#include <io.h> int _chmod(const char *filename, int func, mode_t mode);
This is a direct connection to the MS-DOS chmod function call, int 0x21, %ax = 0x4300/0x4301. If func is 0, then DOS is called with AX = 0x4300, which returns an attribute byte of a file. If func is 1, then the attributes of a file are set as specified in mode. Note that the directory and volume attribute bits must always be 0 when_chmod()
is called with func = 1, or else the call will fail.
The third argument is optional when getting attributes.
The attribute bits are defined as follows:
Bit Meaning 76543210 .......1 Read-only ......1. Hidden .....1.. System ....1... Volume Label ...1.... Directory ..1..... Archive xx...... Reserved (used by some network redirectors)
On platforms where the LFN API (see section _use_lfn) is available,
calls function 0x7143 of Interrupt 21h, to support long
file names.
Return Value
If the file exists,_chmod()
returns its attribute byte in case
it succeded, or -1 in case of failure.
not ANSI, not POSIX
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