mov eax, _dummy
mov eax, _dummybecomes:
mov eax, [_dummy]
inc dword ptr [_dummy]becomes:
inc dword [_dummy]If you don't put the dword keyword in front NASM will not know the size of the data.
mov es:[_dummy], eaxbecomes:
mov [es:_dummy], eax
push eax ebx ecxbecomes:
push eax push ebx push ecx
That is about all you need to know about NASM/DJGPP to get started. I suggest you read the NASM reference manual to find out more about NASM's powerful syntax.
This sums up this chapter. I wish to make ammenmants to this section, such as better code snipets, and more detailed explanations. If you have questions about any area presented here please email me.
This section was provided by Tom St Denis
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