Command-line Options

CD2HTML can be controlled by command-line parameters. At first its testing if the command line parameter is a c2m-file. If so it loads the file. If not CD2HTML parses the parameters and if you have used the right parameters it starts minimized, executes the command and closes himself after executing.

The following parameters are allowed: '/scan:', '/save:', '/sort:', '/sorttype:' and '/ini:'. So you can decide the scanning-directory and the filename to save after scanning.
With the '/ini:'-parameter you can choose the settings (UserMenu for HTML-layout, picture-options ...). If you don't use this parameter CD2HTML uses the last used UserMenu (settings). Spaces in the ini-name aren't allowed. With '/sort:' you can decide how CD2HTML sorts the HTML output. Correct parameters are: filename, size, date and path. Use '/sorttype:' to inverse the output (correct values are 'normal' and 'inverse').


cd2html /scan:c:\newfiles /save:c:\newfiles\index.html /ini:picture-list

CD2HTML scans the c:\newfiles-directory and saves the result in c:\newfiles\index.html using the picture-list settings.

cd2html c:\newfiles\index.c2h

CD2HTML loads c:\newfiles\index.c2h.

cd2html /scan:c:\newfiles /save:c:\newfiles\index.html /ini:zip-list /sort:date /sorttype:inverse

CD2HTML reads your new files. The output is sorted so that the newest files are at the top of the HTML output.

The control by command-line-parameters is useful, if you want to run CD2HTML by a scheduler. If you need some more parameters to be added, so write me. Suggestions are allways welcome.

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