It solves problem with purchasing, warehousing, and the sale of goods. The number of ware-houses is not limited and average or steady pricing can be used. The database will automatically make orders according to a limited set of possibilities and replenish supplies, receive goods into the warehouse in connection with your orders, pay invoices, summarize purchases according to different criteria and provide information about those goods you have received without invoices. Also, we can gain summaries about stock and take inventory. In sales, it is possible to file orders received, reserve goods, print the price lists and print dealerĀ“s price lists. The sent invoice keeps the record of your sales (also in different currencies) with or without direct depreciation of the products taken from the warehouse. INFO OFFICE is also able to write copies of your invoices, tax credit and tax debit notes. It will automatically put your documents into the ledger of the Economic System. You can work with wholesale or retail sales. There are handy summaries of your profits by category including graphic illustrations. |
Product catalogue | |
For saving information about products in which we trade, store and bill. Each product is put into groups for viewing summaries and automatic counting. | |
Price list | |
There are 7 kinds of price lists in different currencies with the option of conversion and different kinds of rebates. You also can build individual prices or rebates for concrete products and clients. | |
Directory | |
This holds the addresses of all of your business clients for purchasing and sales. You can print it in different forms. For example, as a telephone directory, mailing labels, etc. The directory is accessible from anywhere in the system. | |
Delivered orders | |
Info Office enables you to automatically make orders and track completed orders. | |
Received documents | |
From received documents you can post directly to accounts payable. Receive document can price in foreign currencies, which you specify. Received document can also print worksheets of received goods. | |
Proposals | |
Here you are informed about the actual warehouse price and profit for individual items and the whole offer. | |
Received orders | |
Here you can record and follow orders to their completion. Orders can be transferred from proposals. We can print confirmed orders and other order worksheets. | |
Invoices | |
Two ways : 1. Invoice that serves as a delivery document from stock. 2. Invoice made separately from delivery sheet. |
Deliveries, Transfers | |
Deliveries are used for upcoming invoices or for internal use. We can print lists, labels and packaging labels. | |
Sales documents | |
Same possibilities as invoicing with the main difference being that sales are realized in cash. | |
Summaries | |
Sets of summaries about income, stock, deliveries, receipts and orders. All can be sorted by different criteria. | |
Posting | |
All business database documents are posted directly to the general ledger. |