infoHandler Versions
infoHandler versions are identified by a string containing 4 numbers.
The first number identifies the main version that is changed rarely.
You buy a license for a main version that may be used for all updates with that main version number.
The second number is incremented when significant new features are added to the program.
The third number is incremented when less significant new features are added to the program.
The fourth number identifies minor changes and bug fixings.
We are using infoHandler internally for many years now for storing information of many types and developed it continuously for our requirements.
Moreover was it a testbed for the evaluation of new technologies.
The following list begins with a short overview of the time until release of the current fourth version.
The enumeration of changes may not be complete, minor fixes and the continued changes to the online doc are not included routinely.
After each version id the release date is given in parentheses.
1.0 (internal 1991)
- First Version as Smalltalk application named 'Infobase'.
2.0 (internal 1993)
- Port to Microsoft Visual C++.
- Renaming to iBase.
3.0 (external July-1998)
- Redesign in years 1995 to 1998.
New internal architecture and extensive usage of new Windows controls.
Use of 'Compound Files' (OLE Structured Storage) for storing the information.
- We decided to market the program as shareware in spring 1998 and did make it available for download from Internet first time in July 98. (5-Oct-98)
- Renaming: infoHandler instead of iBase.
- New concept for the English localization. bit (6-Oct bis 27-Oct-98)
Approximately 16 changes (bugs and little flaws). (5-Nov-98)
- New compiler version (Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0). The new versions of the runtime libraries
MSVCP60.DLL, MFC42.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL are now added routinely to each distribution archive.
- Up-to-date "flat" toolbar.
- New symbols as indicators for the infoList sorting.
- "Tip of the Day".
- Shortcuts for formatting commands Bold, Italic, etc.
- New icon for the command 'Edit Info'.
- Bug-fix: infoText context menu 'Paragraph' works again.
- Bug-fix: After dragging a references onto a restricted infoList this is reset automatically. (10-Nov-98)
- An infobase is no longer opened exclusively and therefore can be opened repeatedly afterwards in read-only mode.
- Bug-fix: On inserting infoText the formatting is no longer taken from the prior content.
- Bug-fix: The Shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+1 bis 8 were removed because of problems with German keyboards under Windows 95
(Ctrl+Alt is used for accessing certain characters) (18-Nov-98)
- The own date is replaced by a new object called infoTime.
This stores not only a date but also a time stamp with a resolution of minutes (internally milliseconds) and its values range from the year 1601 up to 9999.
- An new concept creating new info records.
A restricted infoList is reset automatically only if a new record would not be displayed with the restrictions.
Also, in the latter case, only those restrictions, categories or time, are reset that are significant for the new info.
- A new menu in the menu bar named 'infoTime' was introduced. (25-Nov-98)
- A new menu in the menu bar named 'infoText' was introduced.
- Functions for bracketing of textfields.
- On creation of a new infobase an initial category group named 'Categories' is created automatically
(this can be renamed or removed if necessary).
- New icons for the commands update/reset infoList.
- Bug-fix: Sorting the infoList by infoTime.
- Bug-fix: Several corrections on entering the title of new info. (05-Dec-98)
- Use of the new date and time picker controls for presenting and editing of infotime and the date bounds.
- Rearrangement of the buttons on the tool bar.
- Some "fine-tuning" done. (14-Dec-98)
- Alarms linked to info records make an event of every info.
- Generation of weelky, monthly, or yearly recurrent dates.
- Reworked time processing. (20-Dec-98)
- New concept for sample infobases.
- Various minor corrections. (04-Jan-99)
- Reworked alarm processing.
- Access to registration services. (11-Jan-99)
- New Textfield type <...>. (11-Jan-99)
- New concept for unlicensed use of infoHandler. infoHandler can be run unlicensed also after expiring of the 60 days trial period - with restricted functionality. (18-Jan-99)
- New Infobase view: Now you can switch between three different states of an Infobase Window:
normal view, card view (maximized Infotext), and (new) maximized InfoList. (22-Jan-99)
- Bug-fix: Multiple Infobase Windows are now numbered correctly in the title bar.
- One global search window instead of the separate windows for every Infobase Window.
This simplifies the search for words in several open Infobase Windows. (02-Feb-99)
- Customizable tool bar.
