#include <dos.h> extern unsigned short _osmajor, _osminor; extern const char * _os_flavor; unsigned short _get_dos_version(int true_version);
This function gets the host OS version and flavor. If the argument true_version is non-zero, it will return a true version number, which is unaffected by possible tinkering with SETVER TSR program. (This is only available in DOS 5.0 or later.)
The external variables _osmajor
and _osminor
will always be
set to the major and minor parts of the advertised version number,
possibly changed by SETVER, even if true_version is non-zero. You
typically need the true version when you need an intimate knowledge of the
host OS internals, like when using undocumented features. Note that some
DOS clones (notably, DR-DOS) do not support DOS function required to
report the true DOS version; for these, the version reported might be
affected by SETVER even if true_version is non-zero.
The external variable _os_flavor
will point to a string which
describes the OEM name of the host OS variety.
returns the version number (true version number,
if true_version is non-zero) as a 16-bit number: the major part of
the version in the upper 8 bits, the minor part in the lower 8 bits. For
instance, DOS version 6.20 will be returned as 0x0614.
not ANSI, not POSIX
unsigned short true_dos_version = _get_dos_version(1); if (true_dos_version < 0x0614) /* require DOS 6.20 or later */ puts("This program needs DOS 6.20 or later to run"); else printf("You are running %s variety of DOS\n", _os_flavor);
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