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#include <bios.h>

unsigned _bios_equiplist(void)


This function returns the equipment word from BIOS request 0x11. The bits correspond to the following values:

Bits  Meaning
0     True (1) if disk drive(s) installed
1     True (1) if math coprocessor installed
2-3   System RAM in 16K blocks (16-64K)
4-5   Initial video mode:
           00 = Reserved
           01 = 40 x 25 color
           10 = 80 x 25 color
           11 = 80 x 25 monochrome
6-7   Number of floppy-disk drives installed
      (00 = 1, 01 = 2, etc.)
8     False (0) if and only if a Direct Memory Access (DMA)
      chip is installed
9-11  Number of RS232 serial ports installed
12    True (1) if and only if a game adapter is installed
13    True (1) if and only if an internal modem is installed
14-15 Number of printers installed

Return Value

The equipment word.


not ANSI, not POSIX


if ( _bios_equiplist() & 0xc000 )

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