A Business Information System

Original Business Information System for Windows 95 and Windows NT developed in 1993 for small and middle sized companies . Possible operation of computer networks on the basis of product Back Office and Small Back Office. Year 2000.
Czech, English and German version.

krabice.GIF (9028 bytes)

Your investments are well protected thanks to this open system .
Compatibility with and reporting in MS Excel and MS Word.
Enables homebanking.
Basic and special training according individual demands of customers.
Fill in the database with data available from the user
Consultancy for registered users
Individual production of SW supplements according demands of customers.
Proposals of efective solutions information system with user Info Office and Microsoft Office products
Evolve with your company, easy manipulation of data and intelligibility
Easy manipulation of data and intelligibility
Replication of databases can compile work in branch offices and central location