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#include <dos.h>

unsigned int _dos_setftime(int handle, unsigned int date, unsigned time);


This function sets the date and time of the given file. The meaning of DOS date in the date variable is the following:

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bits)
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
*-----------* *-----* *-------*
    year       month     day

year  = 0-119 (relative to 1980)
month = 1-12
day   = 1-31

The meaning of DOS time in the time variable is the following:

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bits)
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
*-------* *---------* *-------*
  hours     minutes    seconds

hours   = 0-23
minutes = 0-59
seconds = 0-29 in two-second intervals

See section _dos_getftime.

This function cannot be used to set the last access date and time, even on systems where the LFN API (see section _use_lfn) is available. For LFN-aware functions with similar functionality see section utime, which is Posix-standard, and see section utimes.

Return Value

Returns 0 if successful and return DOS error on error (and sets errno=EBADF).


not ANSI, not POSIX


struct dosdate_t d;
struct dostime_t t;
unsigned int handle, date, time;

_dos_open("FOO.DAT", O_RDWR, &handle);
date = ((d.year - 1980) << 9) | (d.month << 5) | d.day;
time = (t.hour << 11) | (t.minute << 5) | (t.second / 2);
_dos_settime(handle, date, time);

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