Wages are similar to the whole structure of INFO OFFICE as you can directly print all of the needed documents and in that all of your documents follow the law of the state. You can set the constants (insurance, taxes, account numbers, etc) for different months so that it is not a problem to deal with regular changes. The program can be used for small or large firms. It provides all of your basic personnel records. |
Personnel | |
Basic INFO about employees, their education and job. Printing of employee lists and vacation time is possible. | |
Wages | |
You can print payroll ledgers, insurance information, authorizations, health insurance payments, vacation time, employee lists and sales tax forms. You can use home-banking for the paying of wages to employee bank accounts. | |
Numbering | |
Helps you with the
following items : Constants - information about insurance, leave, financial offices, etc. Wage items - Account numbers, bonuses Health insurance - bank connection and accounting methods Work calendar Holidays Taxes |