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#include <bios.h>

unsigned _bios_printer(unsigned cmd, unsigned printer, unsigned data);


The _bios_printer routine uses INT 0x17 to perform printer output services for parallel printers. The printer argument specifies the affected printer, where 0 is LPT1, 1 is LPT2, and so on. The cmd argument can be any of the following manifest constants:

Reset and initialize the specified printer port
Return the status of the specified printer port
Print the data argument to the specified printer port

Return Value

The _bios_printer function returns the value in the AX register after the BIOS interrupt. The high-order byte (AH) of the return value indicates the printer status after the operation, as defined below:

Bit     Meaning if True

0       Printer timed out
1       Not used
2       Not used
3       I/O error
4       Printer selected
5       Out of paper
6       Acknowledge
7       Printer not busy


not ANSI, not POSIX


while (*c)
  _bios_printer(_PRINTER_WRITE, *c++, 0);

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