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If you assign a string to the TScript's "Text" property and then call the "Compile" method the following things will happen: Tokenizer (Scanner)The string containing the script program code is broken up into tokens. A script program like "a := 2;" would result in this tokenlist: [ttName: "A"] [ttSpace] [ttAssign] [ttSpace] [ttInteger: 2] [ttSemi] "ttName", "ttSpace", ... are constants used in the source code of TScript indicating the token type. ParserThe parser transforms the token list into a tree of TExpr objects. Every node in this tree is a function represented by a TFuncExpr object. The children of a node are the arguments of the function. Control structures like "while do end", "for do end" and "if then else" are mapped to functions. E. g. "if then else" is beeing mapped to a function "IF" that has three arguments. The first argument returns a boolean value. If it's true the second argument is evaluated otherwise the third. // Script Code if a = 0 then b := 2 + 1; // Is interpreted as... SCRIPT (IF (= (a, 0), SET (b, +(2, 1) ) ); // ... and parsed into an TExpr tree: func: SCRIPT func: IF func: = var: a const: 0 func: SET var: b func: + const: 2 const: 1 The tree generated by the parser consists of four subclasses of TExpr: TFuncExpr (func) TVarExpr (var) TArrayExpr TConstExpr (const) ExecutionIf you call the "Execute" method of the TScript component, the "Eval" method of the base TFuncExpr object is called. This object evaluates its arguments exactly once. If an argument is a function, this function evaluates its arguments and so on... VariablesFor every variable found in the script code the parser creates a TVariable object. After compilation all TVariable objects contain the value varClear (= void in TScript, see "Variants" in the online help of Delphi). The first assignment fixes the type of the TVariable object. Every other assignment has to be of the same type. a := 'Hallo'; This statement fixes the variable "a" to the type "string". An further assignment like the following would result in a run-time-error: a := 2; You can create and set variables before compilation using TScript.SetGlobal, TScript.SetGlobalConst and during the execution of the script using TScript.SetVar and TScript.GetVar methods. ArraysArrays are stored in variant arrays. They are created using the command VarArrayCreate (see Delphi help). To create an array in code use these lines: var v : Variant; begin v := VarArrayCreate ([0, 2], varOleStr); Script1.SetGlobal ('x', v); end; ConstantsConstants are read-only variables set by the compiler. |