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#include <locale.h>

struct lconv *localeconv(void);


This function returns a pointer to a static structure that contains information about the current locale. The structure contains these fields:

char *currency_symbol
A string that should be used when printing local currency.
char *decimal_point
A string that is used to separate the integer and fractional portions of real numbers in printf. Currently, only the first character is significant.
char *grouping
An array of numbers indicating the size of groupings for non-monetary values to the left of the decimal point. The first number is the size of the grouping just before the decimal point. A number of zero means to repeat the previous number indefinitely. A number of CHAR_MAX means to group the remainder of the digits together.
char *int_curr_symbol
A string that should be used when formatting monetary values for local currency when the result will be used internationally.
char *mon_decimal_point
A string that separates the interger and fractional parts of monetary values.
char *mon_grouping
Same as grouping, but for monetary values.
char *negative_sign
A string that is used to represent negative monetary values.
char *positive_sign
A string that is used to represent positive monetary values.
char *thousands_sep
The grouping separator for non-monetary values.
char frac_digits
The number of digits to the right of the decimal point for monetary values.
char int_frac_digits
Like frac_digits, but when formatting for international use.
char n_cs_precedes
If nonzero, the currency string should precede the monetary value if the monetary value is negative.
char n_sep_by_space
If nonzero, the currency string and the monetary value should be separated by a space if the monetary value is negative.
char n_sign_posn
Determines the placement of the negative indication string if the monetary value is negative.
($value), (value$)
-$value, -value$
$value-, value$-
-$value, value-$
$-value, value$-
char p_cs_precedes
char p_sep_by_space
char p_sign_posn
These are the same as n_*, but for when the monetary value is positive.

Note that any numeric field may have a value of CHAR_MAX, which indicates that no information is available.

Return Value

A pointer to the struct lconv structure.




struct lconv *l = localeconv;
printf("%s%d\n", l->negative_sign, value);

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