#include <dpmi.h> int __dpmi_get_descriptor(int _selector, void *_buffer);
Please refer to section DPMI Specification for details on DPMI function call operation. Also see section DPMI Overview for general information.
DPMI function AX = 0x000b
This function fills a 8-byte buffer with the parameters of the descriptor. The data has the following format:
[0] XXXX XXXX = segment limit [7:0] [1] XXXX XXXX = segment limit [15:8] [2] XXXX XXXX = base address [7:0] [3] XXXX XXXX = base address [15:8] [4] XXXX XXXX = base address [23:16] [5] ---- XXXX = type [5] ---X ---- = 0=system, 1=application [5] -XX- ---- = priviledge level [5] X--- ---- = 0=absent, 1=present [6] ---- XXXX = segment limit [19:16] [6] ---X ---- = available for user [6] --0- ---- = must be zero [6] -X-- ---- = 0=16-bit 1=32-bit (cs only) [6] X--- ---- = 0=byte-granular (small) 1=page-granular (big) [7] XXXX XXXX = base address [31:24]
-1 on error, else zero.
not ANSI, not POSIX
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