#include <bios.h> unsigned _bios_timeofday(unsigned cmd, unsigned long *timeval);
The _bios_timeofday routine uses INT 0x1A to get or set the clock count (which is the number of 18.2 Hz ticks since midnight). The cmd argument can be either the _TIME_GETCLOCK or _TIME_SETCLOCK manifest constant.
If the argument is _TIME_GETCLOCK, the routine returns a nonzero value if midnight was passed since last read, or zero if midnight was not passed. If the argument is _TIME_SETCLOCK, the return value is undefined.
not ANSI, not POSIX
unsigned hour, min, sec, hsec; unsigned long ticks; ... ticks = (unsigned long)(hour * 65543.33) + (min * 1092.38) + (sec * 18.21) + (hsec * 0.182); _bios_timeofday(_TIME_SETCLOCK, &ticks);
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