#include <time.h> int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout)
This function waits for files to be ready for input or output, or to have exceptional condition pending, or for a timeout.
Each fd_set
variable is a bitmap representation of a set of file
descriptors, one bit for every descriptor. The following macros shall
be used to deal with these sets:
FD_SET(n, p)
FD_CLR(n, p)
FD_ISSET(n, p)
The nfds parameter is the number of bits to be examined in each of
the fd_set
sets: the function will only check file descriptors
through nfds - 1
, even if some bits are set for
descriptors beyond that.
On input, some of the bits of each one of the fd_set
sets for
which the function should wait, should be set using the FD_SET
macro. select
examines only those descriptors whose bits are
Any of readfds
, writefds
, and exceptfds
can be a
pointer, if the caller is not interested in testing the
corresponding conditions.
On output, if select
returns a non-negative value, each
argument of the three sets will be replaced with a
subset in which a bit is set for every descriptor that was found to be,
respectively, ready for input, ready for output, and pending an
exceptional condition. Note that if select
returns -1, meaning a
failure, the descriptor sets are unchanged, so you should always
test the return value before looking at the bits in the returned sets.
The timeout value may be a NULL pointer (no timeout, i.e., wait
forever), a pointer to a zero-value structure (poll mode, i.e., test
once and exit immediately), or a pointer to a struct timeval
variable (timeout: select
will repeatedly test all the
descriptors until some of them become ready, or the timeout expires).
On successfull return, select
returns the number of files ready,
or 0, if the timeout expired. The input sets are replaced with subsets
that describe which files are ready for which operations. If
returns 0 (i.e., the timeout has expired), all the
sets have all their bits reset to zero.
On failure, select
returns -1, sets errno
to a suitable
value, and leaves the descriptor sets unchanged.
not ANSI, not POSIX
struct timeval timeout; fd_set read_fds, write_fds; int i, select_result; timeout.tv_sec = 5; /* 5-second timeout */ timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* Display status of the 5 files open by default. */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { FD_ZERO (&read_fds); FD_SET (i, &read_fds); select_result = select (i + 1, &read_fds, 0, 0, &timeout); if (select_result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: Failure for input", i); perror(""); } else fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s ready for input\n", i, select_result ? "" : "NOT"); FD_ZERO (&write_fds); FD_SET (i, &write_fds); select_result = select (i + 1, 0, &write_fds, 0, &timeout); if (select_result == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: Failure for output", i); perror(""); } else fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s ready for output\n", i, select_result ? "" : "NOT"); }
The following notes describe some details pertinent to the DJGPP
implementation of select
waits for the timeout to expire, it repeatedly calls
the __dpmi_yield
function (see section __dpmi_yield), so that any
other programs that run at the same time (e.g., on Windows) get more CPU
object created by
or fdopen
(see section fopen) for which feof
return non-zero, will be reported in the exceptfds
set; also, such a handle will be reported not input-ready if there are
no pending buffered characters in the FILE
object. This might be
a feature or a bug, depending on your point of view; in particular, Unix
implementations usually don't check buffered input. Portable programs
should refrain from mixing select
with buffered I/O.
is only meaningful
for character devices.
will indicate that file handle 0 is ready for input, but a
call to getc
will still block until the Enter key is
pressed. If you need to make sure that reading a single character won't
block, you should read either with BIOS functions such as getkey
(see section getkey, or with raw input DOS functions such as getch
(see section getch), or switch the handle to binary mode with a call to
(see section setmode).
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