#include <bios.h> int biosequip(void);
This function returns the equipment word from BIOS request 0x11. The bits correspond to the following values:
1111 1100 0000 0000 5432 1098 7654 3210 Meaning ---- ---- ---- ---X 1 = disk drive(s) installed ---- ---- ---- --X- 1 = math coprocessor installed ---- ---- ---- XX-- System memory 00=16k 01=32k 10=48k 11=64k (non PS/2) ---- ---- ---- -X-- 1 = pointing device installed (PS/2) ---- ---- ---- X--- not used on PS/2 ---- ---- --XX ---- initial video mode: 01=CO40 10=CO80 11=MONO ---- ---- XX-- ---- disk drives 00=1 01=2 10=3 11=4 (zero if bit 1=0) ---- ---X ---- ---- 1 = no DMA available ---- XXX- ---- ---- number of serial ports installed (000=0 001=1 etc) ---X ---- ---- ---- 1 = game port adapter installed --X- ---- ---- ---- 1 = internal modem installed (PS/2) --X- ---- ---- ---- 1 = serial printer attached (non PS/2) XX-- ---- ---- ---- number of printers installed (00=0 01=1 10=2 11=3)
The equipment word.
not ANSI, not POSIX
if (biosequip() & 0xc000) do_printing();
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