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#include <dpmi.h>

int _go32_dpmi_simulate_fcall_iret(_go32_dpmi_registers *regs);


See section DPMI Overview

This function simulates a real-mode far call to a function that returns with an iret instruction. The registers are set up from regs, including CS and IP, which indicate the address of the call. Any registers the function modifies are reflected in regs on return.

If SS and SP are both zero, a small temporary stack is used when in real mode. If not, they are used as is. It's a good idea to use memset to initialize the register structure before using it.

Return Value

Zero on success, nonzero on failure.


not ANSI, not POSIX


_go32_dpmi_registers r;
r.x.ax = 47;
r.x.cs = some_segment;
r.x.ip = some_offset;
r.x.ss = r.x.sp = 0;
printf("returns %d\n", r.x.ax);

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