#include <conio.h> void blinkvideo(void);
Bit 7 (`MSB') of the character attribute byte has two possible
effects on EGA and VGA displays: it can either make the character blink
or change the background color to bright (thus allowing for 16
background colors as opposed to the usual 8). This function sets that
bit to display blinking characters. After a call to this function,
every character written to the screen with bit 7 of the attribute byte
set, will blink. The companion function intensevideo
(see section intensevideo) has the opposite effect.
Note that there is no BIOS function to get the current status of this
bit, but bit 5 of the byte at 0040h:0065h
in the BIOS area
indicates the current state: if it's 1 (the default), blinking
characters will be displayed.
not ANSI, not POSIX
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