#include <stdio.h> char * tempnam(const char *tmpdir, const char *prefix);
This function generates a file name which can be used for a temporary file, and makes sure that no other file by that name exists.
The caller has control on the choice of the temporary file's directory,
and the initial letters of the file's basename. If the argument
tmpdir points to the name of the directory in which the temporary
file will be created, tempnam
will ensure that the generate name
is unique in that directory. If the argument prefix
points to a string, then that string will be used as the first few
characters of the file's basename. Due to limitations of the DOS 8.3
file namespace, only up to two first characters in prefix will be
If tmpdir is NULL
, or empty, or points to a non-existent
directory, tempnam
will use a default directory. The default
directory is determined by testing, in sequence, the directories
defined by the values of environment variables TMPDIR
and TMP
. The first variable that is found to point
to an existing directory will be used. If none of these variables
specify a valid directory, tempnam
will use the static default
path prefix defined by P_tmpdir
on `<stdio.h>', or
, in that order.
If prefix is NULL
or empty, tempnam
will supply its
own default prefix "tm"
puts the generated name into space allocated by
. It is up to the caller to free that space when it is no
longer needed.
Note that tempnam
does not actually create the file, nor does it
ensure in any way that the file will be automatically deleted when it's
no longer used. It is the user's responsibility to do that.
On success, tempnam
returns a pointer to space (allocated with a
call to malloc
) where the file name is constructed. If
failed to provide sufficient memory buffer, or if no valid
directory to hold the file was found, tempnam
returns a
not ANSI, not POSIX
#include <stdio.h> tempnam ("c:/tmp/", "foo");
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