- Optional flat or traditional tool bars. (07-Feb-99)
- Bug-fix: tool bars invisible since v4.5.1.0.
- Enhanced print options.
- Export to word processors. (17-Feb-99)
- Bug-fix: Occasional erroneous selections in the Infobase Category Lists.
- Export/Import of alarms. (20-Feb-99)
- Bug-fix: fatal error on selecting a Category in an Info Category List (introduced with version (03-Mar-99) (07-Mar-99) (26-Mar-99)
- Enhanced global options including new tabbed dialog for setting them.
- Date bounds bar hidden by default.
- Category queries area as an option, hidden by default.
- Some minor polishing of the user interface.
- New optional buttons for the tool bar.
- Special features for management of emails (experimental),
- Some minor bug-fixes. (05-Apr-99)
- Last 10 search patterns are kept for next session.
- Print options are saved per Infobase.
- Changes of info are additionally saved on disabling edit mode.
- Print formatting uses no longer the clipboard.
- Bug-fix: occasional hidden Category for a 1-of-N group.
- Special features for emails reworked, (13-Apr-99)
- Various fixes of minor problems including reestablishing the input focus after switching between windows. (11-May-99)
- Deleting linked documents of selected Info Records.
- Faster copying and deleting of records.
- Various corrections and bug fixes. (30-May-99)
- Reworking the importing of Emails and News.
- Various other corrections and bug fixes. (04-Aug-99)
- Category Groups with "closed" name spaces now allow duplicate names for Categories.
- New sorting algorithm that recognizes and considers for ordering leading numbers in Category names and Infotitles.
- Automatic Categorizing by searching the Infotext and Infotitle for names and synonyms of Categories.
- Adding, removing, replacing of Categories for selected Info Records.
- Avoiding of duplicates while dragging documents onto the Infolist.
- Avoiding of mistakenly deleting alarms after ringing.
- A popup-calendar just for your convenience.
- New Status Bar messages.
- New Tool Bar commands.
- Numerous other improvements and corrections. (17-Sep-99)
- Cross-referencing between InfoRecords add a new dimension for retrieving info.
You create such links between records by simply dragging a record from an InfoList onto
the InfoText of another record,
and the two linked records need not be in the same InfoBase.
- A history list. This contains the least recently activated records so you can navigate between them
easily by selecting from the list or using commands for going to and fro.
You can customize how many records should be remembered in the list and three new buttons for this feature are available for the Tool Bar.
- New command 'Open As'. This lets you select how to open an InfoBase.
- New command 'Insert Time'. This inserts the current time in InfoTime format into the InfoText.
- Support for links to Microsoft Outlook objects.
- Changed selection mode in the InfoBase CategoryLists.
Responding to user requests this was changed from 'multiple' to 'extended' selection. (03-Oct-99)
- This update fixes a bug introduced with version 5.1.0 that prevented infoHandler to run under Windows 95. (04-Oct-99)
- This update fixes a bug introduced with version 5.1.0 that prevented drag & drop of URLs. (11-Oct-99)
- Improved interoperability with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express.
Drag & drop of many items (messages, contacts, etc.) simultaneously is now possible.
Import of Outlook Contacts inclusive automatic creation of back-links.
(Note: This functionality was tested with Microsoft Outlook 97 and Microsoft Outlook Express 5, the correct working with later versions of these products cannot be guarantied at this time.)
- Dialing of phone numbers stored as InfoLinks or embedded links.
- New option for selecting the default font face for the InfoText.
- New command for selectively resetting a CategoryList.
We need your help.
infoHandler will be developed further continuously.
Thereby the program gains new interesting functionality, some of this significant extensions,
other minor or major improvements of existing features.
But infoHandler is also a rather complex program.
Therefor every change also involves a certain risk of problematic interactions at places
where we did not expect them and that our meticulous testing before publication did not discover.
In these (hopefully rare) cases we need your help urgently.
You could help us then with informing us immediately if anything does not seem in right order installing or running the application.
We will process this info with highest priority and set up updated versions promptly for new download.
But we need your help also for the future shaping of infoHandler.
Tell us what you do not like at infoHandler, what you would like to be changed,
what features you would like to see in new versions.
We promise to answer personally to all of your comments and suggestions.
Blumenstr. 21
D-83607 Holzkirchen
fon: 08024-92416
fax: 08024-92417