A good idea is always the best investment. As to the
success in an economic competition, the main assumption
resides in a positive difference of the respective
competitor with respect to other competitors - in other
words: the information advance is also the source of the
competition advance. The mentioned advance and advantages
resulting from it last for such a long time, till the
competitor has at his own exclusive disposal certain
information protected against other competitors. Such
a protection is realized either by means of a formal
protection, e.g. patent one, or by means of a factual
protection _of certain economic information, generally named
"business secret".
Both in the sphere of research and in the sphere of
production there arise many technical solutions which,
due to their uniqueness, are worth to be protected in
such a way, that they may intensify the position of their
owner on the market. In this way, protected solutions become
goods and the owner acquires the exclusive right to
dispose of those goods. Without the ownerφs approval,
nobody can utilize said goods in the territory where such
a protection is valid.
There are distinguished three basic kinds of the industrial legal protection:
- invention - a technical solution protectable by means of a utility model or patent
- design of the product protactable by means of an industrial design